August 25, 2015

In attendance: Matt Arnovitz, William Cohen, Ted Cooper, Tara Feiner, Mark Feingold, Mike Freed, Michael Goldstein, Linda Horenstein, Steve Horenstein, Susie Katz, Marcia Kress, Ellen Leffak, Norm Lewis, Scott Liberman, Irv Moscowitz, Erv Pavlofsky, Marlene Pinsky, Terry Pinsky, Bonnie Rice, Lee Schear, Andy Schwartz, Pam Schwartz, Larry Wagenfeld. Staff: Rabbi Ginsberg, Cantor Raizen, Elaine Arnovitz, Annette Fredenburgh

Ellen Leffak called the meeting to order.

Minutes: Larry Wagenfeld moved to approve the minutes from the June meeting with a correction to the third line of the Education Report: Wii should be will. Matt Arnovitz seconded. The motion passed.

High Holiday Update: Scott Liberman reported all invitations for Aliyahs and Honors have been sent and all but threeRSVPS’ have been received. Jeff Roberts will now begin filling in the open spots. Both Rabbi and Cantor will be here for the High Holidays.

Yom Kippur Appeal: After considering feedback from the congregation and the Board it was decided cards will not be passed out at the service. Cards will be available if anyone wishes to take one on that day. The appeal letter has gone out and a group of volunteers will be making follow up calls on Sunday, August 30 to help encourage congregants to make their pledge. President Ellen Leffak will do an appeal address at the Yom Kippur service. Susie Katz encouraged all board members who are not members of societies to be sure to make a pledge.

Financial Report: Three people have not renewed their membership in the Chai Society which will create a financialchallengeby the end of the year. Although some have moved to a lower level society, a significant impact will be felt. As of now, there is a shortage of about $80,000. It was recommended that the Board be presented each month with a cash in – cash out report. This will help them get a true financial picture. Mike Freed and Bill Cohen will have such a report at the next meeting.

FRD: Ellen announced that Steve Horenstein will replace Susie Katz as chair of FRD. He is in the process of forming a committee with the intention of looking at different levels of giving and possible different approaches to help increase the amount of giving.

Kovod Society Luncheon: There is a lot of enthusiasm about the luncheon and it will be an extraordinary event. The committee is working very hard and a video is being prepared to show at the lunch. A number of Society members have given advanced gifts to the event. It will be held on Nov. 8 at 12:00 Noon.

Revenue Stream: Mike Goldstein reported things are falling into place for the Kosher Corn Beef Sandwich Sale. It is planned for the spring and the committee is anticipating sellingabout 500 sandwiches – in the $10 - $12 range. The profit will be about $4.00 per sandwich. It will be a one to two day sale and will become an annual event. Mike asked for more volunteers to help the committee. Terry Pinsky moved to go forward with the sale. Mark Feingold seconded. The motion passed.

Security Cameras: Matt Arnovitz is waiting for one more quote and will have a proposal to present to the board after the holidays.

Roof: Matt told the board the roof will need to be replaced within the next year. The last estimate was about $65,000 - $70,000. Since this amount is not included in the budget the board will need to begin finding ways to fund this repair.

USCJ Convention: Ellen and Elaine Arnovitz are considering attending the upcoming USCJ Convention in Chicago in Nov. It will be a good way to find out how the Synagogue can benefit from their membership in USCJ andbring back ideas.

Ellen adjourned the meeting.

The next board meeting will be on Monday, September 21 at 6:00 pm.