
To provide information specific to the Health and Safety issues of NZQA Personnel who are required to carry-out their work off-site.


This procedure applies to all NZQA Personnel who carry-out their work off-site.

The Health and Safety in Employment Act 2002 covers everyone when they are at work regardless of where they or their workplace are located.


Mobile phones must not be used when operating a vehicle.

Hazards specific to off-site workers must be noted on the hazards register.


1Health and Safety Representation

1.1Off Site workers requiring Health and Safety advice contact the Health and Safety Representative (HSR) responsible for the team or division they report to.

1.2Link to list of Health and Safety Representatives

2Work Station Assessments

2.1NZQA Personnel who work off-site or travelfrequently and whorequire specific advicefor managing workloads and equipment while on the road should contact their manager.

2.2People and Capability (P and C)provide Health & Safety information for NZQA Personnel whose normal place of work is working from home(refer to the Working from Home procedure)and for those who travel frequently for work.

3Working on non-NZQA sites

3.1“Host” Workplace Responsibilities

The person in control of a “host” workplace is responsible for:

  • taking all practicable steps to ensure that no hazard harms any person working there
  • warning authorised visitors of significant or unusual hazards that result from work being done in the place.
  1. Reporting significant hazards off-site.

NZQA Personnel who identify a significant hazard off-site should report it to the HSR at the organisation concerned.

3.3Reporting Accidents

NZQA Personnel who suffer an accident while performing their normal duties at a non-NZQA site should report the accident to:

  • the HSR at the organisation being visited; and
  • the appropriate HSR at NZQA. This will involve filling out an Injury & Incident form.
  • NZQA’s Managing Accidents / Incidents procedures will be followed.

4Road Safety

4.1Driver Safety Awareness Training

  • Where appropriate P and C will arrange Driver Safety Awareness Training for NZQA Personnel who for a large part of their role need to drive cars for NZQA business.
  • NZQA Personnel wanting to undertake this training should contact the P and C.
  1. Own Vehicle Use

Refer to the NZQA Domestic Travel policy section 7.

NZQA Personnel wishing to use their vehicles on NZQA business must first:

  • Obtain approval from their reporting manager
  • Ensure vehicle meets all registration, insurance, safety and Warrant of Fitness requirements
  1. Rental Vehicle Use

Refer to the NZQA Domestic Travel policy section 6.

NZQA Personnel should ensure that Car Rental companies provide the following safety items in their rental vehicles:

  • First Aid Kit
  • Torch
  • High visibility, reflectorised jacket or belt.

5Reporting Accidents

5.1For work-related accidents and incidents refer to the Health and Safety procedure for Managing Accidents

5.2For vehicle accidents refer to the procedure for Making an Insurance Claim.


All records are held by P AND C in accordance with the NZQA Records Retention and Disposal Schedule.


For the purposes of this procedure, unless otherwise stated, the following definitions apply.

At Work / You are “at work”:
When you go from the office to another site within paid working hours
When you travel from home or the office to the airportfor a work related purpose and you are using your own vehicle or a taxi to get there.
You are not “at work” when you travel between home and the office.


Health and Safety policy

Domestic Travel policy

Managing Accidents/ Incidents procedure

Making an Insurance Claim procedure

Flexible working practices policy

Workstation Guidelines

Flexible working agreement

Associated Documents

Version: 1.0 / Issue Date: 11/05/2009 / Last Review Date: 02/07/2012 / Next Review Date: 02/07/2014
Content Owner: Senior P and C Advisor. / Approver: SMT

Deemed valid on day of printing only.

ACC Tips for Managing Fatigue

Version: 1.0 / Issue Date: 11/05/2009 / Last Review Date: 02/07/2012 / Next Review Date: 02/07/2014
Content Owner: Senior P and C Advisor. / Approver: SMT

Deemed valid on day of printing only.