It is the Observatory Guide’s responsibility to ensure the safety of all of the guests in the group visiting the Observatory. Do NOT assume that the individuals who act as chaperones for children will ensure their safety or follow all of your instructions.
When you meet the group in the lower foyer of Nicolls building, you will need to give them a safety lecture. It should include the following:
- Ask the people in the group NOT to run, push others, or speak loudly. Individuals who engage in ‘horseplay’ will have their privileges revoked and will be asked to stay in the lobby until the group has finished its visit. The group must listen for instructions from the Guide or the Chaperone concerning urgent safety issues.
- The stairs leading to the Observatory are very steep. All individuals ascending (or descending) the stairs must use the handrails. Ask the people to please climb the stairs slowly and watch out for others.
- It is possible for people to hit their heads on the floor of the Observatory as they climb (or descend) the stairs. Ask the people to go up each step such that their torsos remain vertical. This would normally be the case for most stairways, but the handrails allow climbers to pull themselves up ‘at an angle’. This could lead to contact between a beam over the stairway and the person’s head. Point out that the beam is encased in yellow and black striped foam.
- The limit for the number of people to simultaneously be in the Observatory dome is 12.
- Ask the people in the group NOT to touch the telescope or any attached equipment. The only exception would occur when the Guide supervises them in doing so (e.g., to adjust the focus).
- There is a ‘step stool’ that individuals can use to help them reach the level of the eyepiece. Warn the people of the dangers of getting on and off the stool. Be prepared to help them if they lose their balance.
- Please warn the people in the group not to touch the dome or the outer ring. The motors and other mechanical equipment are located on the ring’s circumference.
- Sometimes it is necessary for the shutter to be moved (i.e, the dome to be rotated). If this is required, individuals must move into the central area of the dome. Do NOT rotate the dome unless you can account for all individuals in the Observatory and that you have assured yourself that everybody is clear of the dome’s circumference. STOP the rotation immediately IF you see someone too close to the circumference.
- When people are about to exit the dome, remind them that the stairs are steep and that they should grab the handrails when they descend. Also remind them that must be vigilant so that they do not hit their heads on the way down.
Pre-Tour Checklist:
- Pick up the keys from the Coordinator or Security (822-9711).
- Ensure that you know the name of the contact person(s) associated with the group and that you are able to contact them. You may have to cancel the tour due to bad weather, etc., OR they may want to cancel due to last minute complications.
- Be sure that you know all of the exit routes in Nicolls building in case there is an emergency.
- Check that all equipment is operating properly. In particular check the lighting, the telescope, and the dome’s rotation. If there is a problem, contact the Observatory Coordinator to see if the problem can be rectified quickly.
- Enter the date and time of your arrival in the Observatory in the Logbook (located in the Control Room).
- Open the main shutter and lower shutter door (in that order) at least 15 minutes before the arrival of your group. Be sure to check the skies (and Intellicast [Radar for Newport VT]) to be sure that no type of precipitation is imminent.
- Pick up the eyepieces from the Control Room and remove the lens caps of the telescopes (don’t lose them!).
- Be sure to unlock the Declination and Right Ascension locks on the Meade telescope.
- Ensure that there is an appropriate level of (red) background light in the Observatory dome for the entry of the people in the group.
- If you will be using the Observing Deck, be sure to set up the portable telescopes.
Post-Tour Checklist:
- Once your visitors have left, go back to the Observatory and close the lower shutter door. This must be done BEFORE you close the Main Shutter. Next close the main shutter.
- Rotate the dome so that the shutter is pointing to the West (i.e., towards the tower of Johnson building).
- Shut down the Meade telescope after it has been put into its ‘resting’ position (i.e., pointing North and with the telescope tube ‘inside’ the forks).
- Be sure to tighten both the Declination and Right Ascension locks.
- Also ensure that the lens caps have been fastened on the finder scope and the main scope. Wipe off any dew that may have collected on the lenses.
- Return the eyepieces to the Control Room.
- Turn off the lights as you go down the stairs and finally close the trap-door.
- If the Observing Deck was used, bring in the portable telescopes and put them in their ‘resting positions’. Don’t forget to put on the lens caps.
- Close your entry in the Logbook and note any problems that may have occurred.
- Lock up the Observatory and return the keys to the Coordinator.
Special Considerations:
- Always carry a flashlight. You may need it to read star charts or to use it in case of an emergency (e.g., loss of power).
- If there should be an electrical blackout, you will need to close the Main Shutter manually. Go to the Control Room and obtain the long hand-crank. Attach the hook at the end of the crank to the eyelet on the main shutter motor near the top of the dome. Turn the crank until the main shutter is closed. If the lower shutter is open, you will not be able to close it easily. Contact the Coordinator if the lower shutter cannot be closed.
- Please be sure to follow standard practices of etiquette. You are representing Bishop’s University and thus you should maintain the appropriate level of decorum and professionalism.
- Be careful that any of your actions (no matter how innocent or well intentioned) are not misinterpreted. For example, lifting a child to help them view through the eyepiece may be misconstrued. If you are uncertain about any actions, please check with the group’s chaperone(s).
- You can use the elevator to carry people who need assistance from the foyer up to the third floor (and down).
- Once the individuals are in the Observatory, the Guide must close the trap-door leading to the stairway and ensure that it is securely closed. Only the Guide should open the trap-door (unless there is an emergency).
- Should an emergency occur while any of the motors are running, there is an emergency electrical switch that can be turned off immediately.
- When you are finished observing, turn up the red lights and open the trap-door. MAKE sure that the door is secured (i.e., hooked) so that it cannot fall on somebody’s head.
- Finally when the group has arrived back in the lower foyer of Nicolls, don’t forget to THANK them for visiting Bishop’s University. Public outreach (and good community relations) is an important part of our mission.
Emergency Issues:
- There is a telephone in the Control Room. Dial 2711 (Security Department) if there is an emergency. They can give you immediate help and advice.
- If the fire alarm rings, you must quickly but safely move the entire group to the exterior of Nicolls building (next to the foyer door). MAKE sure that all members of the group have been accounted for.
- Should a fire break out when you are in the Observatory, please try to descend to the 3rd floor of Nicolls building. There are several exits at this level. If the fire has blocked your egress using the stairway to the 4th floor, exit onto the roof of Nicolls building. Call Security immediately (ext 2711) using the phone in the Control Room. Wait on the roof until help arrives. Make sure that all of the individuals in your group have been accounted for and that they do not get too close to the edge of the roof.
- There is a fire extinguisher in the Control Room. Use it if you are confronted with a small fire that can be extinguished quickly.
- If there is a medical emergency, call Security immediately.