Online Tutoring with DU tutors
Why use DU tutors instead of Smarthinking?
- Some Subjects not covered by Smarthinking (such as Medical Coding)
- DU tutors are more familiar with Davenport’s writing approach and assignments
- Students can register for the same tutor more than once.
Equipment Needed:
- A computer with Internet connectivity.
- A microphone or headphones with a microphone. You can also use a phone to call into the online room (it is long distance). As a last resort, there is a chat box available, but it is better if you are able to talk to the tutor.
- A quiet place where you can talk out loud to your tutor through a microphone or headset with a microphone and where you can listen to your tutor.
Participating in an online session in the middle of the LInC will not be allowed.
How do I find out when a tutor is available?
You can check the online tutoring schedule on the LInC pages under “Tutoring” or login to TutorTrac and search for available tutors for your class.
How do a sign up?
Step 1:Go to (or link to it from the Library tab in the portal) and login with your DU student ID# in the "User Name" box and your date of birth in the YYMMDD format in the "Password" box.
Step 2: Click on the “Go to” drop-down menu on the top and select “Make an Appointment.”
Step 3: For an online tutor, from the drop-down list under “Select a Center,”click on “Online”
Step 4: Change the dates to your available dates.
Step 5: Click on the classyou need tutoring for from your list of classes
and when you click “Search,” scroll down to see a list of available sessions at the bottom of the screen.
Step 6: Click on the time of the session you want, in the “Availability” column.
Final Step: Click on “Save Appointment.”
To see screenshots of the steps in a PDF, check under Tutoring on the Library tab
or click here.
What happens then?
- You will get a confirmation e-mail from TutorTrac.
- You will get an e-mail from your tutor with a URL that will take you into the tutor room. Go check it out before your session and get comfortable with it.
- When it is time for your session, you need to go to the URL in the e-mail.
Any Questions?
Contact the LInC staff
Or check the LInC web pages in the portal on the Library tabunder “Tutoring.”