Online Education Committee Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2014 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
FBO: C36; NM: E132
Members Present: Deb Salmon (chair), Tony Bryson, SolenFeyissa, Juliann Brueske, Lisa Lamor, Sandi Myers, Johnna Horton, DianeWergeland (late).
Members excused: Jane Greathouse and Mark Baas
Deb called the meeting to order at 1:05.
Addition to the agenda: Jane Greathouse contacted Deb and volunteered to facilitate a planning session for the upcoming year’s goals and projects. The membership informally agreed to this idea. To prepare for the planning session, Jane asked that members find some research articles regarding best practices and promising practices related to online learning and support. These articles should be to Jane by October 27th. Johnna and Solen will send the membership a list of possible resources to check for research. Jane will provide some demographic data regarding online students and courses. It was decided that the planning session will be a three-hour period on Friday, November 7th and will be expanded to include faculty and staff interested in online education, but not necessarily serving as members on the committee.
There was brief discussion about the role of secretary for the committee. At a previous meeting Brian Fors had volunteered to serve as secretary. In his absence, Johnna volunteered to be his substitute. Johnna will send the minutes to Deb, who will then forward them on to Jay Wendelberger, Darci Stanford, and Mary Hutchens.
Agenda item: Bylaws
Deb said that most of the bylaws work will probably follow the planning session in November. It was agreed that the membership would do some basic revisions at this meeting, with all aspects of the bylaws subject to change.
Question: How often are the bylaws revised? Johnna will check with the Policy Committee to see if there is a standard expectation.
Question: How is AASC maintaining their “permanent record file?” Check with Mary Hutchens to determine this.
Section D: Evaluating Online Education Committee Effectiveness will be revised during the planning session.
Agenda item: D2L Rubrics Tool
Solen and Juliann presented the overview of the rubrics tool in D2L. Johnna mentioned that Learning Central will be looking for volunteers to join a “beta group” to test the tool and implement it in their classes. Deb asked some questions about the functionality, which Juliann answered.
Agenda item: APPQMR/QM trainings
The following people have expressed interest in the training: Karon Metz, Ramona Beiswanger, Tracy Murphy, Darci Stanford. Ramona and Tracy created accounts and were give the PO number to sign up for the November session. Darci had departmental commitments that took precedence and plans to participate in the training in the spring.
Jane Greathouse has expressed interest in the Peer Reviewer Course. She and Johnna will connect to get her registered for that. She will also share with the committee her experience at the QM/SoftChalk conference that she recently attended.
Deb adjourned the meeting at 2:20.
Respectfully submitted,
Johnna Horton