The organization shall be known as the South Shore Harbour Men’s Golf Association, hereinafter referred to as the (“MGA”).
It shall be the purpose of the MGA to dedicate its experience to:
- The proliferation and betterment of the sport of Golf.
- Maximize the enjoyment of the SSHCC facilities through the cooperative efforts of all.
- Plan golf tournaments and social affairs for its members.
- Offer constructive suggestions and recommendations to the SSHCC club management concerning matters of interest to the total golfing membership.
5. Provide support via scholarships to CCISD’s Clear Creek and Clear Falls High School Boys and Girls golf Team. This will be accomplished thru fund raising events.
Membership shall be open to all male amateur golf members 21 years of age or older and in good standing in SSHCC. A male amateur is a non touring professional.
Once a member has elected to join the MGA, annual membership dues will be billed .
automatically unless written notice is received by SSHCC prior to December 31.
Yearly dues in the MGA shall be for the period from January 1st through December 31st in an amount established by the board of directors of the MGA. The dues will not be prorated for new membership or for termination of membership. Cancellation of dues during January will be refunded at full price. Dues must be paid prior to participation in any MGA event unless exempted by the board of directors.
Only members in good standing of the MGA shall have the right to vote at meetings, to be elected as an officer, to serve on a committee and participate in events planned or sponsored by the MGA.
- The officers of the MGA shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and any additional Assistants as voted on by the Membership. They shall comprise the Board of Directors.
- In the absence of the president, the vice president or his designee shall preside over all meetings of the MGA.
- The president, or in his absence, the vice president and one other board member shall sign all contracts or obligate the MGA.
- The president shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the MGA.
- The secretary shall keep the records of the meetings of the MGA and perform other duties as may from time to time be prescribed the president.
- The treasurer is authorized to establish bank accounts on behalf of the MGA and to perform all duties associated with the administration and maintenance of such accounts. The treasurer shall collect and keep all monies of the MGA and shall disburse them as directed by the officers of the MGA. He shall maintain the MGA books, which shall be open to inspection by any member of the MGA upon request. He shall make a report of the financial condition of the MGA at each monthly meeting and provide a copy to the secretary for inclusion in the recorded minutes of the monthly meeting. He shall keep a current list of the membership. He shall send all notices and correspondence relating to the financial matter of the MGA.
- An individual may not succeed himself as an officer. The succession, unless extraordinary circumstances present themselves, will be entry as the secretary and ascending each year to treasurer, vice president, and president. After one year as a non-officer of the MGA, a member may be elected to the board as secretary.
- The board may fill a vacancy on the board by appointing a replacement for the resigned position unless such vacancy coincides with the annual election, in which case the position will be filled at the annual meeting.
- The annual election of the new officer(s) of the MGA will be held in November or December and shall be held in conjunction with the last MGA event of the year. The nominating committee will submit a complete slate of nominations for the vacant positions(s) to the membership. Additionally, nominations will include submissions that have been accepted from the members prior to balloting on the day of the election. The new officers shall take office as of January 1 of the next year.
- A quorum of ten percent of the membership and at least three directors must be present at the annual meeting. If a quorum is not present the annual meeting will be rescheduled and the date and time posted at the SSHCC.
- Meetings of the MGA will be held as a deemed necessary by the board and shall be held prior to the MGA event for that month or at a time and date posted by the board.
- A quorum of three (3) board members is required for all regular and special board meetings.
- The Nominating Committee will consist of the president, the immediate past president and two members of the MGA not currently servicing as officers. They shall meet at least sixty (60) days prior the annual meeting and decide on the nomination(s) to be presented to the membership for the vacant post(s) in the MGA Board. The committee shall solicit the membership for any interest in serving as an officer on the MGA Board.
- Other committees may be formed at the direction of the board of directors to assume specific functions deemed necessary by the board.
The management of the MGA shall be vested in the Board of Directors, duly elected, with the authority to act on all matters of interest to the MGA. The immediate past president will serve as an advisor to the board and will have a vote only to break ties and will count as a member for a meeting quorum. The board of directors shall be responsible for all aspects or organizing, budgeting, preparing and conducting all MGA events, including the Member/Guest and Harbour Classic Tournaments annually.
The following will be the order of business at the Annual Meeting:
- The Treasurer’s Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Nominating Committee recommendation(s) for the vacant post(s) and nominations submitted from the membership prior to Annual Meeting.
- Election of new officer(s)
- Member comments on items not on the agenda.
- Adjournment
These bylaws may be modified, altered or amended at any regular meeting or special meeting called for that purpose, at which a quorum is present, provided that a statement of the proposed modifications, alterations or amendments signed by one or more of the active board members of the MGA is posted on the SSHCC marquee at least fifteen (15) days prior to said meeting. Passage requires the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the members present at the meeting.
These bylaws supersede any and all other bylaws that have been passed by the MGA prior to the 16th day of December 2015.
Notes on changes (current changes are underlined above):
-ARTICLE II: PURPOSE: - Add paragraph 5:
Provide support via scholarships to CCISD’s Clear Creek and Clear Falls High School Boys and Girls golf Team. This will be accomplished thru fund raising events.
ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP: - Revise 1st sentence to add amateur.
Membership shall be open to all male amateur golf members 21 years of age or older and in good standing in SSHCC. A male amateur is a non touring professional
ARTICLE IV: DUES: -Add new 3rd sentence to read.
Cancellation of dues during January will be refunded at full price.
ANNUAL MEETING AND ELECTIONS ARTICLE VII: - Change first sentence to include November or December in conjunction with the last event of the year.
The annual election of the new officer(s) of the MGA will be held in November or December and shall be held in conjunction with the last MGA event of the year.
ARTICLE VIII: COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES: Revise first sentence requesting membership’s interest to serve on the MGA board.
The committee shall solicit the membership for any interest in serving as an officer on the MGA Board.
ARTICLE X: ORDER OF BUSINESS: - Add to the first sentence.
Nominating Committee recommendation(s) for the vacant post(s) and nominations submitted from the membership prior to Annual Meeting.
1-30-16 Men’s Golf Association Board of Directors doc.