

Notification of Chulalongkorn University

on Criteria and Rates for VariousKinds of Payments of Research Funds of the Faculty of Arts

B.E.2560 (2017)


Whereas it is expedient to revise Notification of Chulalongkorn University on Criteria and Rates for Various Kinds of Payments of Research Funds of the Faculty of Arts, B.E.2556 (2013);

By virtue of Clause 17 of the Rule of Chulalongkorn University on the Fund of Chulalongkorn University, B.E.2552 (2009)coupled withClause 11 of the Regulation of Chulalongkorn University onthe Research Fund of the Faculty of Arts, B.E.2541(1998), the Executive Committee of the Research Fund of the Faculty of Arts, by the resolution of the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts in its Meeting, therefore, issue the following notification:

Clause 1.This notificationis called " Notification of Chulalongkorn University onCriteria and Rates for Various Kinds of Payments of Research Funds of the Faculty of Arts, B.E.2560 (2017)".

Clause 2.This notification shall come into effect from the date following its publication.

Clause 3.The Notification of Chulalongkorn University on Criteria and Rates for Various Kinds of Payments of Research Funds of the Faculty of Arts, B.E.2556 (2013) shall be repealed.

Clause 4.Criteria and rates for payments hereunder shall be as follows:

4.1Criteria for grantingsupporting fund for the production of an academic work and an innovative work in humanities of the instructors are as follows:

4.1.1Qualifications of the applicant: a permanent instructor of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University (In cases where such instructor holds a bachelor degree, at least 1 year of work experience is required); Being a core researcher and being on duty; Having no record of unfinished research which has been funded by the Faculty of Arts; Having no record of a breach of the terms and conditions ofany grant of the fund of the Faculty of Arts and being able to apply for no more than 1 fund in each period.

4.1.2Kinds of project to be funded are as follows:

The individual research projects and group projects are the following projects: A humanities innovative work, such as a translation of important works, a project for a play production, a project for a music composition for a play, a project for a costume design for a play, a project for compilation of dictionary, corpus and any data banks, a project for thecreation of academic database, a cartography project, a project for aproduction of computer programmes for use in humanities work. An approval for other kinds of humanities innovative work shall be at the discretion of the Research Committee and the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts; A project for a production of teaching materials / a project for aproduction of documents to supportteaching; A project for a production of an original textbook and a book to be used in teaching at the university level.

4.1.3The conditions of the support:

An applicant shall comply with the following conditions: Having been granted a fund, thegrantee shall enter into a fund granting agreement, using the form as prescribed by the Faculty of Arts; Any variations as to details of the approved project shall be made with the approval of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts, as the case may be; The grantee shall complete the approved project within the approved period of time and shall submit the project work at the end of the project; If the grantee cannot complete the project upon the termination of the project period, the grantee may ask forextensions of the submissionof the project work, but not exceeding2extensions, each of which shall notexceed 3 months from the termination of the project period. Such extensions shall be at the discretion of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts; Upon the termination of the project period, the grantee shall submit an original project work to the Research Department of the Faculty of Arts foran endorsementby the Research Committee and Executive Committeeof the Faculty of Arts. Once the funded project work has been published, the grantee shall submit an electronic file of the published project work to the Research Department of the Faculty of Arts. The Faculty of Arts reserves its right to withdrawthe fund in the case of failure by the grantee to comply with the approved project and the fund-granting agreement. A new application for a fund may be made only after the funded project work has been successfully submitted and endorsed. Any publication or distribution of the funded project work shall bear an acknowledgement that such project work was funded by the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.

4.1.4An application for the fund and guidelines for determination An applicant may request a fund application form under the notification of the Research Department of the Faculty of Arts throughout the year; The project to be funded shall be first determined by the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts for an allocation of the fund and then be further submitted to the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts for the approval and announcement of the grant; Criteria for the allocationof the fund are as follows: For a project of the humanities research and innovative work:

A research project that has only 1 researcher or innovator shall be approved onactual amountbut - not exceeding THB 100,000 (for a period not exceeding 2 years);

A research projectthat has more than 1 researcher or innovatorshall be approved on actual amount -but not exceeding THB 150,000 (for a period not exceeding 2 years); For a project of the production of an original textbook and a book to be used in teaching at the university level shall be approved on actual amount but not exceeding THB 50,000 (for a period not exceeding 2 years); For a project of the production of teaching documents shall be approved on actual amount but not exceeding THB 15,000 (for a period not exceeding 1 year); For a project of the production of documents to support teachingshall be approved on actual amount but not exceeding THB 3,000 (for a period not exceeding 1 year). for the allocation of categorized expenditure budgetare as follows: For a project of a humanities research and innovative work, a project of the production of a textbook and book for use in university teaching:

(1) CA consideration for a humanities researcher or innovator (to be received once a completeversion of the research work or a humanities innovative work has been endorsed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts):

(1.1) For a project that has one researcher or innovator,the consideration shall be 15 percent of the approved aggregate of miscellaneous category of expenditure budget with a maximum of THB 100,000 of the total amount of the budget approved for the project. In the case of a project that carries high project expenditures, the consideration may be lower than 15 percent;

(1.2) For a project that has more than 1 researcher or innovator, the consideration shall be 20 percent of the approved aggregate of miscellaneous category of expenditure budget with a maximum of THB 150,000 of the total amount of the budget approved for the project. In the case of a project that carries high project expenditures, the consideration may be lower than 15 percent.

(2) A consideration for a producer of textbooks and books to be used in the university teaching shall be 15 percent of the approved aggregate of miscellaneous category of expenditure budget with a maximum of THB 50,000 of the total amount of the budget approved for the project. In the case of a project that carries high project expenditures, the consideration may be lower than 15 percent;

(3) A consideration for hiring a part-time research assistant shall not exceed 5,000 per month (hiring period not exceeding6 months per year);

(4)A consideration for a co-researchershall be paid on a lump-sum basis, not exceeding THB 500 per day perco-researcher with a limit of 50 percent of the fund;

(5) An overtime payment for a staff shall be paid on a lump-sum basis, notexceeding THB 500 per day per staff with a limit of 50 percent of the funds;

(6) A Consideration for data entry shall notexceedTHB 15 for each sample;

(7) An expense for vehicle and fuelused in domestic transportation for sample collection shall be payable on an actual basis with a limit of 50 percent of the fund;

(8) An accommodation cost shall be payable on an actual basis in accordance with the criteria prescribed by the university;

(9) An expense for atransportationto collect sample aboardshall be paidon an actual basis in accordance with the criteria prescribed by the university;

(10) An expense for organizinga conference, training or activity with a sample group for the purpose of collecting data shall be paidon an actual basis in accordance with the criteria prescribed by the university;

(11) A cost of textbooks, books, journals and other academic materials shall be paidon an actual basis;

(12) An expense for preparing a report shall be paidon an actual basis,not exceeding THB 3,000;

(13) A cost for office materials, computer appliances and photocopying shall be paidon an actual basis;

(14) An expense for statistical consultation shall be paid on a lump-sum basis at an hourly rate of not exceeding 1,500 for no more than five hours;

(15) An expense for inviting experts or project advisers of other institutions shall be paidon an actual basis.

(16) A consideration for an expert or project adviser shall be paid at an hourly rate of not exceeding THB 1,500 per hour with a limit of THB 20,000. Payments of the fund

The payment of an approved fund isdivided into3 installments:

The 1stinstallment: 50 percent of the total budget,having been deductedbya consideration for experts, afterthe fund-granting agreement had been executedby the project leader;

The 2ndinstallment: 50 percent of total budget,having been deductedby a consideration for experts,after the project leader had submitted the 1st progression report;

The 3rdinstallment: a consideration for the researcher under the rate designated in the project proposal shall be paid upon an endorsement of the project work by the Research Committee and Executive Committee of the Faculty of Arts.

4.2The rule for the determinationof a fund to presentthe research abroad:

4.2.1The qualifications of an applicant: Being a person who is accepted or invited to present a research work in the area that is relevant to the teaching or researching, and that research work is conducted by the applicant as an instructor of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University; Being a person who had not beengranted a fund in the same fiscal year,by considering from the date of the research presentation; a person who was notin breach of any condition in the granted fund of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University.

4.2.2 An application for the fund and guideline for the determination: the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts shall select and set the ranking of the appropriate applicants, as well as allocate the amount of the fund so that theExecutive Committee of the Faculty of Arts can determine it before the intended departure date. Details are as follows: The academic conference in which the research is to be presented shall be an international conference or a national conference attended by participants from several countries. The application for the fund shall be coupled withthe documents supporting the application, which are, an abstract, a draft of the completed article, a letter of acceptance or invitation, documents containing details about the conference and the registration fees. In cases where the work has been derived from a thesis which the applicant was the adviseror co-researcherand the applicantis not the first author of such thesis, a letter of acknowledgement and consent to make the research presentation from the co-researcher shall also be coupled with (electronic copy of such letter is acceptable). The applicant may apply for a fund throughout the year by submittingan application form at least 60 days prior to the meeting date or any other day as permitted by the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts on a case by case basis. The applicant shall submit theminutes of the meeting by using the form prescribed by the Research Department of the Faculty of Arts within 1 month after the meeting, and shall present the research work in accordance with the formprescribed by the Research Department of the Faculty of Arts. The applicant may submit an application for supporting the transportation expense to present the research work. The application will be considered by the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts as follows: In cases where the applicant has not been funded by other sources outside the university, the applicant shall receive a support from a budget not exceeding 50 percent of theactual expenses but not exceeding THB 60,000.

Various Categories of expenses to be payable are as follows:

(1) A round-trip airfare for international travel to be paid on an actual basis of economy class;

(2) A domestic transport allowance in the country of the presentation to be paid on an actual basis. A domestic airfare shall bepaid on an actual basis of economy class;

(3) Per diem including an accommodation expenseshall be paid on a lump-sum basis at the rates prescribed by the university;

(4) Per diem not including accommodation expense shall be paid at the rates prescribed by the university;

(5) A conference registration fee shall be paid on an actual basis. In cases where the applicant has been funded for transportation expenses by other sources outside the university, the applicant shall receivea lump-sum per diem including accommodation expense at the rate prescribed by the university but not exceeding THB 30,000; In cases where the applicant has been funded for per diem by other sources outside the university, the applicant shall receive only transportationexpense on an actual basis of economy classbut not exceeding THB 30,000; In cases where the applicant has been funded for a lump-sum perdiem including an accommodation expense and other transportation expenses by other sources outside the university, the applicant shall receive a support fund on an actual basis but not exceeding THB 15,000.

4.3The rate of a consideration for an expert who evaluates various kinds of work shall be as follows:

4.3.1An expert who evaluates1 research and innovative work funded by the Faculty of Arts shall receive per expert THB 1,000;

4.3.2An expert who evaluatesoriginal textbooks and books to be used in university teaching that are funded by the Faculty of Arts shall receive THB 1,000;

4.3.3An expert who evaluatesan article, notexceeding 3 experts for each article, shall receive THB 1,000;

4.3.4An expert who evaluates awork of aninstructor who has been granted sabbatical leave shall receive, not exceeding 2 experts for each work, THB 2,000;

4.4A fund for the publication of a work in a foreign language for a permanent instructor of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University shall be as follows:

4.4.1Qualifications of an applicant: Being a permanent instructor of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University; Being the first author or a corresponding author of the research published internationally in a foreign language with a clear indication of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University in the address of the author; an author who is not the first author or a corresponding author of the research published internationally in a foreign language with a clear indication of the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University in the address of the author, provided that a certificateof the first author or corresponding author of the research, certifying the percentage of involvement of the applicant, shall be annexed with the application;

4.4.2Criteria and a rate forthe payment of the fund are as follows: Each piece of work shall be funded only once; The applicant is the only author of the work which ispublished in a printed material in SCOPUS database or ISI database, or which is published in a foreign language shall receive, for each piece of work, THB 15,000;

In cases where an applicant is a co-author of such work, the fund shall be paid not exceeding THB 7,500 for each piece of work, depending upon the discretion of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts; The applicant is the only author of the work which is published in a printed material not in SCOPUS database or ISI database as appears in the list of academic journals in the database and ofthe social and humanities studies database approved by the Thailand Research Fund (Sor. Kor. Wor.) (as appeared in each piece of work, THB 10,000;

In cases where an applicant is a co-author of such work, the fund shall be paid not exceeding THB 5,000 for each piece of work, depending upon the discretion of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Arts; applicant is the first author or the major responsible authorof work published in the edited volume journal, having the following qualifications,

(1)The article must all be published in a foreign language;

(2)There must be an editor;

(3)There is evidence to show that academic quality of the article published in such edited volume journal has been scrutinized, shall receive, for each piece of work, THB 10,000:

4.4.3The applicant may apply for the fund of the Research Department of theFaculty of Arts within 2 years from the date of publication.

4.5An application for a fund for publication of academic work

The applicant shallprepare a memorandumand submit it to the Deputy Dean, Research Department, the Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, for a fund to be spentin the publication of the academic work, stating a proposed name, education record, and academic work of which at least 2 experts have evaluatedits quality. The applicant who proposed to publish his/her work shall revise his/her work following the opinions and comments of the expertsand quality evaluators, and shall revise his/her work following the opinions and comments of the experts.In this respect, the Faculty of Arts shall make the following payments:

4.5.1For the publication of a textbook, research work, thesis or teaching documents: Consideration for the author of a textbook or research:

15 percent of the price indicated on the cover multiplied by the number of prints; Consideration for the author of a thesis shall be:

10 percent of the price indicated on the cover multiplied by the number of prints; Consideration for the author of teaching documents:

10 percent of the price indicated on the cover multiplied by the number of prints; Consideration for the expert reader, no more than 3 readers for each work: THB 2,000 per reader.

4.5.2For the publication ofa book: A consideration for the author:

15 percent of the price indicated on the cover multiplied by the number of prints; A consideration for the expert reader(s), no more than 3 readers for each work: THB 2,000 per reader.