

Admissions Management Meeting

Date: April 3, 2011

Time: 9:00 AM

Place: LRC 318

Present:Christian DiGregorio, Lisa Casella, Tammy Manka, Deidre Jones, Stacy Elias Davis

On Phone: Michael Miriello, Datatel Consultant

Contact Codes in Test Environment / Are the codes that were entered during the test environment going to move over when we go live? / Christian will have access to production. ARAR are counselor and DOC will be communications. It is capable for the codes to migrate over. This can be done by Christian or MIS, but needs to be coordinated. The codes will need to be preserved. Mike Miriello will update the workbook to include production table, but this will need to be discussed with Mike Gibbons.


/ Lisa Guse (AADM22) need access to INAT and ISUM
Joanne Krasner (AADM02) & Debra Torpercer (AADM17) were unable to drill down in TSUM
Nancy Decker needs additional access.
Patrick Tindana was receiving an error message when trying to log in. / Mike Miriello changed permissions.
Mike Gibbions will need to review log in for Nancy Decker and Patrick Tindana.

Java SQL Error in HACT

/ Jan. 18 delivered fix that should have resolved issues. / Mike M will send note to Mike G to see if he implemented.

Locked Record

/ Locked record in privacy screen. Field allows you to free records. Have to designate who has access to records. Which class of information access to. Do we contact OIT when this happens? If duplicate record-someone will need access to say duplicate. / Mike will send Christian workflow information on privacy settings.

Screen Freezing

/ AREM is freezing. Use ASUM honors and activities to get into AREM. / “L-Quit” if in grey screen. Christian will need to try to duplicate the AMEM frozen screen and send to Mike M.

Time Stamp

/ Can we make the time stamp permanent? Admissions prefers remarks rather that comments. / The system does not allow the time stamp to be permanent because it is a hidden field. Mike Gibbons can go into database to access history. Use System Query 15-800.

ISUM GRE Writing

/ GRE Writing: ISUM will not allow decimals for GRE writing section. This is what Marywood departments would prefer. NCWS can look to add in this field, but we do not want to separate scores. / Mike M believes Recruiter will have access to decimals. We will have to uses whole numbers until there is a solution.


/ SAT Scores: Nursing requires all three sections of the SATs while a majority of majors only require two. Can we link SAT scores to goal? This is going to be a reporting component, could be applied in a reporting tool or in Colleague. Similar to the predicted GPA, a field would need to be created.
Can we have a form customized? Yes, perhaps have basic information that we use frequently. / Christian will need to send Mike M what we want on a single point view, including SAT.
Consider Colleague System-moving to Recruiter. Views are easier. Christian may want to see Recruiter first but will add to “wish list.”
Simplified options-would be a commuted column. Mike M will get back to Christian will details of what needs to be involved.


/ Can we have multiple types of emails inputted into Colleague? No, the system restricts to only one personal email. We can use other types multiple times.

Mandatory Field

/ Can we make fields required? We would make the following fields required: Intended course load, Financial Aid Intent, Residence Status, Start Term, Full or Part Time Status / Mike M. will have to get specific steps to Christian.

Housing Desired

/ Can we link housing desired to residence status? They are two independent fields. Maybe be better serviced using ASUM and APPN. / Mike M. recommends using housing desired. APPN ties to program should be tied to person.

“Other” or “Temporary” Institution

/ Can we use temporary or other for schools not in our system? If not from a United States high school use “NonUSASchool” can still add information.
Create separate code for no longer operation.
INST defines two institutions of unknown; 1) high school 2) college. Have appropriate type so Colleague knows what form to use. / Need to make GED and homeschooled institutions.

Temporary Records

/ What can we use if a staff member or coach leaves?
SPIR-Special Interest Recruiting. Can have unknown or generic coach. This is not recommended by Mike M. We will have to leave the field blank.
If staff member leaves, have record retained. This will keep historical, put record marked as departed.

What happens with a deceased student?

/ There are two forms. Unconfirmed Deceased under demographics. There is also DEC. For incoming potential students can we use? Apply Unverified. / This is a CORE issue. We need to determine who owns the record. Michael M will send note on recommendation


/ No update on when we implement. / Mike M. will check with Karen Boland


/ Christian wants access to application. / Meeting on Friday, April 8, 2011
Submitted by: SED on 4/14/11 / Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 12 at 3 p.m.
Next Meeting with Mike M: May 13 at 9:00