APPROVEDGeneral Manager of
„Rafinerija nafte Brod“ JSC
______А. Ј.Getinger
For the submisssion of technical-commercial quotations for the delivery of catalyst for the diesel fuel HDS unit (section 35)
Brod, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
1 / Company- Postal address
- phone
- fax
General Manager / „Rafinerija Nafte Brod“ JSC
Brod, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Svetog Save
+387 53626 001
+387 53626082
Getinger Andrey Jakovlevich
2 / Name of object / 2.1. Section35 – diesel fuel HDS unit
3 / Objcet location / 3.1.Brod, Republic of Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Industrial zone of „Rafinerija Nafte Brod“ JSC
4 / Type of construction / 4.1.Теchnical supply (furnishing)
5 / Unit capacity in terms of feed / 5.1.Unit capacity:
Annual capacity -488thousand tons/year
Capacity per hour: max.-72m3/hr ; min. - 43 m3/hr ;
6 / Baseline data / 6.1.Data of feed, requested product quality, make-up hydrogen, reactor calculated data Option1 (HYDROTREATING QUESTIONAIRE MIDDLE DISTILLATES APPLICATION FEEDSTOCK Option 1) [Аpplication 1]
6.2 Data of feed, requested product quality, make-up hydrogen, reactor calculated data Option2 (HYDROTREATING QUESTIONAIRE MIDDLE DISTILLATES APPLICATION FEEDSTOCK Option 2) [Аpplication 2]
6.3Reactor 35 R01Drawing ENERGOINVEST SARAJEVO
[Аpplication 3]
6.4 Тechnological diagram of section35 (PCF):
- reactor section 5602P350030 01 rеv.4; [Аpplication 4]
- stripper column 5602P350030 02 rev.4; [Аpplication 5]
- dryer column 5602P350030 02 rev.6; [Аpplication 6]
6.5 Existing section diagram of diesel fuel production in
„Rafinerija nafte Brod“ JSC; [Аpplication 7]
6.6Scheduled section diagram of diesel fuel production in
„Rafinerija nafte Brod“ JSC; [Аpplication 8]
6.7.Additional data will be sent to Contractor upon adjustment with the Purchaser.
7 / Task content / 7.1. Submit a technical-commercial quotation for the delivery of catalyst for the Diesel fuel HDS unit (section 35) in order to produce diesel fuel of gradeEuro 5 (sulphur content less than 10ррm)
8 / Basic reqiurements acc. to the content of the technical-commercial quotation / The technical-commercial quotation needs to contain:
8.1 Теchnical characteristics of the catlayst, including:
- specifications of main and auxiliary catalyst;
-specifications of inert layers;
- cycle lenght of main catalyst;
- cycle lenght of main catalystprior to first regeneration;
- cycle lenght of auxiliarycatalystand inert layers;
- data about regeneration method of main and auxiliary catalyst;
- data about catalyst losses during regeneration;
8.2. Reactors loading diagram of catalyst, inert layers and ceramic supports indicating height, volume and weight of layers;
8.3.Scope of supply for catalyst and inert layers, deadline for delivery and price (thousands of Euros, incl. VAT).
8.4.Payment terms.
8.5.Warranty and responsibility.
8.6.Validity of offer has to be at least 10 months
8.7. Expert services for the first loading and catalyst activation has to be within the scope of supply.
8.8.Indicate list of additional services(works), not included in the scope of supply, but casn be provided acc. to a separate Contract.
8.9.Draft Contract for the delivery of catalyst has to be submitted in the form of an attachment.
8.10.Reference list of applications of the main catalyst.
9 / Deadline for submisssion of technical-commercial quotation / 9.1. Confirmation of participation in tender: 5 days upon receipt of technical requirements.
9.2.Submission of technical-commercial quotation: 4 weeks from the date of receipt of technical requirements.
10 / Completeness of technical-commercial quotations submitted to the Purchaser and method of submission / 10.1. A set of technical-commercial quotations consist of one technical and one commercial part in separate sealed envelopes marked “for tender“ on each.
Acting Deputy General Manager of
„Rafinerija Nafte Brod“ JSC for technical issuesV.S. Lucik
Head of Refining SectionS. Bačina
Head of Capital Constructions DepartmentS.V.Kanev
Head of Production of catalytic processesV.F.Lych
Head of sections 34,35 Ž.Bačić
Translated by: Ankica Sebastijanović