Regular Council Meeting 12/12/2016
To be Approved at 1/9/2017 Meeting
The Regular City Council Meeting of the City of Cumming was held at City Hall on Monday, December 12, 2016. The meeting was called to Order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Tom Becker. Present at Roll Call: Dave Chelsvig, Peggy Koch, Charlie Ochanpaugh, Dino Goode, Ed Harkin. Absent: None. Motion made by Harkin, Seconded by Goode to approve the agenda. Approved 5-0.
Public Hearing: Fiscal Year 2017 Budget Amendment, was opened at 7:01. Motion by Harkin, Seconded by Ochanpaugh to close the public hearing at 7:21. Approved 5-0.
Public Comment: Kyle Doyle introduced himself as the new owner of Iowa Distilling.
Consent Items
Motion made by Chelsvig, Seconded by Harkin, to approve Consent Items: 11/28/16 Regular Council Meeting Minutes, November 2016 IPERS Wage & Contribution Report, 11/28/16 Calculation & Verification Journal, 12/9/16 Accts Payable Claims Report, November 2016 Fund Balance Report. Approved 5-0.
Expenditures 12/9/16
Cardmember Service / Christmas Party Supplies/Office Supplies / 734.10City of Des Moines / WRA Payment / 1,566.00
Combined Systems Technology / Computers/Firewall/Software / 5,005.49
IPERS / November 2016 / 480.37
IRS / Fed/FICA Taxes / 756.54
Jessica Carr / Christmas Party Supplies / 77.04
John McPartland / Christmas Lights – Replacement Bulbs / 21.19
N/Warren Town & County News / Publications / 78.00
Payroll/EE Benefits / 11-14-16 thru 11-27-16 / 1,815.62
Waste Connections / November Garbage/Recycling / 2,038.01
Paid Total / General Fund Total / 12,572.36
Action/Discussion Items
A. Motion by Goode, Seconded by Koch to approve Resolution 2016-36 Budget Amendment and Certification Resolution for the Fiscal Year 2017. Approved 5-0.
B. Motion by Goode, Seconded by Harkin to approve the Building Department Services Agreement with Veenstra & Kimm. Approved 5-0.
C. Discussion was held on Des Moines Water Works changes to the billing and collecting fee.
D. Discussion was held on the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget.
E. The Mayor would like to have the following items added to our Code of Ordinances: City Administrator, Zoning Administrator, Deputy Clerk.
F. Motion by Harkin, Seconded by Goode to go into a closed session pursuant to Code of Iowa 21.5(1) I to evaluate the professional competency of an individual: annual employee appraisal. Motion by Goode, Seconded by Chelsvig to move out of closed session. Approved 5-0.
Reports: Council – a meter still needs removed from the area near the grinder pit.
Upcoming Council Meeting: Regular meeting – January 9, 2017, 7:00 pm at City Hall.
Motion made by Harkin, Seconded by Koch to Adjourn at 9:15 pm. Approved 5-0.
Tom Becker, Mayor Attest: Rachelle Swisher, City Clerk/Treasurer