Department of Nursing Services
March 2012
Dear Parents/Guardians,
On behalf of the School Nursing Services Department, we want to inform you of two immunizations requiredwhen your children attend sixth grade and turn 11 years old. These important vaccines, Tdap and Meningococcal, areto be given on or after their 11th birthday according to theNJDepartment of Health and Senior Services Chapter 14. Therefore,
- all students who are 11years old before the first day of school must present documentationto their school nurse asproof of having received both vaccines.
- all students who turn 11 years old on or after the first day of school must present documentation to their school nurse no later than two weeks following their 11thbirthday as proof of having received both vaccines.
Please reach out to your Health Care Provider (HCP) as soon as possible to schedule anappointment in order to get your child vaccinated in a timely manner;or, failure to comply with this NJ State regulation may result in the exclusion of your child from school. If for any reason your child cannot be vaccinated, please contact your school nurse.
We are also required by law N.J.A.C. 6A:16-2.2 to notify youthat it is important to obtain subsequent medical examinations for your child at least one time during each development stage, including thispre-adolescentstage. Please consider scheduling this physical examination for your child along with the immunization appointment. It is important to update any medical concerns including medications needed during the school day.
If your child does have any medical issues or may need medication during the school day, please consider having your HCP complete the district forms at your child’s medical appointment. All formsand nurse contact information may be obtained on the SOMSD’s web site. Go to clickDepartmentsNursing Services> Forms. For your convenience, the Immunization and Physical Examination Forms are attached.
Please mail or FAX completed forms to your child’s school nurse as listed below. If possible, please keep a copy for your records. If you have any questions, please call your child’sschool nurse. Thank you for your support in providing a safe and healthy learning environment for your child.
Sincerely yours,
Ms. Judy LoBiancoCathryn Iorio, CSNJulianne Porter, CSN
Supervisor of Health,SOMSSchool NurseMMSSchool Nurse
Physical Education70 North Ridgewood Road7 Burnet Street
andNursing ServicesSouth Orange, NJ 07079Maplewood, NJ 07040 Phone: 973-378-2772 x2 Phone: 973-378-7660 x2 FAX: 973-378-2771 FAX: 973-378-5247