on application of dietary biologically active substance “Recicen-RD”

Recicen-RD was awarded: Diploma of the Program ”One Hundred Best Products of Russia” in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006; Golden Diploma “One Hundred Best Products of Russia” in 2007, 2008.

Recicen-RD is the owner of 11 golden medals of International Exhibitions including

Golden Medal of American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for high clinical efficiency;

-  Special Diploma of International Foundation of UNESCO;

-  Certificate of the III Congress of Immunologists and Allergologists of Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

In 2002 Recicen-RD was recommended by Russian Diabetic Association to be used in obesity, atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus.

License № 20051125/760.

It is produced under the control of “FSD Kirovskiy CSM”

Solution № 24-51/630-004 – 27.10.2008.Specification 9295-003-05344371-2005

Certificate of State Registration of Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Protection of Consumers’ Rights and Human Well-Being № u.10675.9.05 – 27.09.2005

Wheat bran (by GOST 7169-66) – 99,9% and Sacharomyces vini – 0,1% are used as raw material for production of Recicen-RD.

Recicen-RD and products made with its addition have been tested and highly appreciated by the leading clinics of the Russian Federation: Academy of Medicine named after I.M. Sechenov (Moscow), Research Institute of Nutrition of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow), Academy of Medicine named after I.I. Mechnikov (St. Petersburg), Central Clinical Hospital of Main Medical Centre of RF President Administration (Moscow), Army Medical College named after S.M. Kirov, Central Research Stomatological Institute (Moscow), Central Military Clinical Hospital named after T.V. Mandryka, Research Institute of Microbiology of Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (Kirov), Oncological Dispensary (Kirov), Academy of Medicine (Kirov), Regional Clinical TB Dispensary (Kirov), Perm State Academy of Medicine (Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology) (Perm), Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya of RAMS (Moscow) and others.

Ingredients: fermentable insoluble and soluble dietary fiber, group B vitamins, iodine of plant origin.

Elimination of deficiency of Recicen-RD components activates disintoxication function of the liver. Dietary fiber does not remove useful substances from the intestine and possesses expressed absorption ability in relation to toxic agents of microbial and nonmicrobial origin.

In this connection, intake of Recicen-RD reduces expression or eliminates microbial intoxication (in tuberculosis, fungous and acute intestinal infections, viral hepatitis) as well as intoxication caused by unfavorable ecological and production factors, carcinogens, alcohol, radiation therapy. Removal of dietary fiber deficiency prevents formation of side effects in case of using cytostatics, antibiotics, antituberculous preparations.

Recicen-enriched diet contributes to elimination of heartburn, recovery of digestion in diseases of liver (hepatitis, cholecystites), those of stomach (gastritis, stomach ulcer) and intestine (enteritis, colites), helminthiases; it normalizes stool (diarrhea, constipation). As dietary fiber is a selective substrate for normoflora, removal of its deficiency leads to recovery of intestinal microflora in dysbacterioses and acute intestinal infections due to growth of bifidum- and lactobacteria availability and reduction of opportunistic and pathogenic microflora availability (Clebciella, Proteus, Escherichia coli with atypical properties, Salmonella and Shigella),.

Recicen-RD does not only enrich organism with vitamins and other useful substances, but it normalizes production of own group B vitamins and folic acid by organism and increases its antioxidant potential. It beneficially effects the state of external barriers of organism (skin, mucosa) and strengthens the barrier between intestinal content and inner media of organism that prevents endogenous intoxication as well as normalizes hemopoiesis (production of erythrocytes, neutrophiles, monocytes, lymphocytes). In case of infectious process and immunodeficiency, elimination of dietary fiber deficiency restores activity of immune humoral link (growth of immunoglobulin concentration), reduces lymphadenopathy and normalizes inflammatory process course. The ability of fermentable dietary fiber to prevent increase in allergic antibody concentration is also known. The information presented confirms antiinflammatory, immunotropic and antiallergic effect of Recicen-RD. The diet enriched with dietary fiber promotes normalization of blood glucose, cholesterol and low density lipoprotein levels, heightens high-density lipoprotein concentration and lowers lipid absorption that prevents development of atherosclerosis and obesity.

Elimination of fermentable dietary fiber deficiency with Recicen-RD prevents formation of colon, breast, prostate cancer.

Recicen-RD application and doses

Recicen-RD is used by adults in the dose of 1-2 table-spoons (up to 10 g) 3 times a day while eating for 30 days, by children – 1 tea-spoon or dessert spoon 3 times a day while eating for 20-30 days or until the state is normalized. In alcohol intoxication, Recicen-RD dose might range from 1 to 4 table-spoons 3 – 4 times a day. Subjects disposed to constipations and those with heightened weight are recommended to take Recicen-RD in the dose of 1 table-spoon 3 times a day during the 1st-3rd day and then the dose is preserved the same or increased up to 2-3

table-spoons 3 times a day (individual approach). The powder is drunk by liquid 50-100 ml / 1 tea-spoon of Recicen-RD. The total volume of liquid for adults should be not less than 2-2,5

l / day. Before taking, Recicen-RD can be added into water, kefir, soup, salad, porridge et c. In acute ulcerous processes of stomach or intestine, Recicen-RD should be powdered (for example, with coffee-grinder) and preliminarily soaked in water.

Side effects

During the first days, aggravation of meteorism and sensation of abdominal overfilling is possible. The above mentioned manifestations disappear independently. Long intake of Recicen-RD can cause some weight loss.


Recicen-RD is stored in a dry place at the temperature not higher than 25°C during 18 months from the date of its manufacture.


Recicen-RD is produces by CJSC “Yagodnoye” alone and is manufactured with holographic brand. CLSC “Yagodnoye”, 610051, Kirov, v.Yugrino, Tel (8332) 55-10-80.

See the details at the site: www.,