GPS Geometry and GPS Geometry Support Syllabus

Ms. Dearing


This is the second in the sequence of secondary mathematics courses designed to ensure that students are college and work ready. This course requires students to:

  • Explore, understand, and use the formal language of reasoning and justification;
  • Apply properties of polygons and determine distances and points of concurrence;
  • Explore right triangles and right triangle trigonometry;
  • Demonstrate understanding of data analysis by posing questions to be answered by collecting data;
  • Organize, represent, investigate, interpret, and make inferences from data;
  • Use numerical, graphical, and analytical techniques to explore exponential functions
  • Explore inverses of functions;
  • Understand and apply properties of circles and spheres;

TEXTBOOK: This content of this course is encompassed in two separate books. For this reason, students will not be required to check out the books to keep at home, but rather the teacher will provide a class set that will remain in the classroom for occasional use. If you would still like to check one or both of the books out, please let me know, and it can be arranged. Books: McDougal Littell: Georgia High School Mathematics 1 and McDougal Littell: Georgia High School Mathematics 2.

SUPPLIES: Bring all supplies to class everyday!

Composition notebook

Glue stick/tape

Colored pencils

Three Ring Binder

Notebook Paper


Scientific Calculator, I highly recommend the TI 30XII-Multiview.


You will receive two different grades from me—one for the geometry course and one for the support class. The geometry course grade will be broken down into the following:

Entered PHS as a freshman 2011-2012 or later / Entered PHS as a freshman 2010-2011 or earlier
EOCT / 20% / EOCT / 15%
Nine Weeks Assessment / 5% / Nine Weeks Assessment / 5%
Algebra / 13% / Algebra / 15%
Geometry / 50% / Geometry / 52%
Data Analysis / 12% / Data Analysis / 13%

GPS Geometry Support- There will be no nine week assessments, EOCT, nor tests in the support class. The grading will be broken down into three different sections: Algebra (25%), Geometry (50%) and Data Analysis (25%).


Students will receive one more day than the total amount of days absent to make up any missed work, provided that the absence is excused. For example, if you are absent for 2 days, then you will have 3 days to make up your missed work once you have returned to school. It is the student's responsibility to request and obtain your missed assignments, including making arrangements to make up any quizzes or tests. Please check the blog when you are absent; all my assignments handed out in class will be posted on the blog. You are responsible for obtaining these assignments from the blog and getting the notes you missed from a peer or me during tutoring.


Students will have the opportunity to retest on any summative exam, with the exception of the Nine Weeks Assessments and EOCT. Students will be given an opportunity to retest for mastery on each standard. Retest opportunities will only be given after a student completes remediation on a standard. Some examples could include completing extra assigned problems, completing lessons on Study Island or USA Test Prep websites, or attending a remediation tutoring session with the teacher.


I tutor every Tuesday morning from 7:30 to 8:00 and Thursday afternoons from 3:40 to 4:10 in my classroom, room 242.


Individual extra credit assignments are not given. Bonus points, if offered, will be available throughout the semester to all students on an equal basis and will be related to the academic content of the course.


Students are expected to be self-motivated. Homework is expected to be completed each night. You are expected to complete all assignments thoroughly. All assignments are intended to prepare you for success. Students will be responsible for a homework check on a regular basis.


Regular attendance is expected for success. If you are absent, you will miss work that will not be re-taught upon your return. It is your responsibility to copy all notes and complete all missed assignments.


  1. BE ON TIME and COME TO CLASS PREPARED ( paper, pencils, calculator every day)
  2. NO CELL PHONES or electronic devices
  3. SHOW RESPECT – keep hands, feet, objects and comments to yourself
  4. STAY FOCUSED/ ON TASK- every student should participate in class


All work is expected to be unique and completed by you.

Cheating is defined as, but not limited to:

 Talking and/or looking around during tests

 Using written notes of any form on tests/quizzes when unauthorized

 Copying another student’s work or answers from the back of the book

 Programming notes and/or formulas into a calculator for a test/quiz


I am here to help students but a student must first take the responsibility for their own grade and seek the help they need. The quickest way to reach me is via email.

EMAIL: (This is the best way to contact me.)

BLOG: (I update my blog weekly and will attach any assignments handed out in class on here)

I have read and understand the rules and expectations within this syllabus.

Print Name:

Signature: Date: