On the radius of the neutron, proton, electron and the atomic nucleus

YinYue Sha ( )

( Room 105, 9, TaoYuanXinCun, HengXi Town, NingBo City, Z.J. 315131, CHINA )


The neutron can spontaneously produce disintegration and turn into the proton, at the same time send out an electron and some matter. According to the force equilibrium relation, before the disintegration of the neutron, there was the formula as follows:

F = K×Qp×Qe / (Rn×Rn) = (Mn-Mp)×C×C / Rn------(1)

Where the K is the electromagnetic constant; the Qp is the electric charge of the proton; the Qe is the electric charge of the electron; the Mn is the mass of the neutron; the Mp is the mass of the proton; the Rn is the radius of the neutron; the C is the light velocity.

Key Words: Neutron; Proton; Nucleon; Electron; Mass; Radius; Frequency; Density; Constant.

One: The disintegration of the neutron

The neutron can spontaneously disintegrate and turn into a proton and at the same time, send out an electron and some matter.

Mn = 1.674927211(84)×10^-27 kg; Mp = 1.672621637(83)×10^-27 kg; Me = 9.10938215(45)×10^-31 kg.

where the Mn is the mass of the neutron, the Mp is the mass of the Proton and the Me is the mass of the electron.

The total mass for releasing from neutron disintegration is Mn - Mp as follows:

Mn - Mp = 1.674927211(84)×10^-27 kg -1.672621637(83)×10^-27 kg = 2.305574×10^-30 kg.

Two: The radius of the neutron

From formula (1), we can acquire the calculation formula of the neutron radius,

Rn = K ×Qp×Qe / ( (Mn - Mp)× C^2 )------(2)

According to exact physical constants from modern science, we take the following values:

K = 8.98755178799791×10^+9 m/F, Qp = Qe = 1.602176487(40)×10^-19 C, C = 299792458 m/s.

from formula (2), we can calculate the radius Rn of the neutron:

Rn = K ×Qp×Qe / ( (Mn - Mp)×C^2 ) = 1.1133754495954×10^-15 m ------(3)

Three: The frequency of the neutron

From the radius of the neutron, we can compute the frequency of the neutron:

Fn = C / ( 2×π×Rn) = 4.2854772550777×10^+22 1/s ------(4)

Four: The density of the neutron

From the radius of the neutron, we can compute its average density:

D = Mn / (4/3×π×Rn^3 ) = 2.89722621925256×10^+17 kg/m^3 ------(5)

Five: The radius of the proton

According to the average density of the neutron, we can calculate the radius of the proton:

Rp = (Mp/Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 1.1128643531125×10^-15 m ------(6)

Six: The radius of the electron

According to the matter average density of the neutron, we can calculate the radius of the Electron:

Re = (Me/Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 9.0880903336×10^-17 m ------(7)

Seven: The radius of the atomic nucleus

According to the radius of the neutron and the average density of matter, we can calculate the radius of the atomic nucleus:

Ra = (Ma / Mn)^(1/3)×Rn ------(8)

where the Ma is the mass of the atomic nucleus and Ra is the radius.

Mu (Mu = 1.660538782(83)×10^-27 kg) is the atomic mass unit and Ru is its radius.

Ru = (Mu / Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 1.1101781333×10^-15 m ------(9)

Ra = Ru × A^(1/3)------(10)

where the A is the nuclear number of the atomic nucleus.

The accurate charge radius of the proton with the calculation of the error margin of the experiment measures

YinYue Sha ( )

( Room 105, 9, TaoYuanXinCun, HengXi Town, NingBo City, Z.J. 315131, CHINA )

One, An unexpected value for the radius of the proton

In order to determine the charge radius of protons more accurately, the physicists used “muonic hydrogen” in which the electron is replaced by a muon, a negatively charged elementary particle. The researchers obtained an unexpected value for the charge radius of the proton, this result differs from that obtained using electrons. It amounts to 0.8418 femtometers (+/- 0.0007) instead of 0.8768 femtometers (+/- 0.007) for measurements using electrons. This difference is far too big to be put down to measurement inaccuracies and the team of scientists is currently attempting to explain this discrepancy. It could call into question the most accurately tested theory in physics, namely the theory of quantum electrodynamics, which is one of the cornerstones of modern physics. Another possibility is that the current value of the Rydberg constant, the physical constant determined with the greatest accuracy so far, could need to be revised.

Two, The accurate charge radius of the proton

The nuclei of atoms are made up of protons and neutrons, around which electrons orbit. These three elements (protons, neutrons and electrons) constitute practically all of the Earth's matter. Whereas the electron is considered as a “sizeless” particle, the proton is an extended object. In the new experiments , the physicists used “muonic hydrogen” in which the electron is replaced by a muon, a negatively charged elementary particle, the muon is also considered as a “sizeless” particle.

We knew that a muon is 207 times heavier than an electron. Therefore, the radius of the muon should be 5.9154816997 times than an electron, the error margin of the experiment measures using the muon also should be 5.9154816997 times than using an electron.

According to our calculation methods, we obtained the accurate charge radius of the proton is 1.1128643531125×10^-15 / 2^(1/3) = 0.8832810224 femtometers, the charge radius of the proton that new experiment measure out to 0.8418 femtometers using the muon, from these we can obtain that:

(0.8832810224 - 0.8418)/ 5.9154816997 = 0.00701228142

This error margin is average error margin that equals the error margin of the experiment measures using an electron.

0.8768 + 0.007 - 0.8832810224 = 0.0005189776 < 0.0007

From these we can know that the accurate charge radius of the proton is 0.8832810224 femtometers.


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( 浙江大学 宁波理工学院 东灵工程技术中心 )

沙寅岳 ( )


摘 要


F = K×Qp×Qe / (Rn×Rn) = (Mn-Mp)×C×C / Rn ------(1)





Mn = 1.674927211(84)×10^-27 kg; Mp = 1.672621637(83)×10^-27 kg; Me = 9.10938215(45)×10^-31 kg.


中子发生衰变转变成为质子所释放出来的物质的总质量为 Mn-Mp:

Mn - Mp = 1.674927211(84)×10^-27 kg -1.672621637(83)×10^-27 kg = 2.305574×10^-30 kg.



Rn = K ×Qp×Qe / ( (Mn - Mp)× C^2 ) ------(2)


K = 8.98755178799791×10^+9 m/F, Qp = Qe = 1.602176487(40)×10^-19 C, C = 299792458 m/s.


Rn = K ×Qp×Qe / ( (Mn - Mp)×C^2 ) = 1.1133754495954×10^-15 m ------(3)



Fn = C / ( 2×π×Rn) = 4.2854772550777×10^+22 1/s ------(4)



D = Mn / (4/3×π×Rn^3 ) = 2.89722621925256×10^+17 kg/m^3 ------(5)



Rp = (Mp/Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 1.1128643531125×10^-15 m ------(6)



Re = (Me/Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 9.0880903336×10^-17 m ------(7)



Ra = (Ma / Mn)^(1/3)×Rn ------(8)


原子质量单位 Mu = 1.660538782(83)×10^-27 kg,原子质量单位的半径Ru为:

Ru = (Mu / Mn)^(1/3)×Rn = 1.1101781333×10^-15 m ------(9)

Ra = Ru × A^(1/3) ------(10)


参考文献:卢森锴,郭奕玲,沈慧君. 2006年基本物理常数国际推荐值 物理37卷2008年3期p183-191


( 浙江大学 宁波理工学院 东灵工程技术中心 )

沙寅岳 ( )


摘 要





一直来,物理学所采用的质子的电荷半径为 0.8768飞米,误差 +/- 0.0069飞米,然而,电子一直来被认为是“无大小的”粒子,直到现在,只有二种方法已经用来测量质子的电荷半径。基于在一个质子和一个电子之间的交互作用的研究:在电子和质子之间的碰撞,或氢原子上(电子和质子构成)获得数据。

在新的实验中,科学家使用μ介子取代氢原子中的电子。μ介子是一种带负电、质量为电子207倍的基本粒子,最新实验将精确度提高了10多倍,同样地他们没有考虑“μ介子的大小”,测量出来的数据是0.8418飞米,误差 +/- 0.0007飞米。




根据我们的计算方法,通过精确的计算获得:质子的电荷半径为1.1128643531125×10^-15 / 2^(1/3) = 0.8832810224飞米,新的实验测量出来的质子的电荷半径为 0.8418飞米,μ介子的质量是电子质量的207倍,由此,采用μ介子的实验数据偏差是采用电子的实验数据偏差的 5.9154816997 倍,(0.8832810224-0.8418)/ 5.9154816997 = 0.00701228142,这正好是电子的实验数据偏差的数值。由此证明,质子电荷半径的精确数据为:0.8832810224飞米。




References: The size of the proton, Randolf Pohl, Aldo Antognini, François Nez, Fernando D. Amaro, François Biraben, João M. R. Cardoso, Daniel S. Covita, Andreas Dax, Satish Dhawan, Luis M. P. Fernandes, Adolf Giesen, Thomas Graf, Theodor W. Hänsch, Paul Indelicato, Lucile Julien, Cheng-Yang Kao, Paul Knowles, José A. M. Lopes, Eric-Olivier Le Bigot, Yi-Wei Liu, Livia Ludhova, Cristina M. B. Monteiro, Françoise Mulhauser, Tobias Nebel, Paul Rabinowitz, Joaquim M. F. dos Santos, Lukas A. Schaller, Karsten Schuhmann, Catherine Schwob, David Taqqu, João F. C. A. Veloso & Franz Kottmann, Nature, 8 July 2010.

参考文献:卢森锴,郭奕玲,沈慧君. 2006年基本物理常数国际推荐值 物理37卷2008年3期p183-191

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