Teaching and PedagogyWorkshops – May 13, 2013

Sponsored by the First Seminar Program and the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning

Session 1:9:30 -- 10:20 am
Academic Integrity Panel, Loser 004
Moderator: Rick Kamber (Philosophy, Religion, & Classics)
Panelists: Angela Chong (Student Affairs), Keith Pecor (Biology), Tyler Liberty (SGA President), Rosa Zagari-Marinzoli (Humanities & Social Sciences)
This panel will discuss academic integrity issues on campus, answer your questions, and update attendees on current governance discussions on the TCNJ AI policy. / Leading Effective Seminar Discussions, Loser 106
Glenn Steinberg (English)
This workshop will focus on the goals of the seminar format as well as strategies for increasing student participation in class. It will be a very practical guide to managing and improving class discussion both for the novice and the veteran of seminar teaching.
Session 2:10:30 – 11:20 am
Writing Assignments that Help
Improve Student Learning, Loser 004
Nina Ringer (Writing Program)
This interactive presentation will review model writing assignments from several different types of FSPs to help faculty generate ideas for how to use writing (both formally and informally) to increase student learning. / Expanding Cultural Awareness in the Classroom & Integrating New Technologies in Teaching and Learning, Loser 106
WaheedaLillevik (Marketing, Management and Interdisciplinary Business) and Lynn Braender(Accounting & Information Systems)
This interactive presentation shares initial results and recommendationsfrom two CETL sponsored learning communities. Learn more about classroom strategies and tools.
Session 3: 11:30—12:20 am
Getting Students to Reflect on Their Writing,
Loser 004
Diane Gruenberg (Tutoring Center)
Do you wish students would get another pair of eyes on the penultimate draft so they can see how their writing is—or isn’t—understood before submitting it to you? Come to see how tutors facilitate Students Writing And Talking Teams (SWATTs) that you can invite to your class for peer feedback and conversation. / Sharing Assessment Insights, Loser 106
Jean Kirnan (Psychology), John Allison (Chemistry),Tom Hagedorn (Math/Stat), Madeline Weinland (Psychology)
This interactive panel presentation shares initial results and recommendations from a CETL sponsored learning community investigating how to assess learning outcomes. Learn more about direct vs. indirect assessment measures and strategies that can help strengthen your teaching and students’ learning.
Lunch in Loser 123: 12:30 – 1:35 pm (Provided by the Liberal Learning Program)
Session 4: 1:45– 2:35 pm
Giving Productive Feedback on Writing Assignments, Loser 004
Nina Ringer (Writing Program)
Abstract: This presentation will help instructors give effective feedback that will help students create stronger final drafts. / Teaching Oral Communication Skills to Your Students, Loser 106
John Sisko (Philosophy, Religion, & Classics)
This presentation will share information on creative and time-effective frameworks for embedding oral communication skills within our classes.
Session 5: 2:45 – 3:35 pm
Recording Lectures, Presentations and Other Demonstrations Using Screencasting,Loser 004
Andrew Carver (Finance)
Screencasts can range from PowerPoint slides with instructor’s audio overlays to a complete whiteboard lecture. Putting part of a class into the form of a video gives the instructor the ability to relay more information outside of class, freeing up in-class time for discussion and problem solving. This workshop introduces what is involved in making a screencast video: hardware, software, and time. / Community Engaged Learning: Best practices for New and Returning Faculty Partners, Loser 106
Heather Camp (Bonner Center)
Community Engaged Learning projects provide us with the opportunity to connect the classroom to the world around us in direct and profound ways. We can significantly enhance the educational process while making it possible for students to address an unmet local need - in soup kitchens, homeless shelters, and juvenile jails.