OFFER DATE: ______
Suppliers/Contractor’s details
Company’s Name:Contact Person’s Name and Surname:
Company’s Address:
VAT no:
Telephone Number:
Mobile Number:
Fax Number:
E-mail address:
Venues and Refreshments for Training Sessions on Tele-working for the project ESF4.220 Developing a Culture of Rights through Capacity Building
Requirements / Specify if requirement can be metYES / NO
Provision of Venues and Refreshments for Activity 1 (2 half days) and for Activity 2 (another 2 half days)
Length of activity: Four (4) half days in total (not necessarily consecutive).
Three decimal points do not exist as currency; therefore such offers cannot be accepted. Offers are to be submitted up to two decimal points.
Venue Requirements and Hall Specifications
Type / Requirements / Specify if requirement can be metYES/NO / Please add further comments/description
Minimum hotel stars / Mimimum five (5) star hotel or conference venue of equivalent standard with a minimum capacity of twenty-five (25) persons.
Venue Location / Malta – Centrally located
Assistance needed / Technical support must be available during the entire activity, including the setting up and dismantling of all the equipment being requested.
Accessibility / Venue should have full accessibility and facilities to persons with a disability in line with the Guidelines set by the National Commission for Persons with a Disability.
Thermal Comfort / Air-Conditioning or heating facilities as the case may be
Hall Set up / The Hall must be set up in a Classroom style or as otherwise indicated by NCPE, to accommodate a minimum of twenty-five (25) seated individuals (per day) together with trainers and facilitators. The venue must also include: a covered top table suitable to seat three (3) persons, while behind this table the projection screen is to be set up together with the Maltese and EU flags on flagpoles. A felt-covered registration table and two (2) chairs need to be set up in a comfortable area which is to act as a reception for the arriving participants
Lighting / Well lit room providing for appropriate stage lighting and dimming/shading for clearly visible projections from all corners of the room
Location / Room/ venue is to be located away from any noise, especially if windows must be left open (this includes noise emanating from other events, from air conditioning or from other systems)
Security / Room / venue would require to be locked when not in use, or else, the service provider is to provide a separate and accessible storeroom for client’s own use which can be locked up
Directions / Appropriate directional signage to the event (artwork to be provided by NCPE but printed by the service provider)
Health & Safety / Easy Accessible Fire Exits
Table A: Price of hall /venue (in Euro for one (1) half day session) as per above requirements and specifications:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total: / €
Equipment Specifications
Type / Specifications / Specify if requirement can be metYes/NO / Please add further comments/description / Specify price per day (in Euro and exclusive of VAT) or N/A if not applicable
(The hiring/leasing of equipment subject to a direct request by NCPE / Provision of a screen / €
Provision of a projector / €
Provision of a flip-chart with necessary papers and coloured markers / €
Provision of a Laptop with free Internet Access / €
Provision of a PA system (which includes: at least two (2) roving microphones with adequate range, two (2) fixed microphones for the top table and connection to the laptop for audio purpose) / €
Other Requirements / Supply of pens/pencils and writing pads for all participants / €
Table B: Cost of equipment for one (1) half day session and additional requirements (in Euro) as per above:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total: / €
Table C:The Price for one (1) half day session {Venues (Table A) + Equipment (Table B)}
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total: / €
Catering Requirements
Catering is to be charged at a per person rate in accordance with the final number confirmed by NCPE.
A total of one (1) coffee break adequate for the number of attendees will be needed during all days. The total number of attendees is to be estimated as twenty five (25)for the purpose of this activity.
Type / Requirements / Specify if requirement can be metYes/NO / Please add further comments/
description / Specify price (in Euro) per person exclusive of VAT)
Water and Mints for one half day / One (1) large still mineral water per participant[1] with non-disposable glasses plus mints or other such sweets for all participants throughout the training served at the main hall and replenished when necessary. / €
Welcome Coffee / Welcome Coffee / tea break: The service provider is to provide drinks and food which should minimally include tea, coffee, juices, and water together with fresh fruit cuts and an assortment of sweet pastries. / €
Coffee /
tea break for one half day / Coffee / tea break: The service provider is to provide drinks and food which should minimally include tea, coffee, juices, and water together with fresh fruit cuts and an assortment of sweet pastries. / €
Table D:Total cost of cateringfor one (1) half day training session in Euro for one (1)person as per above requirements:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total: / €
Table E: Total cost of cateringfor one (1) half day training session in Euro based on a minimum of twenty-five (25) participants as per above requirements:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total: / €
Table F: Price for one (1) half day session: {Venue and Equipment (Table C) + Catering (Table E)}:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total[2]: / €
Table G: Final Price for four (4) half day sessions: {Table F multiplied by 4}:
Net: / €Any discount: (specify rate) % / €
Vat (specify rate): % / €
Total[3]: / €
[1]NCPE must only be charged for water that is consumed during the event. Bottles of water that remain unopened cannot be billed to NCPE.
[2] The price for catering (all food and beverages including water) is to be charged at a per person rate, depending on the number of participants booked by NCPE within 24 hours of the event. NCPE must only be charged for water that is consumed during the event. Bottles of water that remain unopened cannot be billed to NCPE
[3] The price for catering (all food and beverages including water) is to be charged at a per person rate, depending on the number of participants booked by NCPE within 24 hours of the event. NCPE must only be charged for water that is consumed during the event. Bottles of water that remain unopened cannot be billed to NCPE