My Daily
Writing Prompt
Theme 4 Lesson 18
Name ______
Name ______Date ______
Prediction: “Ah, Music!”
What do you think this story will be about?
What clues did you get from the title and the pictures?
Name ______Date ______
Genre: Poetry
When you listen to music or read poetry, you can use your imagination to see pictures in your head.
Read “My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship”. If you could sail anywhere in sailing ship, where would you go?
Use your imagination to tell what you would see and what you would hear.
My Bed is Like a Sailing Ship by Bruce Lansky
Name ______Date ______
Genre study/Text to self: Music can create feelings. It can make you feel happy, sad, or scared. It can make you want to march, to dance, to sing, or to be quiet, to listen, and to dream. What are some ways music makes you feel?
(How do you feel? What do you imagine? What pictures do you see in your head?)
Name ______Date ______
Making Connections
In “Ah, Music!”, the author said, “Making music is hard fun.” What did she mean? Think about an instrument that you would like to play. How would learning to play that instrument be “hard fun”?
(What makes it hard? What makes it fun?)
Name ______Date ______
Choose a favorite food and write it in the blank.
Then complete each line using adjective sense words.
Write your favorite food here
______are ______and ______
(my favorite food) (what it looks like) (what it looks like)
______smell ______
(my favorite food) (what it smells like)
______feel ______
(my favorite food) (what it feels like)
______sound ______
(my favorite food) (what it sounds like when you eat it)
______taste ______
(my favorite food) (what it tastes like)
When I eat ______I feel ______