Lean Project Poster Form
This form will help you collect informationtodevelop a poster for your Lean project. Posters share Lean results in a way that is both visual and digestible. Each section of the form includes guidance for what information to include. A few guidelines to follow when collecting materials:
- Think visual! How can you show the story of your project, represent the problem, and display the key outcomes of the Lean project visually via photos, charts, info-graphics, and/or process maps? Incorporateas many photos or images as you can that feature, or relate to, your Lean project.Use photos in as high resolution as you have available.
- Be sure to make the project accessible to a layperson unfamiliar with the process.
- Define acronyms and technical, process-specific terms that others may not know.
Project Title
Please include the department (for EPA projects, the Office or Region) and process name in the title (e.g., Region 1 Facility Inventory Process Lean Project)
Project Contacts
Text:Please include the name, title, and email address for each project contact
Project Sponsor:
Team Leader:
Visuals: Attach or incorporate a high-resolution photo of the Lean project team with a caption to name the team members. You can include this caption below. Please include directions (i.e., from left to right; back row; front row, etc.).
The Process
Text:Name and briefly describe the process that was the subject of the Lean project
Visuals:Attach or incorporate any photos relevant to the substance of process or its impacts (e.g., chemical lab, leaky tank, permitted facility, employee work station, etc.)
The Problem
Text: Please briefly describe the problem your Lean project sought to address.Use visuals and/or no more than 2-3 bulleted sentences on what issues/problems in the original process the Lean project sought to remedy– 30 words max
- Attach or incorporate photos or electronic representations of the process maps for before and after the Lean event (or the current and future state maps). If you have a photo that includes both process maps, please indicate which map is before the event and which represents the new process design.
- You may also include other images or graphics showing the problem and/or the “before” stage of the process.
Provide the results for all metrics evaluated in the Lean project. Fill out the following table for guidance.
Metrics / Old Process / New Process / Percent ChangeEXAMPLE 1: Lead Time / 100 business days / 25 business days / ↓75%
EXAMPLE 2: Processing Time / 20 hours / 15 hours / ↓25%
Lead Time
Processing Time
Number of Process Steps
Percent Complete and Accurate
Participant Satisfaction with the Process (1-5 scale)
[Other metrics]
Text:Please clarify where results are actual results (i.e., measured after full implementation) or estimated. If you have qualitative results, please provide these results in a bulleted format (please be brief!). Text outside the table should be kept to30 words max.
Visuals: Please include any charts or graphics relevant to the event or project results.
Key Outcomes
Text:Please describe any key accomplishments, outcomes, or impacts from the Lean project that you have realized or expect to obtain. This is your place to answer the “so what” question about your project.
- What has this project meant for environmental outcomes, for your team, for your customers, etc.?
- Are any outcomes or solutions you’ve used applicable and/or transferrable to processes in other offices or regions? These replicable solutions might include templates/forms, tools/support materials, review strategies, etc.
Recommended length: 3-4 bulleted sentences with visual depiction of the outcomes. – 45 words max
Visuals: Please attach or incorporate photos or graphics related to process changes. For example, a screenshot of a new website or online application form, a photo of a reorganized workroom or storage area, and/or an info-graphic that summarizes the differences between the old process and the new process.
Quotes from the Lean Project
1-2 lines about the impact of the event/project or comments on the process. Please identify the speaker (name and title).
Quote 1:
Quote 2 (optional):
Visuals to Attach
Please incorporate the followingif relevant to your Lean project. Please use as high-resolutionimages as you have available. Clearly identify your photos with a caption or label.
- Current state and new/future state process map(either flow chart or photos of the process maps)
- Team Photo
- Additional photos of the Lean event
- Screenshots of new websites or online forms
- Photos of new/revised templates and checklists
- Charts, graphs, or other visual representations of the process improvements
- Photos relevant to the substance of process or its impacts (e.g., chemical lab, leaky tank, permitted facility, employee workstation, etc.)
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