SWARH TrakCare PCMS Project V1.5

Project Management Plan

for SWARH TrakCare PCMS Project

Prepared By: tt\partners

Date Last Updated: 28/07/2011

Version: 1.5

Copyright Notice

This document framework remains the property of tt\partners and is protected by copyright. © tt\partners Pty Ltd. ABN 50 103 212 139, (‘tt\partners’).

This document framework is not to be duplicated in any manner (part or whole) without prior written permission of tt\partners.


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Quality Endorsed Company

/ tt\partners is an ISO 9001:2000 Quality Endorsed Company for the provision of consulting services in strategy, policy, analysis, design, documentation, testing, risk assessment and project management of Information and Communications Technology and eLearning.

Stakeholder Sign Off

I/We certify that the contents of this document are accurate and represent the project and/or business requirements.

Role / Name / Signature / Date
Executive Officer,
SWARH / Garry Druitt / __ / __ / __
Productivity & Development Manager,
SWARH / Katharina Redford / __ / __ / __

Document Control

Amendment History:

Release / Issued / Comments / Author
0.1 / 09/06/11 / Document framework developed / tt\partners
0.1 / 16/06/11 / Documented sections on risks, governance structure roles and responsibilities / tt\partners
0.2 / 27/06/11 / Added notes from interviews in relevant sections / tt\partners
0.3 / 28/06/11 / Finalised sections on risks, governance structure, roles & responsibilities / tt\partners
0.4 / 30/06/11 / Added content to remainder of document / tt\partners
0.5 / 30/06/11 / Peer review / tt\partners
1.0 / 04/07/11 / Prepared as client release version / tt\partners
1.1 / 06/07/11 / Incorporated comments from SWARH / tt\partners
1.2 / 07/07/11 / Minor edits / SWARH
1.3 / 11/07/11 / Incorporated comments from Steering Committee via Katharina Redford / tt\partners
1.4 / 12/07/11 / Changes made to the project timeline at SWARH’s request / tt\partners
1.5 / 28/07/11 / Changes made to the testing dates on the project timeline / tt\partners


Copy # / Release / Issued / Recipient
01. / 1.0 / 05/07/11 / tt\partners
02. / 1.0 / 05/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
03. / 1.0 / 05/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH
04. / 1.1 / 06/07/11 / tt\partners
05. / 1.1 / 06/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
06. / 1.1 / 06/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH
07. / 1.2 / 07/07/11 / tt\partners
08. / 1.2 / 07/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
09. / 1.2 / 07/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH
07. / 1.3 / 11/07/11 / tt\partners
08. / 1.3 / 11/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
09. / 1.3 / 11/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH
07. / 1.4 / 12/07/11 / tt\partners
08. / 1.4 / 12/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
09. / 1.4 / 12/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH
07. / 1.5 / 28/07/11 / tt\partners
08. / 1.5 / 28/07/11 / Garry Druitt, Executive Officer, SWARH
09. / 1.5 / 28/07/11 / Katharina Redford, Project Manager, SWARH

Glossary of Terms

Term / Description
ARAC / Acute & Residential Aged Care
EO / Executive Officer
ISC / InterSystems
PAS / Patient Administration System
PCMS / Patient & Client Management System
PCMSSC / PCMS Steering Committee
PM / Project Manager
SAG / SWARH Agencies (Hospitals and Communities)
SPT / SWARH Project Team

Table of Contents

1. Overview 7

1.1 Purpose 7

1.2 Intended Audience 7

1.3 Background 7

1.4 Approach 8

1.5 Project Status 10

2. Project Objectives 11

3. Project Scope 12

3.1 Scope Inclusions 12

3.2 Existing Trak Modules 13

3.3 Minimum Success Criteria 13

4. Project Timeline 14

5. Estimated Project Effort 15

6. Resources 17

6.1 Project Governance Structure 17

6.2 SWARH Project Team Roles and Responsibilities 19

6.3 SWARH Agencies Super Users (Hospitals and Community) 23

6.4 Committees 24

7. Risk Management & Weekly Reporting 25

7.1 Recommended Risk Management Process 25

7.2 Weekly Reporting 26

8. Communication Management Plan 27

8.1 Communication Types and Frequency 27

9. Project Control 31

9.1 Assumptions 31

9.2 Risks and Mitigation 32

9.3 Observations & Recommendations 35

9.4 Dependencies 38

Appendix A Graphical Representation of PAS Functional Modules 40

Appendix A Graphical Representation of Community Functional Modules 41

Appendix B Sample of Proposed Risk Register 42

Appendix C Weekly Project Status Report 43

1.  Overview

1.1  Purpose

The purpose of this document is to ensure there is a common understanding of the key project objectives between the SWARH Executive Office, various Committees, SWARH Project Team (SPT), SWARH Agencies (SAGs) and InterSystems (ISC) for the TrakCare PCMS project including PAS and Community.

This document outlines the scope, governance structure, approach, timelines, communications plan, known risks, dependencies and assumptions for the project.

1.2  Intended Audience

The target audience of this document includes all parties represented in the recommended governance structure. These parties include:

·  SWARH Regional ICT Executive Committee

·  SWARH Executive Officer

·  SWARH PCMS Steering Committee

·  SWARH ARAC Subcommittee

·  SWARH Primary Care Subcommittee

·  SWARH PCMS Project Management

·  SWARH PCMS Project Team

·  InterSystems project team

·  SWARH PAS Working Group

·  SWARH Community/Client Working Group

1.3  Background

SWARH Regional ICT Executive Committee are seeking to expand the scope of functionality provided to Hospital and Community Client Agencies within the current Vital PAS system, supplied and supported by InterSystems, the vendor. As such, a decision has been made to migrate from Vital PAS system to the TrakCare 2010 Foundation PAS system, also supplied and supported by InterSystems.

The TrakCare 2010 system, once implemented, is expected to underpin improved levels of healthcare capability to patients in the region, with significant operational efficiency gains to be realised by participating Agencies.

Additional functionality is to be included within the migration and shall incorporate modules of functionality for Patient Billing, Waiting Lists and Operating Theatre modules. TrakCare Community modules will also be implemented at the Community Agencies within the group, replacing several different decentralised systems with an enterprise solution sharing a common Patient Master Index across all Agencies using the TrakCare system.

This centralised information-sharing design is intended to provide improvements to patient identification, and access to treatment records across multiple health providers, enabling improved levels of care based on the ability to gather a holistic view of patient treatment history across multiple disciplines and multiple Agency locations.

This SWARH TrakCare PCMS project has been formed to undertake the delivery of the migration from Vital PAS to TrakCare 2010, including all additional modules of functionality. The scope of this project involves implementing the system for use by two (2) Hospital and one (1) Community Agency.

The project will be run as collaboration between the participating Agencies, SWARH, and InterSystems, with SWARH performing the role of Project Management and coordination across all parties.

1.4  Approach

tt\partners undertakes all projects in line with its internally developed project management methodology – PMI (Project Management Intelligence). PMI is a customised version of the industry standard PMBOK.

In the event of SWARH not having a project management methodology, it is recommended that the methodology defined below be adopted for the PCMS project.

The following table is provided to describe the process undertaken for the development of the ‘planning’ phase of the project. It’s intended is to provide the reader with an understanding of the process and approach.

Phase / Activities
Project Initiation / Internal project start up activities
Project Planning / ·  Initial client stakeholder meeting with SWARH’s Executive Officer and Productivity and Development Manager
·  Development of project plan for the ‘Planning’ phase of the project
Project Execution / ·  Requirements gathering
o  Interview vendor (InterSystems)
§  Identify roles and responsibilities
§  Determine project status
§  Determine existing project timeframes
§  Identify risks and dependencies
o  Interview SWARH project team
§  Identify roles and responsibilities
§  Determine project status
§  Determine existing project timeframes
§  Identify risks and dependencies
o  Interview nominated SWARH Agencies
§  Identify roles and responsibilities
§  Identify expectations of the system and project
§  Identify risks and dependencies
·  Develop Project Management Plan
o  Governance Structure
o  Communications Plan
o  Risk Management Plan
o  Project Approach
o  Project Deliverables
o  Project Timeline
o  Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities
o  Project Budget Estimates
·  Develop Project Plan for implementation of:
o  PAS
o  Community
·  Develop Project Time, Cost and Resource Estimates
o  SWARH Project Team
Phase / Activities
Project Control / ·  Project Management activities (tt\partners has been engaged in a ‘light touch’ capacity (1.5 days per week) throughout the implementation phase:
o  Weekly Reporting
o  Project Control Reporting
o  Weekly project meetings
Project Completion / ·  Project completion sign-off
·  Customer satisfaction feedback

1.5  Project Status

To establish the current status of the PCMS Project, tt\partners used a simple rating system during their interviews with the SWARH Project Team in order to ascertain their perception of the current project status.

The diagram below illustrates the phases.

The table below represents the data collected.

Functionality / Team Member / Project Phases / % Completed
PAS / A / Plan / 25%
B / Plan / 50%
C / Plan / 100%
D / Plan / 50%
E / Analysis / 25%
Community / A / Plan / 25%
B / Plan / 25%

The aggregated response indicates the PAS component of the project to be at the Planning Phase, with around 50% of work completed.

The aggregated response indicates the Community component of the project to be at the Planning Phase, with around 25% of work completed.

2.  Project Objectives

To deliver a fully integrated, Patient, Client (Community) and Clinical system (please note: SWARH Agencies are already using the TrakCare Clinical system).

Integration means that the functions of the Acute, Community and Clinical sectors are contained within a single application, delivered using a single user interface.

The October 2010 meeting of the SWARH Executive Committee (SWARHEC) completed an analysis of the following:

1.  Risks associated with maintaining the current Patient and Community systems

2.  The functionality of the options: Healthsmart PCMS and InterSystems Trakcare

3.  The financial impact of the options.

4.  The Governance implications of adopting the most cost effective solution.

This was an extended process which took from 2007-2010 to complete. The final resolution was that Intersystem’s Trakcare most effectively meets the SWARH requirements.

The SWARHEC then made the following decision related to the implementation of that resolution:

·  That Trak Integrated Patient, Client and Clinical systems be implemented through individual member agreement

3.  Project Scope

The scope defined below extends across 2 Hospital sites and 1 Community site.

Refer to Appendix A for a graphical representation of the functional modules for PAS and Community.

3.1  Scope Inclusions

3.1.1  PAS Implementation

The following functional modules have been identified as scope inclusions:

1.  Patient Master Index (PMI)

2.  Outpatients

3.  Inpatients (including bed management)

4.  Medical Records Coding (including DRG)

5.  Medical Records Tracking

6.  Waiting Lists

7.  Operating Theatres

8.  Patient Billing (Standard)

9.  Zen Reports and PDF Printing

10.  Business Intelligence

11.  Interfaces/Extracts (including interface for VMO Billing)

12.  User Permissions Security

13.  Biometrics

3.1.2  Community Implementation

The following functional modules have been identified as scope inclusions:

1.  Patient Master Index (PMI)

2.  Outpatients

3.  Medical Records Tracking

4.  Waiting Lists

5.  Contacts

6.  Billing for Contacts

7.  Zen Reports and PDF Printing

8.  Business Intelligence

9.  Interfaces/Extracts

10.  Brokerage (home care)

11.  eReferrals

12.  User Permissions Security

13.  Biometrics

14.  District Nursing

The following key project activities have been identified as scope inclusions:

1.  Delivery of the above software functional modules from InterSystems

2.  Development activities for data migration, configuration, testing and implementation by InterSystems

3.  Demonstrations and training to SWARH Project Team and Agency Super Users by InterSystems

4.  System testing by the SWARH Project Team

5.  User Acceptance testing by the nominated Agencies Super Users

6.  Training to Agency End Users by Agency Super Users

7.  Application support for Agency Super and End Users

8.  Project management across entire project by SWARH and tt\partners (light touch)

3.2  Existing Trak Modules

The Trak modules listed below already exist at SWARH and are to be considered ‘in scope’, as these modules will be integrated with the TrakCare PAS and Community modules:

1.  Emergency Department

2.  Clinicals

3.  Medication Management.

3.3  Minimum Success Criteria

The following has been identified by SWARH as the minimum criteria that must be implemented in order for the TrakCare PSCM Project to be deemed successful.