DATE: 25 April 2016 LOCATION: Bayview Golf and Country Club
ATTENDING: Hugh Murphy, George Karrys, John Headley, Jeanette Soo, Cory Randell, Danielle Inglis, Grace Bugg,, Ray Husain
REGRETS:Michelle Smith, Jason Chang, Jim Wilson, Richard Hart
Cory called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm.
Motion to approve previous meeting minutes: Jeanette moved, George seconded – CARRIED
a) John reported finances are in order. He is looking into an account at Tangerine. All expenses due into John by May 18th (Spring Meeting)
b) Retractable banners are on hold pending a potential rebranding.
c) Committee report - BOD to consider TCA fees and ways to develop curling. Jason to expand on excel data.
d) Systems for Championship registrations - John to contact the OCA to investigate using their system.
Jeanette and her committee (George, Beth, and Bruce) indicate that the TCA bylaws are insufficient and legal help will be necessary at some point. After a very rough look it has been determined that this is a work in progress and some further research needs to be done.
a) TCA Youth Championship format still being discussed. Rich has been in touch with Byron Scott.
b) Mixed Doubles – 32 Teams. Inaugural Winner Jacob Delisle and Alexandra Nunes from Mississauga.
c) Other championship reports- Grace noted the chairs meeting date TBD.
d) Archived Trophies and case needs to be moved from Leaside. Hugh to investigate Royals for potential storing.
7. CURLING MANAGER MEETING UPDATE – Danielle reported on their recent meeting. Michelle Smith is becoming the liaison between the TCA and the managers. Danielle is working with Wes to potentially allow the TCA website to allow club managers to modify sections and choose league information from a drop down menu. Concussion protocol still remains a major concern for clubs. Roving Leagues and their lack of revenue also a concern.
8. CURLING REP MEETING UPDATE – Ray reported that reps would like a clarification of their role. A newsletter was a suggestion.
9. YOUTH CURLING Rocks and Rings to be contacted and invited by Hugh to our Spring Meeting.
10.SPONSOR APPRECIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING STRATEGY It as discussed that if an opportunity existed, to invite sponsors to participate in a bonspiel or clinic.
12. COMMUNITY LIVING AND CURLING– Cory introduced her joint YRDSB PEAK Program and Community Living Curling Program to be held at Richmond Hill next season on Tuesday mornings. . Talks have also been initiated with Special Olympics who would like to get involved. This would be a program for young adults with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Motion to affiliate the joint YRDSB PEAK Program and Community Living Curling Program with the TCA. Cory moved, George seconded – CARRIED
13. CURLING FOR NEW CANADIANS–Hugh received correspondence from Chris Turman from the Matthew House Organization. He was reaching out on behalf of a group of 16-18 year old refugees looking to introduce them to a Canadian way of life and was hoping they could try curling. Fortunately, Matthew House is near Bathurst and Dundas, very close to the outdoor curling rink. Hugh to contact Chris about the opportunity to try curling there next season.
14. COMMITTEE FORMATION TO INVESTIGATE HOSTING THE BRIER– Hugh brought forth the idea of forming a committee to investigate hosting the Brier. Jeanette to take the lead on the committee’s formation.
15. SPRING MEETING DISCUSSION Five club managers, eleven TCA reps, and 11 BOD members have committed to coming. Agenda to be set – Cory, Danielle and Ray to coordinate.
11. OTHER BUSINESSGeorge to contactzone reps in the TCA regarding the spring meeting.
11. NEXT MEETING Spring Meeting, Richmond Hill CC, May 18th 7:00 pm
Motion to adjourn at 9;00 pm - Ray