Chapter One
Questioning God and His ways is called arrogance (pride).
Seeking honor is called arrogance (pride).
Showing no respect for God is called arrogance. (pride)
Chapter 6: Part one Section three. "arrogance".
Chapter 6: Part one Section three. "arrogance".
Questioning God and His ways is called arrogance (pride).
In the Book of Job it says:
Jb 11:7 Can you penetrate the designs of God? Dare you vie with the perfection of the Almighty?
11:8 It is higher than the heavens; what can you do? It is deeper than the nether world; what can you know?
11:9 It is longer than the earth in measure, and broader than the sea.
11:10 If He seize and imprison or call to judgment, who then can say Him nay?
1) “Can you penetrate the designs of God”? Ask yourselves, what is God's design or plans for mankind? We are here upon this earth to learn how to love others in the way Jesus loved us.
Is 40:12 Who has cupped in his hand the waters of the sea, and marked off the heavens with a span? Who has held in a measure the dust of the earth, weighed the mountains in scales and the hills in a balance?
40:13 Who has directed the Spirit of the LORD, or has instructed Him as His counselor?
40:14 Whom did He consult to gain knowledge? Who taught Him the path of judgment, or showed Him the way of understanding?
Jb 38:3 Gird up your loins now, (Cover your nakedness.) like a man; I will question you, and you tell me the answers!
Jb 38:4 Where were you when I founded the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding.
38:5 Who determined its size; do you know? Who stretched out the measuring line for it?
38:6 Into what were its pedestals (bases) sunk, and who laid the cornerstone,
38:7 While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
38:8 And who shut within doors the sea, when it burst forth from the womb;
38:9 When I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling bands?
38:10 When I set limits for it and fastened the bar of its door,
38:11 And said: Thus far shall you come but no farther, and here shall your arrogant waves be stilled!
1) “Gird up your loins”. I assure you, my dear brothers, the man without virtue is naked. Cover your loins by returning good for evil.
2) “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth”? This verse refers to mankind, for man is made from clay. It should be obvious that God has placed everything into motion. He forms the light, and creates the darkness, He makes well-being and creates woe; God does all these things. Is (45:7) My dear brothers, we are here upon the earth to experience how to love others in the way Jesus loved us; consider this the foundation of God’s Plan.
3) “Who determined its size; surely you know? Who stretched out the measuring line for it”? This verse refers to the 144,000 and the elect. The measuring line is the life of Christ.
4) “Into what were its pedestals (Bases) sunk, and who laid the cornerstone”. This verse refers to the word of God, yes the pedestals. The cornerstone is Christ who placed the Word into action.
5) “While the morning stars sang in chorus and all the heavenly beings shouted for joy”? In this verse, Scripture is mocking the arrogant. Was the arrogant man present when God created the angels?
6) “When I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling bands”? This verse refers to the spiritual darkness that will exist at our Final Tests. (See chapter 3.) A description of darkness is used to denote anger. On a good day enjoy good things, and on an evil day consider: both the one and the other God has made, so that man cannot find fault with Him in anything. Eccl (7:14) No cause thus to say: “What is the purpose of this?” Everything is chosen to satisfy a need. Eccl (39:21) The Lord has made everything for His own ends, even the wicked for the evil day. Prv (16:4)
Jb 38:16 Have you entered into the sources of the sea, or walked about in the depths of the abyss?
38:17 Have the gates of death been shown to you, or have you seen the gates of darkness? (Refers to hell.)
38:18 Have you comprehended the breadth of the earth? Tell me, if you know all:
38:19 Which is the way to the dwelling place of light, and where is the abode of darkness,
38:20 That you may take it to its territory and that you may discern the paths to its home?
38:21 You know, because you were born before them, and the number of your years is great!
38:22 Have you entered the storehouse of the snow, and seen the treasury of the hail
38:23 Which I have reserved for times of stress, for the days of war and of battle?
1) “Have you entered into the sources of the sea”? This verse is asking the question, do you understand sin? The sea, you must understand, is salt water and it can’t sustain human life. Only fresh water can. Likened fresh water to the word of God giving life to the spirit. Let me say this, sin can only be understood if we understand the twelve virtues. This can only occur if we share in Christ’s Seven Spirits.
2) “Which is the way to the dwelling place of light”? As light has seven parts, the Spirit of God has Seven Spirits.
Chapter 6: Part one Section three. "arrogance".
Chapter 6: Part one Section one. "arrogance".
The dwelling place of light is really the powerful thoughts of God. (Wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, holy fear, and delight of holy fear.) And we can find this light by contemplating the sorrows of Jesus.
3) “Where is the abode (place) of darkness”? Study the seven deadly spirits and the deadly fruits in which they produce, and then you have found the home of darkness.
1) Arrogance
2) Anger
3) Envy
4) Spiritual laziness
5) Lust
6) Excessive wealth
7) Excessive pleasure
4) “Have you entered the storehouse of the snow, and seen the treasury of the hail.” This verse refers to the Second Woe, Fourth Kingdom. (See chapter three.)
5) Which I have reserved for times of stress. This verse also refers to the Second Woe. The next verse, “for the days of war and of battle”, is a reference to the last battle called Armageddon. (See chapter nine.)
Is 44:24 Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, who formed you from the womb: “I am the Lord, who made all things, who stretched out the heavens alone, who spread out the earth—Who was with Me? —
Seeking honor is called arrogance (pride).
Prv 25:27 To eat too much honey is not good; nor to seek honor after honor.
1) “Nor to seek honor after honor”. We do not understand that when we seek the praise and honor of men, our brains release dopamine. We experience pleasure when our brains release dopamine when we are praised.
Sir 7:4 Seek not from the LORD authority, nor from the king a place of honor.
1 Cor 9:24 Do you not know that the runners in the stadium all run in the race, but only one wins the prize? Run so as to win.
9:25 Every athlete exercises discipline in every way. They do it to win a crown of leaves that withers, but we an imperishable one.
9:26 Thus I do not run aimlessly; I do not fight as if I were shadowboxing.
9:27 No, I drive my body and train it, for fear that, after having preached to others, I myself should be disqualified.
1) “I drive my body and train it”. Saint Paul is speaking about serving mankind.
Brothers, in today’s society, man will painfully train for a marathon and yet take no time in the pursuit of studying the word of God. The reason is simple, the brain releases dopamine when we seek the praise of men, but no dopamine is released when we study the Holy Scriptures.
Prv 14:24 The crown of the wise is their wisdom, but folly is the garland (a crown of leaves.) of fools.
1) “The crown of the wise is their wisdom”. And wisdom is contemplating the sorrows of man looking through the eyes of Jesus.
Man’s arrogance wants to be unique, excel, and show its superiority. Yes, fruitless will be his labors; worthless is his hope of life after death. Wis (3:11)
Jer 22:14 Who says, “I will build myself a spacious house, with airy rooms,” Who cuts out windows for it, panels it with cedar, and paints it with bright red pigment.
22:15 Must you prove your rank among kings by competing with them in cedar?
My dear brothers, so many men want to be praised and pulled by the desire of being prominent. They do their best to look for someone who is of higher class to satisfy their ambition.
Lk 1:51 The Lord has shown might with His arm, He has confused the arrogant in their inmost thoughts.
1:52 He has thrown down the rulers from their thrones and raised the lowly to high places.
Lk 14:6...... He told a parable to those who had been invited, noticing how they were choosing the places of honor at the table.
14:8 “When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not recline at table in the place of honor. A more distinguished guest than you may have been invited by him,
14:9 and the host who invited both of you may approach you and say, ‘Give your place to this man,’ and then you would proceed with embarrassment to take the lowest place.
14:10 Rather, when you are invited, go and take the lowest place so that when the host comes to you he may say, ‘My friend, move up to a higher position.’ Then you will enjoy the esteem of your companions at the table.
14:11 For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Sir 24:27 Exalt not yourself lest you fall and bring upon you dishonor;
Jn 5:44 How can you believe, who receive glory from one another and do not seek the glory that comes from the only God?
1) “Glory” is achieved by engraving the sorrows of others in our hearts looking through the eyes of Jesus.
Showing no respect for God is called arrogance. (pride)
Ps 10:4 In their insolence (Grossly lacking in respect) the wicked boast: “God doesn‘t care, doesn‘t even exist.”
Ps 10:11 Who say in their hearts, “God pays no attention, shows no concern, never bothers to look.”
Jb 34:9 When he says, “It profits a man nothing that he is pleasing to God.”
Ps 12:4 May the LORD cut off all deceiving lips, and every boastful tongue,
12:5 Those who say, “By our tongues we prevail; when our lips speak, who can lord it over us?”
Ps 14:1 ..Fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” Their deeds are loathsome and corrupt; not one does what is right.
1) Because man's thoughts are so much different than God's thoughts, men will question God and His Plan. But was man around when God made the earth and the heavens? Obviously not. Which Book in the bible describes how man was not created when God made everything?
2) What does gird your loins mean?
3) God laid the foundations of the earth. What does this mean?
4) Which is the way to the dwelling place of light? The dwelling place of light is the powerful thoughts of God. Name all seven thoughts or emotions of God.
5) Where is the abode (place) of darkness?
6) If a man seeks honor, this is an emotion called ______.
7) An athlete will discipline himself to win a race. He is seeking honor and praise from man. He uses the powers of his intelligence to obtain worldly praises. This is called arrogance. His intelligence was created by God to seek God's ways. But its the dopamine in his brain that finds pleasure to win a crown of leaves that ______.
8) The spiritual person has a crown of wisdom upon his head. He contemplates the sorrows of ____ looking through the ____ of Jesus.
9) Fruitless is an arrogant man's labors; worthless is his hope of ____ after death.
10) Jesus said in the Gospel of Luke that "For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be ______".
11) Arrogance is an emotion. Such men will say, “God pays no attention, shows no _____, never bothers to look.”