/ Drawsomeoutlines..
Lygiosios Keletas pagrindinių ..
/ Sužinok, kur tamsiausias dalys ir patamsinti jas.
/ Thisisroughlyhow I drawirises:
Tai yra maždaug kaip aš atkreipti irisų:
Again, shadethedarkestpartsfirst!
Vėlgi, atspalvis tamsiausias dalių pirmas!
/ Then, shadetherestoftheeye. Tryandcreatesomedepth.
/ Blendthewholeiriswitheither a tortillion, or a waddingstick (thosethingsyoucanuse to cleanyourears)
/ Repeatthisprocess a fewtimes.
/ Grabyourkneadableeraserandtry to create a sharppoint to maketheirislookless "empty".
/ Makesomemorehighlights, continueuntilyou'resatisfied.
/ Thewhitepartsoftheeyeobviouslyaren'tallthatwhite, so...
/ Use a tortillionor a waddingstick to blend.
/ Becausethelaststepobviouslylookedtoo dark andflat, addsomehighlightswiththekneadableeraser.
/ Let'sshadetheuppereyelid!
Again, startbydrawingthedarkestarea.
/ Like I didallthetime, it'sallaboutrealisticshading. Aneyelidhaslotsofdifferentshades...
/ Use a tissue to blendtheeyelid. It obviouslystilllookskindofflat, butI'lldrawthelashesbeforeaddingmorehighlights
/ It'stime to draw a feweyelashes (andI'llshowyouwhere to start)
To determinewhere to drawthelashesabovethelowereyelid, shadethistinypartoftheeyefirst. Pencil, followedby a tortillion...
/ Upperlashes! Tryandmakethemlooklikebows. Also, they'reneverallthesamelength. Keepthatinmind.
/ Drawsomelowerlashes. Theydon'thave to be allthatrealisticyet...
/ Thepartbetweentheuppereyelidandtheeyebrow'sfun to draw. Awesomeshading!
Like I didallthetime... Lightpencilstrokesthat are kindofclosetogether.
/ Use a tissue to blend.
/ Repeatthisprocess a fewtimes. Don't be afraid to usedarks!
/ I'mready to drawtheeyebrow...
First, drawthemostnoticeablelines.
/ Then, shadetherestandblendthewholething. Use a mixtureofdifferenttoolsandseewhatlooks best!
/ Asyoucansee, I'mstarting to shadeanythingthatlooks "flat", "missing" or "empty" at thispoint.
/ WhileI'mdoingthat, I feellikeit'stime to shadeunderneaththeeye.
/ Blend, anddrawthemostnoticeablelines.
/ Shadethedarkestpartsbeneaththeeye. Tryandgive it extrarealism / depthbyadding a few "wrinkles" : somethinlinesthataren'tsupposed to be blended.
/ Repeatthelaststep... I also addedsomeshadingwherethenoseissupposed to "start"
/ Ofcourse, abovetheeyebrow, shadingisneededaswell...
/ Blendusing a tissue...

One last touch and we're FINISHED!