Dear friends,

welcome to our session tonight, our online meeting of souls. Today ist the 11th of May 2016 and my name is Petra Ruether.

I am happy you’ve found our new room and I thank Lienhardt, who guided the people to here so that they don’t get lost. I have changed the room because of the sound problems we sometimes had in the old room. So I am not sure, if this room is much better but we had experienced a wonderful clear sound at our German session last week.

So I would like to conduct a poll after half of the session so that we get to know if this is much better or not.

Please, dear friends, before we start, let go all negative, all burdens, don’t think at it anymore, the same with your problems, open your hands, open your hearts, go into a peaceful mood to take up the healing stream, the Divine energy, which is everywhere around us. It’s the most easy procedure, but you have to do it. Move yourself to calmness, find a place where nobody disturbs you, and I know, this is sometimes not easy, especially in some countriesor places, where many many people are living together. So we have to find the INNER CALMNESS, a hidden place inside of us, where we can into refuge. And when bombs and bullets are detonating around you, this must not disturb you. Yes, easy said. But Bruno has practised it. When he was in Russia during the Second World War, he came into a missile attack, when the Russians fired from the planes on the German infantry soldiers. The last train was waiting and all the Germans have been in a tizz and shouted: Come on come on, hurry hurry, the last train is leaving!! But Bruno didn’t let himself become agitated. He walked leisured and slowly on.

“They spread out carpets in front of me” as he said, “that was nice, before the bottom was really soft and smooth afterwards. But should I lose my calmness for that reason???? No. So I walked cosy on and I have reached the train nevertheless. But if I would have lose my peace I wouldn’t have make it. Other soldiers have run directly into the danger!!”

Yes, dear friends, that story of Bruno Gröning is such a great idol for me. We with our small problems should never lose our inner peace, but we have to learn it, to exercise it.

Now we want to start our session with some words of Eileen Caddy:

Yesterday when I was thinking about our session I took the book from Eileen with the title “God spoke to me” and I opened it and this was what I found:

“Become as a rock!”

“Let your faith be strong and unshakeable. Be glad and rejoice when your faith is put to the test, for this strengthens it until it becomes as a rock, able to withstand the storms and tempests of life without being shaken in any way.

It is vital to stand firm, to know the truth and to stand by it. Silence is strong, whereas words can weaken and cause chaos. So be still and seek Me in the silence. Feel my power and strength and in this way you can help.

Let not your heart be troubled over anything. Radiate love asking nothing in return. Listen and obey. This is the way to find peace, happiness and harmony.

Change your thinking and you change your whole outlook. Believe my words, treasure them and above all live them. Your blessings are as numerous as the stars in heaven. Recognize it and accept it joyfully.”


As the inner peace is our topic tonight I have copied and translated a new lecture by FredyHosp from 19th July 2003, which he held in Graz:

Alfred Hosp lecture 19.07.2003

Where Man stands today

Dear friends, today I would like to welcome you most warmly. Where man stands today?

Bruno Groening said:

"Man acts according to his will, as the will, so the thought is."

Yes, my friends, but there are different thoughts in life. There are thoughts of constructive nature, which makes us happy, joyful, which let us become strong. On the other side there are lots of thoughts of the negative kind. But I have learned and also read somewhere in a book, where it was said that Man thinks 60,000 times per day, and it would be nice if some thoughts would be of a positive nature.

How „modest“ people are today. (Fredy laughed)

Yes, but how did that happen that it’s so difficult for us to think positively, to plan positively, and since BG has said something that we have not known before. Namely: Man can’t think, he is not able to produce thoughts in his brain, he only takes up thoughts. And that is strictly logical, because everything which comes into our mind, already exists in creation, so it is already there and we just need to take it.

Now it ‘s like that all thoughts are certain forms, mental forms, which have got a certain vibrational energy within. Clairvoyants can see good thoughts as bright light and other clairvoyants compare uneasy thoughts with dark colours. And therefore are different areas in the spiritual world as well as on earthly level, just as we have areas on earth. Some of them are nice, where everything is green, where everything is harmonious. And there are also areas of ice, and there are also areas of desert or wasteland, where nothing grows any longer. And there are spiritual regions where negative thoughts are located. And of course those areas are also animated. And whether we believe it or not, they are animated by uneasy spirits who Bruno has also called evil.

Let us start now on this area, because we are always confronted with evil things repeatedly. Actually, we don’t like it but we are careless and suddenly an idea shoots us in the head, which makes us uneasy, that wants us to remind, how dangerous life is, that everything will go wrong, etc. And at that moment, when we start to deal with these negative energies or vibrations, but low-energy vibrations, at the instant man becomes degraded, man becomes weak, he falls in despair, etc. However, it depends on us whether we really delve into these negative energies. That means, they are negative because they have got a lower vibration than our own natural vibration. And therefore they withdraw power from us. The power of thought, the power of word, this only limits us. And we should get off those negative energies Bruno called evil. While we pray instead, while we are calm and while focusing on positive things, when we are going to ask for the positive.

So man acts according to his will. If he permits negative, the will is negative, and if he seeks positive, his will always be positive. So it depends on the person which wave he receives. There are these two transmissions, dear friends, even though there are many philosophies proclaiming that there is no devil, there is nothing evil, that's just fantasy of people. But Bruno said: man receive thoughts, he is a receiver and no sending station. That means, he can’t create new, he only picks up what he receives. Of course, he will then forward it to others. At one hand he could pass evil, on the other hand the good. Further on Bruno said: The thought is moving man to action, that means, that what we think, what we imagine, that we want to put into action. But here is something very interesting. If we always want the equally good, then it’s fine. But if we always have an equally negative thought, i.e. when man thinks in circles, then this thought always becomes stronger. And then comes the time when man is driven by his idea and he is no longer free, and he must repeatedly do what he imagines. This could lead to murder, my friends. This way murder can appear, most of murders neither are devised nor pre-planned. But it comes about in affect, when the energy steams off, because the opportunity is there. Then the one bitterly regrets: I don’t know why I did that, I did not want to. That is one side: Man acts according to his will. As the will so the thought is. The thought moves man to action. So we must all think first before we do it.

So mind control is so important, my friends, to be careful what we think, to be careful what we feel, that we don’t let us be drifted. After all, who let drive himself, always comes back into the vortex of unfavourable feelings. And since it is so important that we consciously recognize the old teaching of Christ: Love your enemies! As long as we still have anger inside on anybody, we are very weak, we are very worried, we will never experience tranquillity. Again and again the same thought, again we get distracted from ourselves.

Just as Bruno said: “Now be quiet please, do not always think at the excruciating headache, don’t hold your handbag so tightly, let it go!” He said: “Let it go and take up the goodness. Don’t always doubt the good.”

Yes, that was 50 years ago and it is still like that today, that man rather doubt than trust. If you say, „Trust and believe, it will be all right. Everything will become well!“ And what do you often get as a reply? „Hopefully“, hopefully you're right!!

But the word "hope" is already a kind of doubt. One doubts the good. And in the word "Maybe - maybe I have success tomorrow" thus you doubted as well ... you yourself dares to nothing. Then I'll try it once. But what can you try? One should just do it. It is about “doing”, at least, it's about doing, to achieve the inner peace. And then it comes to the confidence that we are born in God, in the great divine God we are born. And if we recognize that, my dear friends, that we are born as divine beings, and suddenly our heart opens for God's power. Because we determine if we can receive that what is available.

We must say yes to it, we have got the full freedom of God, to say yes or to say no, to believe or not to believe. But what we do with that freedom that is then the result. Everything we do, all we think, has consequences. And if we do not trust to experience something, then the person experiences negative effects and then he says: Yes, well, I did indeed know immediately that it goes wrong, because he didn’t know it, because he hasn’t trusted and because he has expected and assumed it!

He assumed, that it goes wrong, and it went wrong. Just as the thought, the man acts. The thought moves man to action. If the idea is positive, the fact is positive. When our thought is negative, we have to bear the negative consequences. This is the great mystery why we live. And all affects the body.

The good affects us just like the bad does, and one can only warn, to deal with negative things. For example, in the family or in the narrow circle often rules strife and discord and heaven only knows what. Then we should be so strong that we say this is not our problem, this they have to rule among themselves. Sometimes that’s not easy, for example, when family ties are calling. Or if it is, when the mother says, my God, I love my children, I just want to help them. So we must not forget that even in the Bible stands, the children leave their parents and go their own way. It is like that, and there is no difference, and if we assume that and say: Well, I know it and I let it go, then healing comes.

Man has not only physical stress or problems, my friends, one has had a lot of soul and spiritual burdens where any relationships gone awry, where acquaintances are proceeding different as expected and everything belongs to the term, what Bruno said: Human Bondage, human listening! So if you are not familiar with certain circumstances, if you listen to people, you can’t be in God’s connection. And as BG said: You should not listen to people but listen to GOD.

Yes, my friends, everyone says something different, and everyone says, do this, do that, etc. and if you ask about 1,000 people, so you get 1000 respondents. And when one considers all those replies together, then you think: so, now I know nothing anymore, what should I do? And since man is doing any or something, and because he is not connected to God, he is doing exactly the wrong thing.

Yes, my friends, life is indeed complex and until we finally reach the inner peace where we feel God, we have to walk through all the steps, that we take up the divine power and with the help of good forces we will come more and more into our inner and physical strength.

08So, my friends, in the community, we learn to take up the power, in the Community we are charged. But if we only always have good charge! Bruno said: "Keep the good power that you have received now. And beware of negative thoughts ".

Alfred Hosp


So, my dear friends, I hope this was revealing again for you and this was just the half of the whole lecture. So I will read the second half in our next meeting.

Let us come now to a different topic. But again you will see that everything about Bruno Gröning leads to the same knowledge what he transferred to us, what he taught us. Let us go to the roots of Bruno Gröning’s work. I would like to let you attend at a media press conference in September 1949, when Bruno Gröning healed at the Traberhof near Rosenheim in Germany. I have translated a newspaper report for your, when Bruno Gröning agreed to answer questions about his activities, the great healing nights and days at the studfarm. I will read for you this newspaper report (Munich City Gazette from 2nd of Sept. 1949):

The entire press has gathered on Wednesday afternoon on the "Traberhof" near Rosenheim in order to witness the first organized media conference by the miracle doctor Bruno Gröning. In the great hall of the gambling room the roulette tables were eliminated. In the lounge chairs journalists were in great expectation. The cameramen built up their sound- and movie equipment at all corners and ends, spotlights bathes the room in bright magnesium light. In front of the building the thousand-headed crowd was waiting again, blind, lame, deaf and other sick and aside from quite a few curious ones.

The message, told that Groening had flown to Berlin, has been proven wrong. He had been in Heidelberg and has just right now returned. At three o'clock in the afternoon it was announced that the conference would begin until five o'clock. A minister wouldn’t have permit that himself, but Groening could afford it. None of the journalists have left.

Groening appeared then at least on time at five o'clock in the usual outfit: Blue polo shirt, without a jacket, with a shade lighter self-bound tie. His long, wavy back hair gave him something Gypsy. With a confidently look he overviewed the assembled press and satisfied assessed, that his name was enough to elicit the whole Yellow Press in the Upper Bavarian mountain village.

Mr.Hülsmann from Herford initially introduced the conference by asking decisively the persons present to stop smoking. Obediently we ruled out all our pipes and cigarettes, not even to disturb the magical powers of the miracle doctor. But when we found out, that precisely Bruno Groening steamed one cigarette after another, also brought us our cigarette cases again.

Report of a journalist and a doctor

At first, the Munich journalist Dr.Trampler piped up. He came to Gröning a few days agoas a reporter and was healed by him. He previously could move only painfully with a stick due to an air war injury, and easily since running around without a cane. Because of his miraculous healing Dr.Trampler announced, that he has had a meeting with the Secretary of State Dr.Schwalberat the Bavarian Interior Ministry, which has assured that a way could be found to enable Groening to open up a healing practice under certain conditions.

Next a physician reported that Groening had healed a number of his patients without having them ever seen. "I have convinced myself as a doctor from the fact that Groening has healed cases, whichhave been impossible to be cured by us. Therefore I couldn’t understand that Groening was challenged to join a course in clinics in order to be allowed to heal at all. What are we doctors able to teach Groening to learn more? We can learn from him rather more."

The well-known Munich lawyer Dr.Roedel stated that there was no right to prohibit Groening’s healing activity. No law can forbid, to help another person.

"I give you to know…"

Under great excitement of all present Groening took then the word to an address. His way of expressing himself, perhaps sometimes seemed to be primitive. He himself admits that he is not "sophisticated" in the ordinary sense. Yes, he says, rather, that he is no way "literate or studied". He was a simple man, a nerd, who didn’t want to accept something from others. "I give you to know" - he explained, "that it is not a human, but a divine power that let me heal people. I have no intention to let me checked by the science or medicine even once. I amno man, who wants to make money this way and I don’t want to compete with physicians. If one clears the way for me to help people and to heal them as well, then I'll stay for now in Germany, if not, then I'm gone in the fastest way.