Officer Duties & Responsibilities

Commitments for All Officers – All CPSA officers must maintain strong professional demeanors and have willingness to work with one another to promote and maintain the growth and development of CPSA as an organization. Officers are to uphold high standards of respect, accountability, and dependability on and for one another. In taking on these positions, they should be role models, willing to devote time and effort to the professional, social, and personal development of themselves and fellow CPSA members.

1.President – Responsible for long-term planning of goals and provide visionary leadership for CPSA. Duties include, but are not limited to, ensuring compliance with club chartering requirements, attending OSL orientation, maintaining relations with faculty, other club presidential leaders on and off campus. The President, along with the Director of Corporate Relations, will emphasize on the professional development of CPSA members. The President shall not voluntarily be absent for any quarter without a justifiable reason. In the event the President chooses, or is forced to pursue other interests which necessitate such an absence, the abandoning President shall not be eligible for any office on the CPSA Executive Board for the remainder of his/her academic tenure.

2. Vice President – Responsible for assisting the President in achieving visionary goals, and performing all presidential duties in his/her absence. This individual will act as the primary internal facilitator of CPSA officers and organize officer meetings when deemed necessary. The Vice President will oversee the development of all respective CPSA committees. The Vice President, along with the Director of Community Service, will emphasize on the philanthropic responsibilities of CPSA members.

3. Treasurer – Responsible for the management of CPSA funds. Duties include, but are not limited to, maintaining financial records of receipts and disbursements, obtaining sponsorships, purchasing CPSA apparel, and preparing all necessary budgets. The Treasurer, along with the Director of Fundraising, will emphasize on the financial planning of CPSA. The Treasurer of CPSA shall not voluntarily be absent for any quarter without a justifiable reason. In the event the Treasurer chooses, or is forced to pursue other interests which necessitate such an absence, the abandoning Treasurer shall not be eligible for any office on the CPSA Executive Board for the remainder of his/her academic tenure.

4. Secretary – Responsible for tracking membership attendance to all CPSA events. Duties include, but are not limited to, maintenance of membership database, classification of membership status based on involvement, development and distribution of certificates to members, recording minutes for meetings (officer, joint club and weekly) and distribution of minutes amongst respective members. The Secretary will organize membership application and membership fee collection with the Membership Director and Treasurer. The Secretary, along with the Director of Social Activities, will emphasize on developing life-long network and camaraderie among CPSA members.

5. Director of Membership – Responsible for overall recruitment planning and organization of new CPSA members. Duties include, but are not limited to, maintaining all relevant recruitment materials, prepare Accounting class lists for each quarter for class presentations, creating a Membership Committee to assist in recruitment efforts, preparing volunteers to become effective class presenters and leading in organization of any CPSA tabling events. Individual will work hand-in-hand with the Secretary to coordinate collection of membership applications and dues and must be available during end of summer to organize presentations at freshman and transfer orientations. Major emphasis is placed on seeking opportunities to help increase CPSA membership while strengthening membership retention.
6. Director of Corporate Relations – Responsible for maintaining and expanding CPSA database of professional companies, organizations and firms by sustaining good quality relationships. Duties include, but are not limited to, working closely with accounting department faculty to seek professional contacts, scheduling guest speakers for weekly meetings, seeking and organizing professional events for CPSA members to attend, maintain and develop close relationships with corporate sponsors and work with Cal Poly Pomona Career Center for events (Spring Mock Interview and Spring Resumebuilding workshops). Prior work experience is preferred. Individual must be available during summer to organize, plan and seek a venue for Meet the Firms Event, which is held within the first several weeks of Fall quarter. Major emphasis is placed on improving professionalism and career planning amongst CPSA members.

7. Director of Internal Affairs –Responsible for attending weekly UBSS meetings each quarter and represent CPSA at these meetings. Business casual dress code is enforced during meetings and is held Tuesday nights between 6pm-7:15 pm on campus. Duties during meetings include, but are not limited to, networking and potentially collaborating with other business clubs on campus for events or socials, presenting and promoting future CPSA events at UBSS meetings and forwarding minutes to CPSA board and directors after each meeting. Major emphasis is placed on spreading awareness of on-campus events to CPSA members, encouraging them to support other clubs on campus and by personally attending these events.

8. Director of Community Service – Responsible for planning CPSA community service events. Duties include, but are not limited to, planning, organizing and coordinating one to two community service events per quarter. Events could be, but are not limited to, Winter Gift-Wrapping Event, Food Bank events and Spring Community Beach Clean-Up Event. This individual will work with closely with the Director of Public Relations to promote and encourage members to attend these events by creating fliers and composing e-mails in a timely matter. Major emphasis is on promoting and encouraging the philanthropic responsibilities of CPSA members.

9. Director of Social Activities – Responsible for planning, organizing and coordinating one to two social and/or networking events per quarter. Events could be, but are not limited to, Fall Snowboarding social, Bowling socials, karaoke socials and hiking socials. This individual will work with closely with the Director of Public Relations to promote and encourage members to attend these events by creating fliers and composing e-mails in a timely matter. Major emphasis is placed on strengthening camaraderie among CPSA members while improving their individual networking and social skills.

10. Director of Public Relations – Responsible for promotion of all CPSA events to members and CPSA brand management. Duties include, but are not limited to, management of social networking accounts, maintenance and design of CPSA display boards, approval and posting of CPSA flyers, composing and/or proofreading e-mails and promotional materials relating to CPSA events and relaying them to active/prospective members and to CPSA faculty advisor. This individual will work closely with fellow officers to promote and encourage members to attend these events by creating fliers and composing e-mails promptly and distribute them to respective parties. Major emphasis is placed on strengthening awareness of valuable opportunities that CPSA provides.

11. Director of Fundraising – Responsible for planning and coordinating all fund raising activities for CPSA. Duties include, but are not limited to, obtaining food handlers license for food sales, forming and managing fundraising committee and organization of T.V. taping fundraisers. This individual will work with closely with the Treasurer and the Director of Public Relations. Major emphasis placed on raising funds for CPSA apparel, events and socials.

12. Director of Alumni-Relations/Historian – Responsible for maintaining historical record of CPSA and maintaining database and relationship with CPSA Alumni. Duties include, but are not limited to, photographing all CPSA professional, social and community service events, seeking out past CPSA alumni and inviting them to CPSA events and creating a scrapbook for the academic year. Major emphasis is placed on documentation of CPSA events for promotional uses and building a strong Alumni database that members can utilize.

13. Webmaster – Responsible for maintenance and development of CPSA website. The duties of the webmaster include, but are not limited to, designing and maintaining the CPSA website, posting and organizing CPSA photos, generating and revising web pages, offering suggestions on how to improve website to better service members and replying to website related issues and/or comments. Individual will work closely with the Public Relations Director to strengthen the CPSA image.