

/ Level 4
(80-100%) / Level 3
(70-79%) / Level 2
(60-69%) / Level 1
(50-59%) / Level 0
Quality and quantity of relevant information to complete assignment. / Amount of relevant information shows strong research skills.
Research includes specific examples / Appropriate amount of relevant information.
Assignment criteria met. / Adequate amount of information
All facts may not be relevant / timely. / Minimal and/ or irrelevant information. / Insufficient information. Assignment criteria cannot be met.
Information recorded in point form in students own words.
Direct quotes in quotation marks / Point form notes written in own words.
Direct quotes noted and add detail and
extra insight. / Point form notes mostly written in own words.
Uses a few direct quotations / Some original point form notes but many copied
Includes one direct quotation / Most notes copied directly from source.
Minimal attempt to rephrase or use pointform / No point form notes and/or
information copied and pasted directly from source.
Accessed a variety of quality sources.
ie: website, reference, article, database, book.
.edu .gc .org .on / Excellent quality of credible and timely sources.
Used more than three types of sources.
Used 4+ sources / Good use of quality sources (.edu,. gc ..)
(min. 5 years old)
Used three types of sources.
Used 3 sources / Sources were of reasonable quality
(over 5 years old)
Used two types of sources
Used 2+ sources. / Sources were of poor quality
Used one type of source (web only)
Used minimum of two sources. / Only one source consulted.
Complete and accurate bibliographic information. / All required source information recorded correctly and completely / Most required source information recorded accurately / Source information recorded with minor errors/omissions. / Source information incomplete or includes several errors. / Incomplete and/or incorrect source information.
Properly formatted bibliographic information.
Correct title referencing (APA/MLA) , entries double spaced with indented second line
Sources listed in alphabetical order with correct subject format
Correct spelling and editing. / Correct choice of format (MLA/APA) for subject
Correct title
Formatting follows latest citation rules
Excellent editing / Correct choice of format for subject
Correct title
Minor formatting errors
Minor editing errors
(see comments on project) / Correct choice of format for subject
Incorrect title
Several formatting errors
Several editing errors
(see comments on project) / Incorrect choice of format for subject
Significant number of formatting errors
Many editing and spelling errors.
(see comments on project) / Source information not submitted, incomplete, or does not closely resemble correct format for subject.
Too many editing and careless spelling errors