West African Youth Network

The West African Youth Network (WAYN) has been actively working over the last few years to enhance the participation of young people in issues relating to peace building, conflict resolution, governance, accountability, youth development and human rights in West Africa. Since its inception in 2001, WAYN has continued to initiate and implement a number of projects in line with its Mission Statement. From a modest beginning in March 2001, the organization has grown over the years and has captivated the attention of governments, regional organizations, civil society groups, the media and the donor community. It has extended its membership from five to fourteen countries and has implemented a number of programmes in line with its objectives.


WAYN seeks to strengthen the capacities of youth leaders and to advocate and lobby to influence policies promoting and mainstreaming youth participation in regional and national processes.

In keeping with its mission statement, WAYN is conducted a feasibility studies relating to on the role of youth in peace building and governance in West Africa. We are currently in the process of building networking amongst youth groups in the sub region. This questionnaire is meant to be a helpful tool for primary data collection essentially focusing on already existing youth organization in West Africa.

Expected outcomes: The main goal of the research and data collection is to map out all movements, initiatives, organizations and networks working on youth issues as a mean of creating a regional pool of youth leaders and organizations.

The main outcomes will be

-  The publishing of a directory of youth organizations in West Africa. The directory will be distributed to major stakeholders, including the Secretariat of the Economic Community of West African States the UN, etc.

-  improved networking amongst youth organizations and stakeholders

-  a broad knowledge and information base relating to the work of youth organizations

For any questions please contact:

Regional Secretariat,

West African Youth Network,

30 Wellington Street,

Freetown, Sierra Leone

www.waynyouth.org Email: ,


A.  General Information about your organization
Name/Acronym of your Organization
Street/nr. or P.O. Box nr.:
Zip code / City:
Name/title of Contact Person:

A.1 Year of Establishment

A.3 Current number of members:

A.5 Is it a registered organisation?

A.6 If yes, where is it registered?

A.7 Do you have a permanent office?

A.8 How many paid staff do you have?

A.9 How many volunteers do you have?

A.10 who/what is your major source of income?

A.11 what is the age range of a youth according to your organization?

A.12 Is it an organization for youth or run by youth?

For youth / By youth

A.13 Please describe very briefly the vision of your organization:

Activities and scope of your organization
Activities / Specific Activities
Conflict transformation
Peace education
Human rights
Child and youth rights
Youth Empowerment advocacy/ lobby
Reproductive health (HIV/AIDS)
Campaigning (Small arms etc )
Developmental issues (MDGs)
Others, please specify:

B.1 What are the current working activities you are involved in?

Community based / National / Regional / International

B.2 What is the geographical scope of your activities?

C. Cooperation/need assessment

C.1 Is there any cooperation (meetings, round tables, consultations, assistance etc.) of your organization with:

(tick the appropriate box)

Your government
Similar/like-minded youth groups
Regional networks
National networks
Pan African networks
International networks

C.2 Is your organization member of an African youth movement? (Please specify)

Type / Name and – if possible – contact

C.5 which kind of cooperation has proved to be more helpful for your organization so far?

other organisations

C.6 what seems to be more important for your organization in the future:

International cooperation
National cooperation
Regional cooperation

General questions

Please give your frank opinion.

D.1. Do you have a National Youth Policy in your country?

D.2 Are young people allowed to participate in decision making at the community and national level?

D.3 how many young people below 30 are found in National Parliament?

D.4 Do the National Youth Council in your country actually represent the views of young people?

D. 5 What is the relationship between youth groups, National Youth Council and Government?

D.6 Is there an open line of communication between youth organizations and the Ministry of Youth/

D.7 Are young people who are member of National Political Parties allow to participate in decision making?

D.8. Is there an ongoing effort within your organization to develop a broad constituency among the public supportive of constructive engagement with the youth?

D.9 Do the programs and projects of your organization promote, where possible, the advancement of the status of youth and youth’s empowerment?

D.10Does your organization produces and makes available to the public an (annual) report or any other kind of summary/review?

D.11 what are currently the problems for young people in your country?

D.12 what do you think is currently the biggest problem for your country? How do you think this could be solved?

D.13 How would you define the term development?

D.14 Are youth consulted on issues at the Community and national level in your country?