Delete, add and be as creative as you like. Use these suggestions to prompt discussion and a mutual agreement. If you impose the rules as is, you might as well lecture them and consider it null and void.

Online Family Safety Agreement (Teen)

I, ______, aged______years, agree that:

I will obey all the rules of this agreement and understand they have been set with my safety in mind.

I will not start any new accounts, download any apps or play online games without first asking permission from my parents.

I will not start any new accounts or download any apps that have an age restriction older than me.

I will not talk online to people that I do not know in the real world, even if my friends do.

I will choose a sensible screen name and email address that does not include reference to my age or location.

I will teach my parents as much as I can about the internet and digital technology. I will help them understand things if they are unsure.

I will not share my passwords with anyone other than my parents. This includes my friends. I understand that my parents will not use them except if they feel I am in danger.

I understand that there are crimes online and that I can get into a lot of trouble if I misuse technology.

I will use technology with respect and responsibility.

I will use my manners and be polite when I am online. I will not bully others and if I see it myself, I will report it to an adult.

I will will immediately log off and tell my parents if I see something online that is scary, mean or inappropriate.

I will obey my parents’ rules for no technology in bedrooms and at certain ‘no technology’ times in the day. I will log of when its time or when I’m asked to.

I will never agree to meet someone that I have met online. I know there are people online who aren’t who or what they say they are. I will tell my parents if someone asks to meet.

I will tell my parents if someone asks to do something that I know is right or something that bothers me. I will not use the web cam with people I do not know in real life.

I will not share personal information online unless my parents say it is okay. This means I do not share my name, address, mobile and home number, school, sports club, teachers’ names or screen names.

I will try to be a good and responsible digital citizen and as a family we will learn and have fun together.
