OnLine Quizzes and Practice Tests
University of HoustonHow will I get my WebCT ID?
Get your WebCT ID in one of these ways:
1)Online at - click “Check here” to get your WebCT ID and enter your Social Security Number or your student ID number.
2)In person in Room 56 in the basement of the MD Anderson Library on the main campus, Monday-Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.
3)By phone at 713-743-1411 Monday-Friday, 8 am to 8 pm.
Your WebCT ID will work AFTER the first day of class.
You should register for WebCT during Week One of the semester
If you register late, it will take 3 working days AFTER you register for a class for your WebCT ID to be created and added to the class.
WebCT is case sensitive, so type your WebCT ID in all lower case letters.
What is my password?
Your initial password is your birth date in the format mmddyyyy. For example: April 1, 1974 would be entered as 04011974. You should change your password the first time you log on to WebCT.
Where do I find my WebCT Math course?
Once you have your WebCT ID, go to and click “Student Log On.” Enter your WebCT ID and password. Remember it is case sensitive. Once you have logged on, a link to your class will appear.
How will I use WebCT in my course?
You will be required to obtain a WebCT account during Week One of the semester and complete online quizzes through WebCT beginning right away and continuing through the remaining weeks of the semester. Your online Weekly Quiz will be automatically graded as soon as you submit your answers. You will also have Practice Tests available to you on WebCT.
Can I attempt and submit my WebCT Quiz more than once each week?
You may attempt the online quiz as many times as you like. The highest of the scores is the one that will count toward your grade. You must receive at least a 70% on each quiz. If on more than two weekly quizzes you fail to receive at least a 70%, you will be dropped from the course. If you are dropped after the last date to withdraw without a grade, you will be dropped with an “Q”. Each week’s quiz will be posted in WebCT early Monday morning. You can begin attempting the quiz on Monday and continue to work on it until 11:59 PM the following Sunday. Don’t wait until the last minute to do the quiz. The math department is not responsible for any difficulty that you have accessing the website, and students often have problems if they wait until the end of the week.
How will my online quiz score affect my course standing?
Online quizzes count as a percentage of your semester average. If you miss (fail to score at least 70%) on more than two weekly quizzes, you will be dropped from the course. If you are dropped after the last date to withdraw without a grade, you will be dropped with an “Q”.
Who should I contact if I have problems with WebCT?
If you have any technical difficulties, you should first contact the WebCT office. The WebCT staff are the people who are most qualified to resolve your problems. Their phone number is (713) 743-1411, they are located in Room 56 of the basement of the MD Anderson library, and they are available Monday-Friday, 8 am to 8 pm. If you contact WebCT and your problem is still unresolved, you should then contact your instructor about the matter.