Mississippi Theatre Association

April 14, 2006

Members Present: M. J. Etua, Tom Booth, Stephen Cunetto, Deborah Craig, Parker McMullan, Kenneth McDade, Sam Sparks.

The meeting was called to order by President Etua.

Stephen Cunetto gave the Treasurer Report and a 2006 festival income/expense breakout. A motion was made to accept the report by Deborah Craig and seconded by Suzanne Allmon and was approved. +

The minutes were presented. Additions to the minutes were to add that USM was recognized to advance to the regional festival KCACTF. A motion was made by Tom Booth and seconded by Parker McMullan and approved.

An orientation discussion was presented by Stephen Cunetto and M. J. Etua regarding MTA and its divisions. Board members and chairs were reminded to get their handbooks from their predecessor and to make recommendation for changes in the spring meeting and approved them in the summer meeting each year. Everyone was reminded the importance of turning in committee reports, especially festival reports. A short discussion was held regarding a possible student advisory board

Tom encouraged everyone to attend the Southeastern Theatre Conference and become involved in the organization through committee participation.

M.J. reminded everyone of the Teachers Institute at SETC and the CEU credit available through it.

Stephen reminded everyone the importance of helping to develop and claim ownership of your division.

Old Business

Stephen reported that this was our largest state festival ever with 18 high schools attending and 5 community theatres participating. Two new community theatres from New Albany and Pontotoc observed the festival.

There was a discussion of a possible observation fee for high schools, which would not include the awards brunch.

Suzanne Allmon noted that key note speakers were not that interesting to the students.

Deborah Craig mentioned that she thought the individual events were the key to growth for MTA High School Division. Timing for these events was discussed with Sunday morning as a possible time.

Suggestions for growing the community theatre division included possible reader’s theatre, 10 minute play, individual events, monologues or small scenes.

Suzanne Allmon explained the new performance/tech rules and procedures. They will be sent to the three regional coordinators.

Parker McMullan suggested a few awards for the Theatre for Youth division. These could include best play, best director, best actor and best actress.

Details for the summer workshops are being worked out. The community theatre workshop is tentatively scheduled for July 22nd and may include grant writing, legal issues and play selection segments.

There was no college/university report.

Stephen reported on the Katrina fund and grants applications are available on the web site. Also, the donated costumes are being distributed and an inventory of what is left will be done in May.

Long Range Plan Reports-The survey that was sent to community theatre either by phone, email or regular mail received only one response, from a theatre that is no longer in business.

High School-M. J. spoke to some area high schools including Kosciusko and French Camp to encourage them to participate in MTA.

KCACTF-Melissa Sparks was recognized as a winner in Stage Management at KCACTF.

SETC-Sam Sparks noted that Steve Baylis would serve this year as the State Rep Rep. SETC was also interested in how they could use the EX COM and the Rep to promote SETC in each state. Mississippi had three of the four winners of the Keynote Artist of Promise winners in its first year. Sam encouraged everyone to get involved in Long Range Planning for SETC and talked about how SETC could help the state organizations. It was also suggested that to spread news of SETC that their newsletter be put on our website.

State Auditions- Sam mentioned state auditions, which are scheduled for December 9th.

Grants-Stephen noted that he had applied for $15000 from MAC. External funding from corporate sponsors was discussed again, as well as continuing to seek monies from foundations.

Stephen also mentioned that we are still seeking a festival site for 2007, with Pearl as a possible location. Several other locations were mentioned and work on this will continue.

Submitted by Tom Booth for Secretary Ronnie Miller