MONDAY, September 11, 2006
2:30 P.M. in CSSC 101/102
I. Call to Order 2:45 PM
Officers Present – Jeannette Redding, Scott Corbett, Robert Cabral.
Voting Senators – Bret Black, Chris Mainzer, Gary Morgan, Amy London, Ana Marie Valle, Diane Eberhardy, Paul Houdeshell, Cecilia Milan, Marie Butler, Gloria Guevara, Alex Lynch, Mark Bates, Christina Tafoya, Anthony Rodriguez
Non-voting Faculty – Carolyn Dorrance, Alan Hayashi
Guests – EVP Ramiro Sanchez, Leo Orange
Moment of remembrance for 9/11/01 victims
President J. Redding requested from the Academic Senate a 20 second moment of silence in remembrance of the 9/11 victims 5 years ago.
II. Additions to the Agenda
President J. Redding requested and called for a motion a new agenda item to be added under Item IV- Public Comments: Technical Assistant Report
III. For the Good of the Order – Scott Corbett
VP S. Corbett led a discussion and announcement with the Academic Senate on the Good of the Order. Corbett announced to the Senate that Vern Simmen along with Jim Merrill and the IT department have pulled together and implemented a vocabulary development program for ESL. The 4 section, .5 credit course is at the Learning Center and uses the Oxford picture dictionary. The announcement was followed by a round of applause from Academic Senate.
IV. Public Comments
· Curricular Issue – Ramiro Sanchez
EVP R. Sanchez presented and led a discussion with Academic Senate an update on the enrollment efforts for Oxnard College. Currently an application with the Navy is being proposed to be recognized as their educational source. This includes the opportunity to set up a class and staff to meet the Navy’s needs. The proposal is currently under review and still being explored prior to formal presentation to the Academic Senate for approval. The plan is to currently look at increasing the number of acceptable units of transfer from 12 to 30 units. Comments from the Senate included the need to have faculty involved and to have the proposal brought forward to the Curriculum Committee. EVP Sanchez reiterated the point that the plan is still in proposal stage and more information will be brought forward to Academic Senate at future meetings.
· Early Alert Letter Revisions and Reporting Out of New Procedures for Alternative Approaches to Retention – Leo Orange, et al.
Leo Orange addressed the Academic Senate on the Early Alert Letter Revisions. Prior to his presentation, Orange commented and appraised Academic Senate and faculty for the great job they have done on their first day of census reporting. He indicated that head count is up 3%, FTES is up 3.1%. In addition, retention starts with faculty.
Orange commented that Student Services has also met and will be preparing a PDF file on Student Services. The file, for Academic Senate to review, is for faculty to place in their Spring syllabus.
S. Corbett led a discussion along with Susan Cabral on new alternative approaches to Early Report Letters. President J. Redding agreed to agenda the Senate concerns of Early Retention as a discussion item on the next Academic Senate meeting for a more in-depth discussion.
· Technical Assistance Report
President J. Redding led a discussion on the Technical Assistance Report. A discussion on the each line item was covered with the Senate. President Redding recommended that all Senators read the 3 page document.
V. AFT Report
B. Black led a discussion with Academic Senate on the AFT report. Black commented on the proposed board agenda item and action for a 10% pay raise for the College Presidents. The item and action was pulled from the agenda. In addition, Black announced the upcoming Tenure Review Workshops that will be held at the end of September. He advised that an e-mail will be sent out advising of the dates and meeting times.
Black announced that the Negotiations Team is meeting twice a week and will be looking at an initial draft in October. For the month of September, the Team will be meeting with Chairs and Coordinators for input. In addition, Black provided to all Senators in attendance a handout entitled, “Where’s my Cola”, that addresses enrollment, equalization, and reserves.
VI. Action Item:
· Approval of Minutes of August 28, 2006
The minutes of the Academic Senate meeting for August 28th 2006 were provided for all Senators in attendance. President Redding called for the question to approve the minutes.
The minutes were approved as submitted with a minor change and correction.
London/Bates/msc. It was noted that there was two recorded abstentions.
· Adoption of Goals for Academic Senate
for 2006-2007
President J. Redding provided copies of the Goals for the 2006 -2007 Academic Senate. Included in the 6 point goals were itemized Operational and Housekeeping Tasks. President Redding encouraged a discussion of with all Senators present and called for the question for the approval of the goals.
· Adoption of Senate Representatives to Committees
President J. Redding led a discussion with Academic Senate on the revised Campus Committees and Senate Representatives. A review of all committees was discussed and updated with Senate Reps. President J. Redding will provide Senate with the finalized Senate Committee Representatives. President Redding called for the question for the approval of Senate Representatives.
A revision to the Senate Committee Representatives was approved at the request of President Redding. Mainzer/Lynch/msc.
VII. Treasurer’s Report
President J. Redding reported that D. Magallanes is still on jury duty. President Redding provided to the Academic Senate the current cash balance of $1,139.16.
VIII. Old Business
· Proposed Elements for District Strategic Plan including values, recommendations, etc. - Update
President J. Redding led a discussion with the Academic Senate on the proposed elements for the District Strategic Plan. President Redding commented that the district has formed a sub-committee from the Consultation Council; this council is charged with creating a new draft. President Redding commented that once the draft is complete it will be provided to all constituents. More details will follow as meeting dates are being scheduled.
VII. New Business
· Release Time (20%) to Tech Reviewers?/Discuss
President J. Redding announced to Senate that there is still remaining 20% release time. Last Academic Senate year the Senate agreed to provide the release time to Technical Reviewers. She encouraged a discussion on the remaining release time for this Academic Senate year. This item will appear as an Action Item at a future Senate meeting. It was suggested by C. Dorrance to e-mail to faculty a request for proposal on how to allocate the release time. President J. Redding agreed to e- mail faculty to solicit suggestions and provide the results at a future Academic Senate meeting.
· Accreditation – Update
President J. Redding led a discussion on the Accreditation Report. A copy of the report/draft was provided to all Senators. President Redding advised Academic Senate to read the report within the next 30 days for a substantive discussion. It is important that all members, participatory committees, and departments have an understanding of the report.
· Search for Oxnard Permanent President – Update
President J. Redding announced that Judith Valles will visit Oxnard College on September 14th and 15th. Valles has been hired by the district as a headhunter consultant for recruiting the permanent College President position. Valles will be setting up campus meetings with various campus groups. President Redding will provide additional information as it becomes available. It was recommended by C. Dorrance for Valles to provide a contact source for faculty to provide comments and recommendations on the President recruitment.
· Proposed New Chapter 7 of Board Policy (Personnel Issues)
No report given.
· Review of New Technology Plan
President J. Redding led a discussion on the new Technology Plan. The plan was forwarded in advance to all Senators for review via e-mail. B. Black encouraged all Senators to review page 7 of the plan and forward any comments and suggestions prior to Thursday, August 14th.
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 3:53 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Cabral
Academic Senate Secretary 2006-2007
FOR 2006-2007
Monday, August 28th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 11th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 25th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 9th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 23rd - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 13th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 27th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 11th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 8th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Jan. 22nd - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 12th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, Feb. 26th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, March 12th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, March 26th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, April 9th - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, April 23rd - 2:30 p.m.
Monday, May 7th - 2:30 p.m.