Team Sports

Coach Cutsail


Phone: 240-236-7532

> Introduction

  • Have Fun and learn to enjoy being active.
  • This class is designed to develop an acceptable level of fitness, an understanding of the components of fitness, and an appreciation of the life-long value of fitness through personalized physical education activities and team sports.
  • Students will develop physical skills and acquire knowledge of efficient and creative movement through participation in a sequential program of varied activities and develop an appreciation for the value of this type of movement.
  • Students will develop an awareness of safety precautions, practices and procedures, and adhere to class rules and regulations.
  • Students are expected to dress in appropriate physical education attire (see page 2) for each class period and put forth maximum effort in each activity on a daily basis.

> Course Objectives

  1. Develop an acceptable level of fitness;
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of each of the fitness components and the benefits of physical activity as they relate to specific team sports activity and personal fitness;
  3. Demonstrate competence in the individual skills fundamental to the playing of a specific game; Analyze individual performance and skill as they relate to the activity;
  4. Demonstrate knowledge and skills essential in applying the rules and strategies of specific games; established and enhanced through physical activity experiences;
  5. Demonstrate socially acceptable behaviors including: respect, cooperation, responsibility, honesty, and a positive competitive spirit;

Work to his/her potential throughout the course

> Grading Policy


A = 90% and aboveEXIT OUTCOMES = 60%

B = 80--89%DAILY = 40%


D = 60-69%50% = Term 1 grade

F = Below 60%50% = Term 2 grade

TAC: Regularly monitor your progress online via our grading website.


1st Non-dressDetention

2nd Non-dressDetention, 10% penalty to participation grade

3rd Non-dressReferral, 20% penalty to participation grade]

“Players that help make great teams are more valuable than great players

> Bell Schedule

oPeriod 1: 7:30-8:50

oPeriod 2: 8:55-10:15

oKnightsQuest: 10:20-10:55

oPeriod 3: 11:00-12:50 (includes Lunch)

oPeriod 4: 12:55-2:15

> Classroom Procedures

  • Dress and participate every day.
  • Warm-ups start 5 minutes after changing.
  • You must ask permission to leave class at all times.
  • All students must be in the gym before the late bell rings.
  • Students will be assigned their own locker. You may not share lockers or switch lockers without teacher approval. All items must be locked 100% of the time. This is your responsibility.
  • No food or drinks are allowed in the gym, weight room, or in the locker room areas.
  • Inappropriate language and lateness to class will result in disciplinary action. Consistent violators will be referred to the administration.
  • NO jewelry is to be worn for any PE classes.
  • RESPECT our facilities by keeping locker rooms, gym, weight room, and balcony clean and neat.
  • RESPECT individual differences by keeping all negative comments to yourself.

What is Sportsmanship?

Sportsmanship will be based upon the integration of the 6 core ethical values of good character:




> Student Expectations


Focused and alert | Bring required materials | Assigned work completed | Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings


Observe classroom safety guidelines | Honor commonalities and celebrate differences | Support and encourage classmates | Use appropriate language at appropriate times


Complete all assignments on time and with integrity | Give your best effort | Be open to feedback and capitalize on opportunities to improve

> Discipline Procedure

oWarning/conference with student

oPhone call to parent/guardian

oTeacher detention

oOffice referral

Please sign the attached agreement form and keep this syllabus document for your record.

> Syllabus Agreement

Please read the following statement and sign below. Return to [insert name] by [insert date].

I have read and fully understand the course syllabus, including my responsibilities in regards to grading policies, checking grades online, course requirements, materials and classroom expectations.



Print NameSignature



Print NameSignature

> Contact Information

Parent/Guardian 1



Home Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______