Senior Project Packet
Every Student, Every Day. . .
Some Success, Some Way!
Cleveland Heights – University Heights
City School District
P.R.I.D.E. Small School Senior Project
Board of Education
Michael Cicero
Eric Coble
Nancy Peppler
Ronald Register
Kal Zucker
Christine Fowler-Mack, Superintendent
Darcel Williams, Director of Secondary Education
Marc Engoglia, Legacy School Principal
Nicholas Petty, Mosaic School Principal
Patrick McNichols, P.R.I.D.E. School Principal
Marc Aden, R.E.A.L. School Principal
James Reed, Renaissance School Principal
P.R.I.D.E. Senior Project Committee
Principal: Patrick McNichols
Guidance Counselor: Tandra Menefee
Teacher Leader: Robert Swaggard
Teachers: Karen Bauer-Blazer, Lenora Cruz-Price, Donna Pollard, Cara Pollock, Julie Raffay, Sylvia Stewart-Lumpkin, Jessica Tayse and Barbara Townsend
Table of Contents
Cleveland Heights High School Senior Project 3
Time Lines For Students And Staff 3
Senior Project Approval/Proposal Information 9
Journal Requirements 3
Evaluation/Reflection Requirements 3
Check List 3
Project Participation Application 3
o February 6, 2009
Senior Project Approval/Proposal 3
o March 13, 2009
Student Agreement Form 3
o March 13, 2009
Student-Faculty Agreement 3
o April 9, 2009
To Community Sponsor 3
Final Grade Report - Exit Form 19
o April 30, 2009
o Indicates Date Form is Due
Cleveland Heights High School Senior Project
P.R.I.D.E. Class of 2009
The Cleveland Heights School Senior Project gives members of the senior class an opportunity to design a community-based educational experience. Students may pursue a personal interest through a work experience, service project, research project, or a creative endeavor. The Senior Project encourages students to network with community members in order to gain a greater awareness of careers, society, the community, and themselves. The project helps students focus on steps beyond high school and gives them responsibility for their learning. Participation is optional and there is no monetary or other form of compensation. We understand the dilemma posed by the AP test schedule and the schedule for Senior Project. Schedules for students registered for AP exams will be modified pending verification from the AP Coordinator.
Senior Projects must take place during the last three weeks of the school year. May 4, 2009 to May 22, 2009.
It is the intent of the project to include as many students as possible. The experience is thought to be extremely valuable; however, the Senior Project is a privilege, not a right.
All students must adhere to the following criteria:
· Pass all courses during the first semester with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 (with Principal’s approval). Maintain 2.0 GPA, complete Final Grade Report-Exit Form and turn in the Final Grade Report-Exit Form by the due date.
· Meet all graduation requirements — including passing all parts of the Ohio Graduation Test;
· Demonstrate good attendance. An excessive number of unexcused absences and tardies during the first semester may exclude a student from participation. No F.A.s.
· Demonstrate good citizenship during the four years of high school.
Students who leave school early for work-related programs are not eligible to participate.
Eligible students must apply to participate in the Senior Project. The Senior Project Committee (SPC), composed of P.R.I.D.E. Small School staff members, considers all project proposals. Because the Senior Project is a very valuable experience, all eligible students are encouraged to apply. The SPC does maintain the right to reject proposals.
Students should think carefully about what they would like to accomplish with this special opportunity. There is a two-step application process. Students should be careful to supply all required information and to meet all deadlines. Failure to meet any deadline can result in a proposal being rejected.
Step 1: Eligible students who want to plan a Senior Project must submit a Senior Project Application to Participate form to their small school office by Friday, February 6, 2009. Students will be notified by February 22, 2009, if they may submit a Project Proposal.
Step 2: Students who have been approved to participate must submit a complete Project Proposal by Friday, March 13, 2009, to their small school principal.
Students must work with a faculty advisor and a community sponsor to design their project. They should think carefully about their goals and select activities that will help them reach those goals.
The faculty advisor must be a current employee at Cleveland Heights High School.
Students may ask any teacher whom they feel can be helpful to be their advisor or may choose from a list of teachers who have volunteered to serve in this role. Students may also ask for help in finding a community sponsor.
All proposals must contain the signature of the student, parent/guardian, senior class faculty advisor and community sponsor. Proposals lacking these signatures will automatically be rejected. The one exception is an instance where it is impossible to submit the community sponsor’s signature. In that case, the applicant must submit a written explanation of his or her failure to meet this requirement. If the SPC rejects the student’s explanation, the proposal may not be re-submitted.
1. Students must spend at least thirty (30) hours per week on the project and a total of eighty to one-hundred (80-100) hours for the total project. Lunchtime and breaks are not included in these hours. A student may be asked to work as much as eight (8) hours per day.
2. Some teachers may require students to remain in class. If the number of classes is not prohibitive, students may plan a project with a more limited scope. If a student continues in classes for part of the day, his/her total working time, classes plus project, will be a minimum of six (6) hours. Any deviation from these times must be cleared with the committee in advance.
3. Students must keep a daily journal and weekly time sheets to document their experience and to show they have invested the required time in the project.
4. A student may not be paid for work done as part of the project.
5. A student may not do his/her project at a place where he/she has been previously employed.
6. No relative may be in direct line of responsibility for the student or for the area or department in which he/she works.
7. The student is responsible for his or her own transportation and any expenses incurred during the project.
1. Seniors will have final grades on preempted courses determined at the beginning of the project. All academic work must be completed by this time in order to participate.
2. On May 27, 2009, students who complete the Senior Project must submit a two-page typed reflection of their experience, their time sheets and journal. They must also submit an evaluation by the community sponsor. Students working together on a project must submit individual journals and evaluations. They must also give the faculty advisor a stamped envelope addressed to the community sponsor.
3. The student must be available to the SPC on May 27, 2009, from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the Cleveland Heights High School East Gym. The students will showcase and present their senior project to community members, staff and peers.
4. The project advisor may withdraw any senior from the project if the student is not meeting the expectations of the program as established by the SPC. The student will be returned to school immediately without credit for the project, complete all course work from re-entry into the classroom setting and take the final exams. All academic work must be made up.
5. Cleveland Heights High School will not assume any liability incurred due to participation in the Senior Project.
February 6, 2009 Participation applications due to Mr. McNichols for requirement check
February 22, 2009 Students notified if approved to participate by Mr. McNichols
March 13, 2009 Project Proposals Package (Parts I and II) due to Mr. McNichols
March 17, 2009 The P.R.I.D.E. Small School SPC meets to review project proposals
April 3, 2009 Project participants notified of project approval by Mr. McNichols
April 9, 2009 Letters mailed to on-site coordinators
Student-Faculty Agreement due to Mr. McNichols
April 30, 2009 Final grade report from teachers due to Mr. McNichols
May 4, 2009 First day of Senior Project participation
May 22, 2009 Final day of Senior Project
May 27, 2009 P.R.I.D.E. Senior Showcase – East Gym
June 1, 2009 Graduation
Project Participation Application
Please complete the following application. Your signature and your parent or guardian’s signature are required. Your counselor’s signature is needed to verify that you are in good standing based on your first semester grades, attendance and OGT scores. Include a brief outline/description of your idea for a project. You are not bound to this project idea. You may decide on another project before the final proposal is submitted. Return this form to Mr. McNichols no later than February 6, 2009.
I am asking permission to participate in the Senior Project Program.
Student / ID No. / DateParent / Date
Counselor / Date
Brief outline or narrative about your project idea:
Senior Project Committee Use Only
Approved to participate: □ Yes □ No
First Semester G.P.A.1 Yes 1 No / Good Attendance
1 Yes 1 No / Passed All Parts of the O.G.T.
1 Yes 1 No
SPC Member Date
Senior Project Approval/Proposal
Welcome to the Senior Project. You are approved to participate in this exciting opportunity to use your education in unique ways that are not part of the classroom experience. Senior Project allows you to integrate your knowledge and skills to explore personal interests, and to exercise intellectual curiosity through demonstration of your integrity and responsibility.
The Senior Project experience is what you make it. Plan in advance. Opportunities and ideas for projects are endless. For someone who wishes to continue his/her academic pursuits, he/she might choose to research a topic of interest and write a formal paper. As a service project, the student might help those less fortunate, such as the disabled, by working with them in hospitals or in a home for the aged. A student wishing to get a head start in a computer career might choose to work at the IBM Center.
As you prepare your project proposal, please understand that all deadlines are expectations of your responsibility and they must be met on time. You may seek help from any committee member, counselor, or faculty advisor, but you must hand in all required work on time. You must make and keep all appointments with your faculty advisor, and you must assure your attendance and effort at your project site. The project can only be done during the school day.
We wish you a great experience. We are here to help you make the best of this opportunity.
1. PLEASE READ ALL PARTS OF THE PACKET CAREFULLY. Each piece may contain additional instructions and requirements.
2. All information must be typed or neatly printed.
Senior Project Approval/Proposal – Part I
DUE: MARCH 13, 2009 Only if you have been approved to proceed.
PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT NEATLY. (Illegible proposals will not be processed.)
Name: Telephone No.
Address: _
Street City State Zip
Name of Faculty Advisor
Project Title/Major Subject Area
Company/Institution Where Participating
Address: _
Street City State Zip
Name of Community Sponsor
Sponsor’s Title/Position
Sponsor’s Telephone No. E-mail
A. List and number all specific goals/objectives and activities you intend to use as a method to reach your goals/objectives.
B. Describe what you hope to gain from the experience.
C. Have you ever worked for the person/company before? Yes No
If so, when? In what capacity?
D. Does a parent/guardian or any close relative own/manage/work at this place of business? Yes No
If YES, please explain.
E. The following items MUST BE submitted at the end of the Project.
1. A Journal of daily activities and reactions.
2. A final typed Evaluation/Reflection on your project.
3. Any Additional Materials you wish to submit that will help you attain each goal/objective.
F. Time Schedule – Indicate the hours you will be at your project location each day. Remember that you must account for a minimum of 30 hours per week excluding lunch (80-100 hours for the total project). Your Community Sponsor may reasonably expect you to work 8 hours per day if other employees do so.
DAY / BEGIN TIME / END TIME / Number of HoursMonday / : ____ a.m. p.m. / : ____ a.m. p.m.
Tuesday / : ____ a.m. p.m. / : ____ a.m. p.m.
Wednesday / : ____ a.m. p.m. / : ____ a.m. p.m.
Thursday / : ____ a.m. p.m. / : ____ a.m. p.m.
Friday / : ____ a.m. p.m. / : ____ a.m. p.m.
Students, whose hours and locations may vary, must do the following:
1. Attach a separate sheet to this proposal giving a specific account of project hours and locations.
2. Agree, on a separate attached sheet, to submit to their faculty advisor on a weekly basis a detailed schedule of hours and locations.
3. Agree, on a separate attached sheet, to contact your advisor if there is to be any deviation from this schedule.
The final proposal is due March 13, 2009, and must be submitted in duplicate to Mr. McNichols. Please keep a third copy for your records. The project committee will review all submissions.
Student Agreement Form – Part II
DUE: MARCH 13, 2009
Ø To adhere as closely as possible to the schedule and objectives which I have set for myself.
Ø To make progress reports at the times and in the form designated by my faculty advisor.
Ø That I am exempt from academic requirements during the period of the project.
Ø That if I choose to continue attending class, I am responsible for all work and final exam (once committed, I must fulfill the obligation in the same capacity).
Ø That it is my responsibility to notify all coaches and activity sponsors of my project.
Ø That successful completion and acceptable reporting of the project are requirements for receiving credit for the project.