/ One Powerful Day is Back!
March 6, 2013


March 6, 2013
7:45 am to 4:45 pm
$40 per person



7:45 AM – 8:00 AM
Registration & Exhibits
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Rodent Control w/ AP&G
9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Termite control w/ Bayer
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM
Featured Speaker:
Patty Alder w/ NC State
11:30 AM – 12:45 PM
Lunch (on your own)
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Featured Speaker:
Patty Alder w/ NC State
2:15 PM – 3:15 PM
Bedbugs w/ FMC
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Moisture Control w/
Temp Vent

6 CEU’s applied for

in SC & NC.
You MUST stay for the duration of the seminar to earn the CEU’s. Sign out sheets will be available at the end of the last speaker’s presentation.
ONE POWERFUL DAY is brought to you by:Univar USA Inc.

Ph# 800-888-4897 / Join us for Univar’s One Powerful Day at the SC Archives and History Center. We have applied for up to 6 credits in SC & NC. Hours include both termite and general pest control.
Look forward to learning from these suppliers:AP&G, Bayer, FMC & Temp Vent.
Please type or print clearly. Registration is $40 per person postmarked or faxed before February 22, 2013. After February 22, registration is $50 per person. Registration is payable by current Univar account in good standing, check (Univar customer’s only), money order, or credit card (American Express, MC, Visa). Class is limited to the first 200 paid registrations received. We cannot have more than 200 attendees due to fire codes at the facility. Incomplete registrations or registrations received without payment will not be considered. All registrations must be paid in advance.To earn the CEU’s you will need to bring your private, commercial, or non-commercial license number with you to the class on March 6, 2013.In order to submit the CEU’s in a timely manner, we cannot accept license#’s after the seminar date. It is YOUR responsibility to bring this info with you to the seminar.
Company Name: ______
Mailing Address: ______
City, State Zip: ______
Phone (______)______Fax (______)______

Attendee(s) First & Last Name:

Before February 22, 2013...... $40 per person x ______people = $______Total
After February 22, 2013...... $50 per person x ______people = $______Total
 Please charge my credit card (check one): American Express  MC Visa 
Account Number:______Expiration Date (mm/yyyy):______
Cardholder Name: ______Cardholder Signature:______
 Please charge my Univar Account #: ______
 I am a Univar customer & my check is enclosed (please do not mail cash! Money orders instead, please. Make checks payable to Univar USA Inc.)
(If you are not sure if you are a Univar customer, please call #800-888-4897) We cannot accept checks from companies that are not Univar customers. Those checks will be returned & registration will not be completed. **Returned checks will be subject to a returned check fee**.
Registrations with credit card or Univar account should be faxed to #864-801-3993.
If paying by check or money order, please mail registration form and check to:
Univar USA Inc., 316 F Business Parkway, Greer, SC 29651
/ One Powerful Day!
One Powerful Program!
March 6, 2013


Ben Rountree

Univar USA Inc.

316 F Business Parkway

Greer, SC29651

* * Address Correction Requested * *