Solicitation #1723-641Attachment D, Bidder Response Form

This form is broken into four sections: Section 1, Administrative Response; Section 2, Management Response; Section 3, Technical Response; and Section 4, Quotation or Cost Response. Bidders must respond to all questions in the expandable space provided. If a question requires Bidder to submit additional documents, please submit them in a clearly labeled manner and note that these are additional documents to Attachment D.
Bidder’s response to the questions in this section, combined with the information provided in Bidder’s Submittal Letter, comprise Bidder’s Administrative Response to this Solicitation. While the Administrative Response is not given a numericscore, information provided as part of Bidder’s Administrative Response may cause the Bid to be disqualified and may be considered in evaluating Bidder’s qualifications and experience. / MAXIMUM TOTAL POINTS / THIS COLUMN IS FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY
a / Please indicate whether you employ or contract with any current or former Washington state employees. If the answer is yes, provide the following information with respect to each individual: 1)name of employee or contractor; 2)the individual’s employment history with the State of Washington; 3)a description of the Individual’s involvement with the response to this Solicitation; and 4)the Individual’s proposed role in providing the services under this any Contract that may be awarded. / NOT SCORED
b / Please list the names and contact information for three individuals you agree may serve as Bidder references and may freely provide information to DSHS regarding the reference’s experience and impressions of Bidder. In providing these names, Bidder represents that it shall hold both DSHS and the organizations and individuals providing a reference harmless from and against any and all liability for seeking and providing such reference. / NOT SCORED
c / Please indicate whether your Response contains any variations from the requirements of the Solicitation Document. If the answer is yes, list each variation with specificity and include the pertinent page numbers containing the variation. / NOT SCORED
d / Please indicate whether you are requesting that DSHS consider any exceptions and/or revisions to the sample contract language found in Attachment A. If so, state the page of Attachment A on which text you request to change is found, and state the specific changes you are requesting. DSHS shall be under no obligation to agree to any requested changes, and will not consider changes to contract language or negotiate any new language that are not identified in response to this question. / NOT SCORED
e / If Bidder considers any information that is submitted as part of its Response to be proprietary, please identify the numbered pages of Bidder’s Response containing such information and place the word “Proprietary” in the lower right hand corner of each of these identified pages. / NOT SCORED
f / Please indicate whether you have had a contract terminated for cause or default within the past five (5) years. If so, please provide the terminating party’s name, address and telephone number and provide a summary describing the alleged deficiencies in Bidder’s performance, whether and how these alleged deficiencies were remedied and any other information pertinent to Bidder’s position on the matter. “Termination for Cause” refers to any notice to Bidder to stop performance due to Bidder’s asserted nonperformance or poor performance and the issue was either (a) not litigated; (b) litigated with a resulting determination in favor of the other party; or (c) is the subject of pending litigation / NOT SCORED
g / Please identify any prior contracts Bidder has entered into with the State of Washington within the past ten (10) years and identify the dates and nature of the contract and primary agency contact for each. / NOT SCORED
h / Please indicate whether Bidder has been the subject of a lawsuit or administrative proceeding alleging a failure to comply with laws relating to the types of services Bidder proposes to provide pursuant to this Solicitation. If the answer is yes, please list the nature of the allegations, docket number, disposition and date (if applicable) and Bidder’s explanation of how it has changed its practices or operations relative to any alleged deficiencies since that proceeding was filed. / NOT SCORED
i / Please describe your proposed plans for the use of Subcontractors in performing this contract, listing each Subcontractor, its proposed role and the estimated percentage of the Contract that will be performed by each Subcontractor. Please indicate whether each subcontractor self-identifies or is certified as a small business, a minority-owned business, a woman-owned business, a disadvantaged business enterprise, or a veteran-owned business. If the answer is yes, please identify the type of organization(s) and provide details of any certifications. Note that all Subcontractors must be approved by DSHS. / NOT SCORED
j / Can you meet all of the mandatory requirements listed in Section B.3 “Project Scope – Mandatory Requirements”, subsections B.3.b through B.3.o, of this Solicitation? / NOT SCORED
k / Can you provide proof of being licensed to do business in the State of Washington or provide a commitment to become licensed in the State of Washington within thirty (30) calendar days of being awarded the Apparent Successful Bidder? / NOT SCORED
l / For resource planning purposes, how many team members do you propose to have working on site on the Mobile Application? / NOT SCORED
a / How many years hasyour company been in business? / 20
b / Describe if your company has a local presence in the State of Washington? Have you done projects before in the State of Washington? Have you performed projects for government agencies within the State of Washington? / 20
c / How many years has your company been developing mobile applications for a Health and Human Services governmental entity with both Apple and Android platforms? / 20
d / Please provide the names and roles of the key team members you will assign to this Contract, if you are the Successful Bidder, and provide their titles, proposed roles, and current resumes for each person proposed. Key team members to include managerial, support, and technical staff. ResumesmustdetailexperiencewithdevelopingmobileapplicationsandAPIsinanAgileenvironment.
Bidder should note that if awarded a contract, it may not reassign its key personnel from the Project without prior approval of DSHS, and that DSHS reserves the right to have Contractor remove selected staff from the Project. / 100
e / How many deployments of mobile applications for a Health and Human Services governmental entity have your proposed key team members completed? How many in the last 3 years? / 20
f / Please provide how many years’ experience with Agile Methodology your company has, and the proposed staff have. / 20
g / Please describe youruseofAgileMethodology in the developmentofmobileapplications. / 40
h / Please describe your company’s experience with Agile coaching sessions including where, for whom, and for what type of products. / 40
i / Please describe your method for ensuringthat your services and deliverables are provided in accordance with high quality standards and for immediately correcting any deficiencies? What data would you propose to report to DSHS which would permit verification of your quality assurance activity, findings and actions? / 40
j / Please describe the measures you employ to ensurethat your services and deliverables are provided in a cost effective manner that is consistent with quality outcomes and fair employment practices. / 40
k / Describe what mobile applications you have developed for a social service governmental application in whole, or in part. Please cover the following as part of your answer: What were the key functional features provided in these mobile applications? What devices and operating systems did your mobile applications run on? How long did it take to develop and implement these mobile applications? How did these mobile applications help your customers achieve their goals? / 40
l / Please describe recent experience with development of mobile applications and APIs. Provide the following as evidence: Bidders must have three (3) years of experience and completed three (3) deployments of mobile applications for a Health and Human Services governmental entity on iOS and Android platforms, and at least one (1) named key person must have completed at least one (1) deployment of that description. For this requirement, “completed” means that the referenced projects have successfully completed implementation. Incomplete projects will not satisfy this requirement. The bidder and their key team members must demonstrate that they were primarily responsible for the success of the project, through the development and implementation phases.
Describeyour specific experience in the successful completion of mobile application development projects that are similar to the criteria described in this RFP. Clearly describe the scope and scale of those projects. Describe why your experience positions your firm as the best candidate for this project.
Please ensure that your answer to this question includes all information that you wish DSHS to consider in determining whether you meet the minimum Bidder qualifications set forth in the Solicitation Document. Please include any relevant experience that distinguishes your organization or makes it uniquely qualified for the Contract. / 100
a / Describe how you would secure confidential and sensitive data for our mobile app. Describe how you would protect against malware infections with documents being uploaded from a mobile device. Include the reasons for your approach. / 50
b / Describe your approach to app design to ensure usability including client usability testing, and how feedback is incorporated into the design. Include the reasons for your approach. / 20
c / Describe your approach to app design to ensure usable performance. Include the reasons for your approach. / 20
d / Describe your approach to app design to ensure accessibility. Include the reasons for your approach. / 20
e / What tools do you recommend for building and maintaining this app? Include the reasons you believe these to be the best tools for our mobile app? / 20
f / Describe your approach to training and coaching of Agile methodology for State staff so they can learn and implement best practices and be equipped to maintain the mobile app. Please provide a sample of training materials you have developed for Agile methodology. / 20
g / Describe your approach for designing technical documentation. Please provide a sample of technical documentation you have developed for a mobile application. / 20
h / Describe your approach for designing training materials. What do you propose for training materials for the users of the mobile application? What do you propose for training materials for the State workers that will provide support to the users of the mobile application? Please provide a sample of training materials you have developed for a mobile application. / 20
i / What architectural approach do you propose for our mobile app: native mobile, adaptive-responsive web site, hybrid, or another approach? Include the reasons you believe this to be the best architectural approach for our mobile app? / 50
j / Describe your approach for developing the conceptual design. Please provide a sample of a conceptual design you have developed for a mobile application inclusive of screen designs. / 20
k / Describe your approach for developing the Maintenance Plan. Please provide an outline of what a maintenance plan would include. / 20
l / Describe your approach to testing. Please include in your response items such as: test planning, sprint or iteration testing, system testing, test environment, working with ESA staff to define User Acceptance Test (UAT) scripts, training UAT testers, UAT technical environment, providing an automated way of testing client app to support frequent deployments to app stores. / 20
m / Describe how you would successfully implement each item in this Solicitation under section B.3.b., Project Scope – Mandatory Requirements, Functional Considerations in Scope, while considering the assumptions, constraints, technical considerations, usability, performance, security, and other information in section 3. / 50
n / Describe the iterations, sprints, or groupings you would recommend. Include your reasons for this recommendation. / 50
o / Provide a proposed timeline and project schedule (.mpp) for the mobile app to be built. / 50
p / Describe what you think are the biggest risks for this app to be built and how would you address them? Show us in your project plan where you have included risk contingency. / 50
a / Please provide boththe total cost and a cost breakout for each deliverable of your proposed solution to meetall of the requirements listed in this Solicitation under section 3 “Project Scope – MandatoryRequirements” and the Deliverables Payment Schedule of the sample contract. Modify this table, as needed.
Deliverable / Price
(Inclusive of Holdback)
Project Management
1.1 / Project WorkPlan/Schedule
Design & Planning
2.1 / Mobile Application Architecture Design (Draft)
2.2 / Backlog & Iteration Plan (Draft)
2.3 / Mobile Application Design (Final)
2.4 / Backlog & Iteration Plan (Final)
2.5 / Security Design Review
2.6 / Mobile Application User Stories
2.7 / Mobile Application ArchitecturalandTechnicalSpecifications
3.1 / SourceCode
4.1 / Test Plan
4.2 / Usability Test
4.3 / UserAcceptanceTest
4.4 / Mobile Application Demonstration
5.1 / Agile Training and CoachingServices
5.2 / TrainingMaterials
5.3 / Support Materials
Maintenance & Operations (M&O)
6.1 / MaintenancePlanandSchedule
6.2 / Post-Implementation Support
6.3 / Operational Metrics
6.4 / Post-Release Maintenance
Total Cost
Total / Total Cost of Contract
/ 500
b / Please provide the cost of your proposed solution to provide four (4) additional years of maintenance similar to the one (1) year of maintenance listed under section B.3 “Project Scope – Mandatory Requirements”, subsection n. “Maintenance” of this solicitation. / NOT SCORED

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