The Presence of Philosophical Ideals in “The Matrix”

Philosophy is everywhere.


Many would challenge showing “The Matrix” in an educational setting. Your goal is to argue, identify and explain the philosophical ideals present in “The Matrix” that relate to the material covered in class. If you don’t agree that this film should be shown in an educational setting, construct an argument – with support – that defends that position.


This paper is for professional analytical purpose, not personal reflection. It may be acceptable to use some personal reflection depending on the context in which it is used, but is best to focus on the relationships between the reading material and the film content, ideas and themes.

* The pronoun “I” should be avoided.



Introduce the philosophy unit

Introduce the film

Thesis: philosophical importance

Identify and explain the presence of your three assigned philosophers

Draw conclusions

Use proper MLA format and include citations


Introduce the philosophy unit

Introduce the film

Thesis: philosophical importance

Identify and explain the presence of your three assigned philosophers

Include the presence of at least two more philosophers

Draw conclusions

Use proper MLA format and include citations


Introduce the philosophy unit

Introduce the film

Thesis: philosophical importance

Identify and explain the presence of your three assigned philosopher

Include the presence of at least two more philosophers

Include the presence of the philosophical ideals covered in general – these can include the nature of reality, the nature of man, government, existence, attainment of knowledge, free will versus fate, natural rights, etc.

Draw conclusions

Use proper MLA format and include citations

Where do I start? Consider the following questions.

  1. Philosophy unit summary:
  • What main ideas did we talk about during the unit?
  • What topics stood out, or what ideas could you relate to the most?
  • Which philosophers are most memorable and why?
  1. “The Matrix” summary
  • What is the movie about?
  • Have you seen the movie before?
  • If you have seen the movie before, how did your recent knowledge of philosophy alter your reviewing?
  • If you haven’t seen the movie before, what immediate connections were you able to make between the movie and the philosophers we covered in class?
  1. Assigned philosophers
  • What are the main philosophical principles presented in the readings for each of your philosophers?
  • What examples of these principles are present in “The Matrix”?
  • How can you “twist” the principles to make them applicable in events, characters, themes, etc. in “The Matrix”?
  1. Additional Philosophers
  • Which additional philosophers, beyond those you were assigned, can you identify as being present in “The Matrix”?
  • What examples of these principles are present in “The Matrix”?
  • How can you “twist” the principles to make them applicable in events, characters, themes, etc. in “The Matrix”?
  1. Philosophical Principles
  • What were the main focus points the philosophers we covered addressed?
  • How were those main points addressed in “The Matrix”?
  1. What are your overall conclusions about the presence of philosophy in “The Matrix”?
  • As a first time viewer
  • As a repeat viewer
  1. What are your overall thoughts?