Southwestern Archaeology
ANTH 3320
Spring 2012, MW 12:30-1:45
Instructor: Tammy Stone, Ph.D., R.P.A.
Office Location: Administration Bldg 270K
Contact information: phone 303-556-2801e-mail:
Office Hours: MW 2:00-3:00 or by appointment
Required Texts:
Cordell, Linda S. (1997) Archaeology of the Southwest (2nd edition). Academic Press, New York.
Kantner, John (2004) Ancient Puebloan Southwest. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Take Home Exam 1:25 points
Take Home Exam 2:25 points
Take Home Exam 3:25 points
Research Paper:20 points
Paper abstract:2. 5 points
Paper outline and bibliography: 2.5 points
The take home exams will cover the major controversies in Southwestern Archaeology. Each exam will have several long essay questions(3-5 pages), of which you will pick 2 to answer (10 points each). Additionally, there will be one short essay (1-2 pages)question (5 points) that is more methodological/technical in nature that you will be required to answer. Your essay should present all sides of a major controversy for the long essays as well as your opinion as to which is the correct perspective. Your conclusion must include supporting data from the archaeological record. The short answer methodological/technical question will require you to explain the method/technique involved and give an example of how it is used in the archaeological record to address important theoretical issues (see rubric on blackboard for both question types). Exams are due by the beginning of the class on the date assigned. They will be accepted late but a full letter grade will be lost for each day the exam is late with the next day starting at the end of the class.
A 10-15 page research paper on a topic of your choice in Southwestern Archaeology or Ethnography is also required. This paper is based on independent research you conduct beyond the information included in the text book. Your paper must include citations and a bibliography (you may use SAA format or Chicago Manual of Style [if in doubt, look at the format used in your text book]). Because of the lack of a scholarly peer review process associated with publications that appear solely on the web, you may not use web sources for your paper (though you may use electronic versions of journals from the library from sources like jstore). Please note, you must cite individuals for their ideas and their data as well as their exact words; failure to do so constitutes plagiarism and will result in a 0 on the paper. A 100 word abstract is due early in the semester and a preliminary outline and bibliography is due after spring break.
Administrative Information:
It is assumed that all students will follow the code of ethics outlined in the University Catalogue. Failure to do so will result in a 0 on the assignment. Additionally, take home exams must be completed individually, and cannot be a group effort.
The faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences passed the following policy relating to the awarding of incomplete grades. This CLAS policy is consistent with the CU-Denver campus policy.
Incomplete grades (I) are not granted for low academic performance. To be eligible for an Incomplete grade, students must (1) successfully complete 75 percent of the course, (2) have special circumstances (verification may be required) that preclude the student from attending class and completing graded assignments, and (3) make arrangements to complete missing assignments with the original instructor. You must complete a course completion agreement if an incomplete is granted. The CLAS Course Completion Agreement is available from the CLAS Advising Office, NC 2024.
Important Dates from the College
Spring 2012 CLAS Academic PoliciesThe following policies pertain to all degree students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
- Schedule verification: It is each student’s responsibility to verify online that his/her official registration is correct: verify before classes begin and prior to the drop/add deadline. Failure to verify schedule accuracyis not sufficient reason to justify a late add or drop.
- E-mail: Students must activate and regularly check their official student e-mail account for CU Denver business: Those who forward email must check CU Denver e-mail regularly for messages not automatically forwarded.
- Waitlists:
- Students are not automatically notified if they are added to a class from a waitlist.
- Students are not automatically dropped from a class if they never attended, stopped attending, or do not make tuition payments.
- Waitlists are purged after the 1st week of classes, after which a paper Schedule Adjustment Form (drop/add form) is required. It is the student's responsibility to get the form (online or at the Advising Office, NC 4002), have it signed, deliver it to the Registrar (Annex 100) or the Student Services Center (NC 1003), and verify her/his schedule online.
- Late adds(after 1 February) will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late add are beyond the student’s control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. Petition forms are available in NC 4002. The signature of a faculty member on a Schedule Adjustment Form does not guarantee that a late add petition will be approved.
- Late drops (after 1 February) will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late drop have arisen after the published drop deadline and are beyond the student’s control. This will require a written petition and verifiable documentation. The signature of a faculty member does not guarantee that a late drop petition will be approved.
- Tuition:Students are responsible for completing arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. (depending on tuition plan selected) to pay their tuition prior to Census Date (1 February). Students who drop after that date are (1) financially responsible for tuition and fees, (2) academically responsible and will receive a "W" grade, and (3) are ineligible for a refund of COF hours or tuition.
- Graduation:
- Undergraduate students wishing to graduate in spring2012 must complete the online Intent to Graduate Form and meet with their academic advisor to obtain a graduation application. This application must be submitted by Census Date (1 February). You can obtain an application only after meeting with your advisor. There are no exceptions to this policy.
- Graduate students wishing to graduate in spring semester 2012 must complete the online Intent to Graduate form and have a Request for Admissions to Candidacy on file with the CU Denver Graduate School (LSC 1251) no later than 5 PM, February 1, 2012.
Important Dates and Deadlines
- January 17, 2012: First day of classes.
- January 22, 2012: Last day to add or waitlist a class using the UCDAccess student portal.
- January 23, 2012: Last day to drop without a $100 drop charge--this includes section changes.
- January 24, 2012: Waitlists are dropped. Students are no longer automatically added from a waitlist (and names not on the official course roster are not registered for the course). Adding a course now requires the completion of a Schedule Adjustment Form. This is the first day an instructor may approve a Schedule Adjustment Form to add a student to a closed course.
- January 24 -February 1, 2012:Students are responsible for verifying an accurate spring 2012 course schedule via the UCDAccess student portal. Students are not notified of their waitlist status by the University. All students must check their schedule prior to February 1 for accuracy.
- February 1, 2012: Census date.
- 2/1/12, 5 PM: Last day to add structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such. This deadline does not apply to independent studies, internships, project hours, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and late-starting modular courses.
- 2/1/12, 5 PM: Last day to drop a spring 2012 courseorcompletely withdraw from all spring 2012 courses using a Schedule Adjustment Form and still receive a tuition refund, minus the drop fee. After this date, tuition is forfeited and a "W" will appear on the transcript. This includes section changes. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such.
- 2/1/12, 5 PM: Last day to apply for spring 2012 graduation. Undergraduates must make an appointment and see their academic advisor before this date to apply for graduation. Graduate students must complete the Intent to Graduate and Candidate for Degree forms.
- 2/1/12, 5 PM: Last day to request pass/fail or non-credit option for a course.
- 2/1/12, 5 PM: Last day to petition for a reduction in Ph.D. dissertation hours.
- February 13-22, 2012: Faculty can use the Early Alert system.
- March 19-25, 2012: Spring break (no classes/campus open).
- April 2, 2012 at 5 PM: Last day for non-CLAS students to drop or withdraw without a petition and special approval from the academic dean. After this date, a dean’s signature is required.
- April 16, 2012 at 5 PM:Last day for CLAS students to drop or withdraw with signatures from the faculty and dean but without a full petition. After this date, all schedule changes require a full petition. Petition forms are available in NC 4002 for undergraduates and LSC 1251 for graduates.
- May 7 - 12, 2012: Finals Week. No schedule changes will be granted once finals week has started. There are NO exceptions to this policy.
- May 21, 2012: Final grades available on UCDAccess (tentative).
Course Schedule:
MLK Holiday (1/17) – no class
TOPIC 1 (1/18) - Introduction to the class and Southwestern Archaeology
Cordell, Chapter 1
Kantner, Chapter 1
TOPIC 2 (1/23 and 25) – Paleoenvironment of the Southwest
Cordell, Chapter 2
Kantner, Chapter 2
TOPIC 3 (1/30 and 2/1) - History of Southwestern archaeology
Cordell, Chapter 6
TOPIC 4 (2/6, 8, and 13) – Current Culture Histories
Cordell, Chapter 7
Paper Abstract due 2/13
TOPIC 5 (2/15) – Paleoindians
Cordell, Chapter 3
TOPIC 6 (2/20) – Archaic Period
Cordell, Chapter 4
Kantner, Chapter 3, pp. 52-59
TOPIC 7 (2/22 and 27) – Rise of Agriculture – Crops, Risk and Land Tenure
Cordell, Chapter 5
Exam one posted on blackboard 2/22 after class
Exam 1 due 2/27
TOPIC 8 (2/29 and 3/5) – Rise of Sedentism
Cordell, Chapter 8
Kantner, Chapter 3, pp. 59-86
TOPIC 9 (3/7 and 12) – Subsitence and Settlement Pattern in the Sedentary Period of the Hohokam
Cordell, Chapter 9
TOPIC 10 (3/14) – Early Regional Systems (Mimbres, HohokamBallcourts, and Chaco) part 1
Cordell, Chapter 10
Kantner, Chapter 4
3/19 and 3/21 Spring Break – no class
TOPIC 10 continued (3/26 and 3/28) – Early Regional Systems (Mimbres, HohokamBallcourts, and Chaco), part 2
Cordell, Chapter 10
Kantner, Chapter 4
Paper outline and bibliography due 3/28
TOPIC 11 (4/2 and 4) – Collapse and Abandonment of early systems
Cordell, Chapter 11
Kantner, Chapter 5
Exam 2 posted on blackboard 4/4 after class
TOPIC 12 (4/9, 11, and 16) – Late Prehistoric Groups – Aggregation, Complexity, and Migration
Cordell, Chapter 12, pp. 399-421
Kantner, Chapter 6
EXAM 2 DUE 4/9
SAA April 18-no class
TOPIC 13 (4/23and 25) – Protohistoric – Abandonment and Reintegration
Cordell, Chapter 12, pp. 421-429
Kantner, Chapter 7
TOPIC 14 (4/30 and 5/2) – Athapaskan Speakers and the Colonial Period
Cordell, Chapter 12, pp. 429-443
Kantner, Chapter 8
Exam 3 posted on blackboard 5/2 after class