Office of the Board of Director’s

P.O. Box 626

Benton City, WA 99320

Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting

August 28, 2017

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Monday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 8:00AM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Tyler Wilson, Director Mike Gray, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson.

1. August 8, 2017 Board meeting minutes, Director Wilson moved to accept the minutes, Director Gray 2nd, all in favor.

2. Operation/Maintenance Vouchers:

Vouchers 37-38 $17,292.32

Director Wilson moved to accept and pay vouchers 37-38, Director Gray 2nd, all in favor.

3. Administrative Report

·  Presented approved meeting minutes for Board signatures

·  The Office Manager stated that the District’s CPA Kim Pietrok has done an account clean up and streamlined the accounts in the District’s accounting program because a lot of the accounts were no longer needed since the project is over and some were moved to subaccounts. This will help with working on the annual budget

·  The Office Manager presented the Fall 2017 newsletter, Director Wilson moved to approve the Fall 2017 newsletter, Director Gray 2nd, all in favor

4. Maintenance Report

·  Running an average of 30 CFS at the river pump station

·  They have been flushing lines

·  They have been cleaning vaults and PRV’s

·  They have replaced the #3 fish screen wash solenoid and ordered hydraulic solenoids for #2 & #3 fish screens

·  Fayrene Howard on Chris Ave; The Operations Manager stated that originally this parcel was seg’d into 5 parcels but when Mrs. Howard found out she would have to have deliveries installed she consolidated it back to the original lot lines. After the assessments where sent out she requested the Assessor’s office to put the lot back to the original lot lines of the original seg so she could sell 4 of the lots. The Operations Manager has contacted the new owners of the 4 lots and they are going to re-plat the lots and they are aware the all of the lots need to have deliveries installed. The District stated that the Bylaws need to be amended to include that any new parcel that has irrigable land within the boundaries of the District is required to have a delivery installed on it at the owner’s expense.

Director Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting, Director Gray 2nd, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30AM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______Tyler Wilson-Director ______

Mike Gray-Director ______Ivy Johnson-Office Mgr ______