The primary purpose of Fun Stop is to provide before and after school child care in a safe and enjoyable environment. We strive to help children feel secure, supported, and respected. In return we appreciate the positive, enthusiastic, respectful attitudes displayed by the children in our care.
1. All children must be registered members of the Fun Stop program in order to participate.
Once enrollment process is completed (paperwork and fees turned in), child will be considered a member.
Membership fees are paid yearly (membership year is from June 1st to June 1st) or at the time when child is initially enrolled in the Fun Stop program.
All children, Kindergarten through 6th grade, are eligible for membership in the Fun Stop program.
Membership is open to all children regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender or disability.
2. Children who are not members will not be allowed to attend Fun Stop.
Membership forms must be turned in and annual membership fee must be paid before child may attend Fun Stop. (See attachment for current rates and fees).
3. Parent/guardian is responsible for updating membership information.
Contact information, persons authorized to pick child up, current address and other information must be kept up-to-date.
1. Children must be pre-registered for each two-week session.
Registration forms are on hand at the entrance of the Fun Stop room and are made available one week before the upcoming session. These must be turned in by the date indicated on the form.
A child who is not pre-registered may attend Fun Stop only:
a. if there is space available.
b. if written or verbal arrangements are made 24 hours in advanced.
c. if fees are pre-paid.
A $6.00 fee will be charged for a child that is not pre-registered for the day in addition to the hourly rate.
2. You will be charged for each day your child is registered.
UNLESS a 24-hour notice of absence is given or if the parent/guardian notifies Fun Stop staff in advance that the child will not be attending due to illness or family emergency.
Or UNLESS school is cancelled due to weather or other emergency.
If other children are turned away due to lack of availability, you may be charged, regardless of the 24-hour notice.
3. Fees MUST be paid IN ADVANCE.
Payments are to be made with registration every two weeks for all days indicated on form before the child is allowed to attend.
Payments are to be placed in the payment envelops with the appropriate instructions.
We WILL NOT accept cash payments that are not in the labeled envelope.
Cash payments of more than $10 must be made at the Family Center.
4. Children must be signed in or signed out when they are dropped off or picked up.
The sign in/out computer box is located on the Fun Stop desk.
If we do not have this information you will be charged for the full day rate.
5. Past Due Accounts.
Fun Stop is a self-supported program of the Pillager Area Family Resource Center, a non-profit organization. Unpaid bills hinder our ability to serve other needs in our community. In the event that a family becomes two weeks delinquent, the Family Center/Fun Stop will refuse further service to the family until the bill is paid in full. The Family Center will pursue collections on accounts more than 30 days past due or which exceed $25. Cash or money orders will be required for payments if there has been a prior problem.
1. Fun Stop hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, except when school is in session. During school days, the hours are 6:30-8:00 am and 3:00-6:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Fun Stop will be open during select school holidays if five or more children are registered. Check with Fun Stop staff for more information.
Staff will only be scheduled during times when children are registered to attend.
Staff will be scheduled according to need as reflected by pre-registration.
2. A late fee of $5.00 CASH will be assessed for each 15 minutes past 6:00 p.m.
The fee will begin to be assessed at five minutes past the hour and will be added to the child’s account.
3. Late Pick-up Procedures.
The following procedure will be used to handle late pick-ups:
1. If child is sent to Fun Stop after an after school activity because the parent/guardian did not pick the child up at the designated time, we will try to contact the parent/guardian 15 minutes after activity ending time. If we are not able to reach parent/guardian by phone, we will attempt to contact the emergency pick-up person, which should be listed on the after school activity registration form.
2. If child is a Fun Stop attendee, we will attempt to contact parent/guardian of the child at 6:01. If we are not able to reach parent/guardian by phone, we will attempt to contact the emergency pick-up people, which are listed in the registration book.
3. After one hour from the designated pickup time for after school activities and 6:30 for regular Fun Stop attendees, if we haven’t heard from the parent/guardian and are not able to secure a pick-up for the child by contacting the emergency pick-ups, call Cass County Sheriff’s non-emergency number at 1-800-450-2677 to report the situation.
4. Report the following information to the police:
§ Parent/guardian name
§ Work and home telephone numbers
§ address
1. Meals (breakfast, lunch) will not be served during the school year but will be during the summer.
During the summer, breakfast and lunch are provided by the school meal program. If the school meal program is not offered for some reason, parent/guardian will be notified to bring a lunch from home. During the school year on full days, meals will be brought from home. If lunch is not sent with your child on these days, a $5.00 fee per lunch will be billed to your account and lunch will be provided. Remember to provide meals that need no cooking on field trip days.
2. Snacks will be provided.
After school, snack will be served at approximately 3:15.
During entire day sessions (holidays and summer) a simple snack will be served at approximately 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. A daily snack fee will be charged during the summer.
If you feel your child needs more substantial snacks or if your child has dietary restrictions, special snacks may be provided from home.
1. Lockers are assigned for registered children.
Please be sure your child has appropriate dress for both inside and outside activities suitable for the season.
2. Toys and games are allowed at Fun Stop.
Please clearly label all personal belongings.
Children are responsible for their own belongings. Parent/guardian is expected to discuss this responsibility with their children before allowing them to bring toys or games to Fun Stop.
Staff is primarily responsible for the safety and well being of the children in our care. Secondary to that is keeping track of personal belongings.
The Parent/GUARDIAN Factor
The success of our program and our children depends on parent/guardian cooperation, involvement, satisfaction, and open communication.
1. Parent/Guardian Cooperation.
We ask that parent/guardian review this manual, the “Fun Stop Guidelines” and all other material in order to be familiar with our program and support the staff.
2. Parent/Guardian Involvement.
There are many volunteer opportunities available through Fun Stop and the Family Center, including: chaperoning, skills teaching, homework assistance, reading, and administrative help. Please contact a staff member if you have a special skill or are willing to help. Also look for flyers and postings for specific volunteer opportunities.
Donations of snacks, craft items, play equipment and lending library materials are welcome.
Feedback on appropriateness of lending library materials (books, games, and videos) is highly valued and encouraged.
3. Parent/Guardian Satisfaction and Communication.
A parent/guardian may request a conference with the staff at any time. Staff will inform parent/guardian of any concerns or achievements.
Parent/guardian are welcome to visit the program at any time
If extenuating circumstances exist please feel free to talk with the Fun Stop coordinator, or Family Center director.
4. Resolution process.
If a conflict arises please follow the process below to resolve the problem. If, however, you feel uncomfortable at any level, please don’t hesitate to move to the next level.
a. Speak with the staff person on duty, they will attempt to resolve the problem or direct your question to the proper person.
b. If a satisfactory solution is not achieved, speak with the Fun Stop coordinator.
c. If a satisfactory solution is not achieved, speak with the Family Center director.
d. If a satisfactory solution is not achieved, outline the complaint in writing and forward it to the board of directors of the Family Center.
1. Children are involved in group activities as well as individual play.
Specific group activities are geared toward fostering cooperation and a sense of community among the students.
Children are able to, as a group or individually, select the activities in which they want to be involved much of the time.
A wide variety of activities that involve both quiet and active play are available. At times, dependant upon attendance and staffing students may be split into age/interest groups.
In addition to the Fun Stop room we are able to utilize the computer lab, playground and gym.
All activities are supervised by Fun Stop staff to ensure safety and age appropriateness.
2. Many resources and movies are available for use and to be borrowed.
Books, movies and computer games of both educational and entertainment value are available.
Only movies that are rated G, PG and screened non-rated movies will be allowed to be viewed at Fun Stop. In addition to these, PG-13 movies are available for checkout.
Parent/guardian must notify us if they do not wish their child to view PG rated movies.
Items may be borrowed for seven days. Reasonable care of borrowed items is expected.
3. Academic support and encouragement is available.
Our ‘Homework Corner’ provides a focused opportunity for students to work on homework while at Fun Stop.
Reading is encouraged as well. Most of the computer games available are geared toward making learning fun.
Parent/guardian is encouraged to offer their time to assist students with homework or be involved in story time.
Behavior and discipline
1. “Fun Stop Guidelines”
This list is developed by staff and children and is an evolving document. Staff/student meetings will be held periodically at Fun Stop to evaluate and assess the “Fun Stop Guidelines”
Each child will receive a copy of these guidelines within their first two weeks of attendance.
Please review this document with your child. There is space for signatures indicating you and your child have read and understand these guidelines. This signed document must be turned in the next time registrations forms and payments are due.
2. Fun Stop Rules and Expectations.
The goal of the Fun Stop program is to provide a safe and positive environment for the children in our care.
We expect the students and staff to respect themselves and others and be considerate of other’s feelings and moods.
We expect the students and staff to respect the property of others, the school and Fun Stop. Intentional destruction of property or theft will not be tolerated.
The staff will model acceptable behavior and will provide clear and consistent ground rules for safety.
Children will be allowed to take reasonable risks in play; however, staff will intervene and set limits when necessary.
Every effort will be made by staff to reduce conflict by redirecting children away from problems.
The Fun Stop program has zero tolerance for harmful, violent behavior.
This behavior includes but is not limited to:
rough handling shoving biting kicking
pulling hair ear pulling hitting pinching
spanking slapping shaking
4. Failure to follow the rules and guidelines will result in loss of privileges and disciplinary action.
FIRST OFFENSE: A verbal warning will be given, child will be separated from the group for a time and, if the situation calls for an apology, a verbal apology will be required.
SECOND OFFENSE: Parent/guardian will be notified to pick child up for the remainder of the day. The child must present a written apology and explanation of his or her behavior upon their return to Fun Stop. This and all subsequent incidents will be documented
THIRD OFFENSE: Child will be suspended for a one-week period (five days). A meeting of staff, parent/guardian and child will be required before the child is allowed to return to Fun Stop. Regular Fun Stop fees will be charged for scheduled attendance!
A serious infraction may result in a more severe consequence for the first offense, such as not listening to staff members or running from staff.
Staff will use discretion and take into regard all aspects of each individual situation before making a decision.
1. Parent/guardian will be notified if their child becomes ill while at the program.
The child will rest in a quiet area until he or she is picked up.
Alternate contacts are required in the event a parent/guardian cannot be notified.
2. Medication will only be administered if written instructions and authorization from the parent/guardian is on file.
All medication must be clearly marked with the child’s name.
All medication will be stored in a locked cabinet and be inaccessible to the children.
medical emergencies
1. Permission for emergency medical treatment is obtained in the membership forms.
A staff person trained in first aid and CPR will be on duty at all times.
2. Medical emergencies and accidents will receive prompt attention.
Fun Stop staff will treat minor cuts and abrasions.