St. Paul Catholic School

80 Sackville St.

Toronto, ON M5A 3E5

Phone # (416) 393-5204

Fax # (416)397-6586


Rev. Fr. Victor Mallia

Our Lady of Fatima Shrine

Pastoral Team:

Rev. Fr. Victor Mallia

Rev. Deacon Patrick Matthews

3170 St. Clair Avenue East

(416) 757-2806


Student Supervision:

Student supervision starts at 8 am in the yard. Students can go to the breakfast club in the church basement from 7:30 am on. Please do not drop off your child any earlier if they do not intend to go to the breakfast club.

Winter Weather and Appropriate Attire:

As winter arrives, we are bound to encounter some very frigid temperatures. Of course, living in Canada, we expect to endure some cold days and recognize that, when dressed appropriately, we can enjoy fun-filled, outdoor activities.

Students are expected to come to school with all that they need to participate in outdoor recesses.

Appropriate winter clothing includes: winter boots, a winter coat, snow pants, a hat, a scarf and warm mittens or gloves. All students are expected to have a pair of indoor shoes that may be left at school for the duration of the snowy/wet season. It is highly recommended that each student have an extra pair of dry socks in their backpack.

Please be assured that on exceptionally frigid days, outdoor recess will be shortened or cancelled. However, it is our intention to ensure that the students receive opportunities for fresh air and exercise on a regular basis throughout the winter season.

Flu Prevention:

Please continue to follow and review with your child the Public Health recommendations to prevent the spread of the flu, including:

~ Wash hands frequently.

~ Cough or sneeze into a tissue or sleeve.

~ Don’t share things that go in your mouth (i.e. cups, straws, utensils, etc.)

~ Keep children home if they are sick. Watch for symptoms such as fever, chills, cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches and possibly vomiting or diarrhoea.

Please do not send students back to school until they are feeling well and they have had no fever for at least 24 hours.

Bus Cancellation/ School Closure:

Inclement weather occasionally makes it necessary to cancel school bus services and/or close the school. These decisions are made at the school board level and are published as early as possible. Cancellation of school bus transportation or school closures due to inclement weather will be reported through the following vehicles:

~ News release to all media outlets in Toronto

(Listen for the Toronto CatholicDistrict School Board)

~ T.C.D.S.B. 24 hour information line: 416-222-8282 extension 2873

~T.C.D.S.B. website:


Please note that on some occasions transportation is cancelled but the school remains open. If this is the case, we do take attendance to ensure that those students who are coming have arrived safely. If you decide to keep your child home on one of these days, please call the school and report the absence. Please note also that, if transportation is cancelled this is in effect for the whole day; there will be no school bus transportation home for those who come to school via another means.

JK Registration Documents:

Registrations begin on January 8th at 10 am.

The following documents are required to register your child for kindergarten:

-Birth Certificate

-Immigration Papers (if born outside of Canada)

-Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate of child or custodial parent

-Health Card

-Immunization Record

-Proof of Residency (current utility bill showing name and address, lease or offer to purchase)

We will have extended hours for JK registration on Thursday, January 22 until 6 pm. Please let friends, family and neighbours who have children who are ready to begin school in September.

School Masses:

Our next mass will be on Thursday, January8th at 9:00 a.m. Parents are always welcome to join us.

PA Day: January 23th

Please note that Friday, January 23th will be a Professional Activity Day. There will be no school for students.

CSAC Meeting:

Our next CSAC meeting will take place on Thursday, January 29th at 6:00 p.m. All parents are welcome!


The virtue for the month of January is ‘Courage’. Our next assembly is on Thursday, January 29st at 2:00 p.m. All are welcome.

“You get in life what you have the courage to ask for.”

Oprah Winfrey

OLSAT Testing: Gr. 4:

On Wednesday, February 4th, students in Grade 4 will complete a standardized test called the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT8). This test is used to screen students for the Gifted Program. Results are made available in late spring. Please make sure that you do not book any appointments for your child on this day.

Pizza Lunch:

The next pizza lunch will be on Friday, January 30th. Please send in your order form on time. Pizza cannot be purchased on the day of the event.

Please cut, sign and return to school!

Dental Screening:

All students will have their teeth looked at on January 26th and/or the 27th. This is performed by Toronto Public Health. You will be notified of the results of the examination.

Nutrition/Snack Program:

This program continues to be a hit! Please send in your $5 contribution per child for the month of January. Without these contributions, the program will not be able to stay afloat! Many thanks to those who have paid for the entire year up front.

Join the Dance Canada:

The grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes will be participating in a ten week program offered by the Join the Dance Canada Foundation. The students will learn the fundamentals of ballroom dancing and we thank the organization for subsidizing half of the required costs. The students involved will be receiving further information.

Child’s name: ______

Parent’s signature: ______