Activity #6 - Critical Thinking

Juries, please keep in mind that eyewitness memory may not be as reliable as it are believed to be. Their memory is often not reliable because of some circumstances such as misinformation, imagination, or even when one is easily influenced by what others say about their memory in which is untrue or does not pertain to the memory at all. Sometimes, a person can have a misinformation effect on their memory because of how they often incorporate misleading information into their memories which shows that the person misremembers. What is not good is that we don't entirely sure if the person is truly sure whether or not the information they provide us is 100% accurate because nothing is. We also don't know if the person knows whether or not they are providing misleading information that affected their memory as well. We have to especially notice the witness's deameanor and attitude because they may often be stressed when it comes to recognizing suspects, such as during a line-up. A situation similar to the misinformation effect, they can possibly undergo imagination as well because they could have forgotten the exact details and in order to fill those gaps, they start to imagine events of which have never occurred. These situations definitely throw us off in our decisions so we must be careful when analyzing eyewitness's memories.

Malden High School Student Expectation #3


Write for a variety of purposes

4 / ü  Student consistently communicates a main idea or theme clearly in writing.
ü  Student provides relevant support with substantive, accurate detail.
ü  Student presents information in a style and tone that is appropriate to his/her purpose.
ü  Student creates a product that follows the conventions of standard written English.
3 / ü  Student consistently communicates a main idea or theme clearly in writing.
ü  Student provides some relevant support with accurate detail.
ü  Student often presents information in a style and tone that is appropriate to his/her purpose.
ü  Student creates a product that follows the conventions of standard written English.
2 / ü  Student sometimes communicates a main idea or theme clearly in writing.
ü  Student provides limited support with some accurate details.
ü  Student sometime presents information in a style and tone that is appropriate to his/her purpose.
ü  Student creates a product that does not meet all the conventions of standard written English.
1 / ü  Student rarely communicates a main idea or theme clearly in writing.
ü  Student rarely provides support or accurate details.
ü  Student rarely presents information in a style and tone that is appropriate to his/her purpose.
ü  Student rarely creates a product that meets the conventions of standard written English.

Comments: Great points. Make sure to proof read your work before you turn it in, and work on keeping your sentences consistent in verb tense and structure. You included a nice description of the misinformation effect. What other key terms from the book could be used?