OECD Template #306: Use and exposure information: Service life (Version [1.17]-[April 2016])
OECDTemplate #306: Use and exposure information: Service life (Version [1.17]-[April 2016])
The following table gives a detailed description of the type of information prompted for by the data entry fields.
Line no. / Field name / Field typeDisplaytype / Picklist
Freetext template / Help text / Remarks
Service life / Tab
Display: Basic
Service life name / Text (255 char.)
Display: Basic / The name of the service life entry is intended to briefly describe the nature and scope of the activities with articles or buildings into which the substance has been incorporated. The name would usually refer to a group of articles. It would potentially also indicate a kind of activity with it. This also includes mixtures in their dried or cured form (e.g. Dried printing ink in newspapers; dried coatings on various surfaces) and mixtures contained into article. If an exposure assessment has been carried out, the use name forms the 'Exposure scenario name' in the relevant section where a link is made to this field 'Use name'.
Further description of use / Text (rich-text area)
Display: Basic / The service life name usually refers to a group of articles covered under this use. The current field enables a more detailed description of the range of articles covered. This may include examples of specific representative articles and a description of boundaries which articles are not covered. The description may also make reference to the categories to be assigned in Exposure related description of article or Article category (AC).
Regulatory status / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- use in Scientific Research and Development - [EU REACH]
- use in plant protection products - [EU REACH]
- use in biocidal products - [EU REACH]
- use as motor fuels - [EU REACH]
- use as fuel in mobile or fixed combustion plants of mineral oil products and use as fuels in closed systems - [EU REACH]
- use in cosmetics products - [EU REACH]
- use in food contact materials - [EU REACH]
- use of the substance in mixtures below the concentration limit specified in REACH Art. 56(6) - [EU REACH]
- other: / This field allows for flagging that the described use is subject to one or more particular regulations if applicable. This information can be useful for deciding on legislation-specific requirements (e.g. uses exempted from assessment).
Note that legislation-specific items are indicated by an informal text shown with the respective picklist items (e.g. EU REACH).
Explanation for the regulatory status / Text (32,768 char.)
Display: Basic / A justification can be entered for the claim of the specific regulatory status of the use, e.g. by providing the reference to the relevant legislation and the details related to the specific regulatory status and demonstrating that the criteria for a certain exemption are fulfilled. / Guidance for field condition:
Condition: Field active only if Regulatory status' is not empty
Article used by / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- workers
- consumers / Indicate whether the article is used by workers or by consumers (general public).
Article category (AC) / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- AC 1: Vehicles
- AC1a: Vehicles covered by End of Life Vehicles (ELV) directive
- AC1b: Other vehicles
- AC 2: Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles
- AC2a: Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles covered by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive
- AC2b: Other machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles
- AC 3: Electrical batteries and accumulators
- AC 4: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles
- AC4a: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Large surface area articles
- AC4b: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC4c: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC4d: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC4e: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC4f: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC4g: Other articles made of stone, plaster, cement, glass or ceramic
- AC 5: Fabrics, textiles and apparel
- AC5a: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Large surface area articles
- AC5b: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC5c: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC5d: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles intended for food contact
- AC5e: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC5f: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC5g: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: bedding and mattresses
- AC5h: Other articles made of fabrics, textiles and apparel
- AC 6: Leather articles
- AC6a: Leather articles: Large surface area articles
- AC6b: Leather articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC6c: Leather articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC6d: Leather articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC6e: Leather articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC6f: Leather articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC6g: Other leather articles
- AC 7: Metal articles
- AC7a: Metal articles: Large surface area articles
- AC7b: Metal articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC7c: Metal articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC7d: Metal articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC7e: Metal articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC7f: Metal articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC7g: Other metal articles
- AC 8: Paper articles
- AC8a: Paper articles: Large surface area articles
- AC8b: Paper articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC8c: Paper articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC8d: Paper articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC8e: Paper articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC8f1: Paper articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: personal hygiene articles
- AC8f2: Paper articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: printed articles with dermal contact in normal conditions of use
- AC8g: Other paper articles
- AC 10: Rubber articles
- AC10a: Rubber articles: Large surface area articles
- AC10b: Rubber articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC10c: Rubber articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC10d: Rubber articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC10e: Rubber articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC10f: Rubber articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC10g: Other rubber articles
- AC 11: Wood articles
- AC11a: Wood articles: Large surface area articles
- AC11b: Wood articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC11c: Wood articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC11d: Wood articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC11e: Wood articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC11f: Wood articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC11g: Other wood articles
- AC 13: Plastic articles
- AC13a: Plastic articles: Large surface area articles
- AC13b: Plastic articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC13c: Plastic articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC13d: Plastic articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC13e: Plastic articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC13f: Plastic articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC13g: Other plastic articles
- AC 02: Other (intended to be released):
- AC 0: Other: / Select the article category that best fits to the field 'Further description of article'. This descriptor indicates the type of article into which the substance has eventually been processed. / Guidance for field condition:
Condition: Field active only if article used by”is “workers”
Contributing activity / technique for the environment / Block of fields (repeatable) Start
Name of activity / technique / Text (2,000 char.)
Display: Basic / Enter a name here for an activity contributing to the consumer use. If no specific characteristic is to be highlighted from the environmental perspective the use name can be repeated here. If an exposure assessment has been carried out, the name of the contributing activity / technique corresponds to the title of the contributing scenario in the relevant section.
Environmental release category (ERC) / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- ERC10a: Widespread use of articles with low release (outdoor)
- ERC10b: Widespread use of articles with high or intended release (outdoor)
- ERC11a: Widespread use of articles with low release (indoor)
- ERC11b: Widespread use of articles with high or intended release (indoor)
- ERC12a: Processing of articles at industrial sites with low release
- ERC12b: Processing of articles at industrial sites with high release
- ERC12c: Use of articles at industrial sites with low release / A category can be assigned to the type of process described, providing a generic characterisation from the environmental perspective. Note that different category systems may apply in the relevant regulatory framework as indicated by an informal text shown with the respective picklist items (e.g. EU REACH, US EPA). Consult the relevant legislation-specific guidance on what kind of information is expected.
Contributing activity / technique for the environment / Block of fields (repeatable) End
Contributing activity / technique for consumers / Block of fields (repeatable) Start / Guidance for field condition:
Condition: Block of field active only if 'Article used by' is 'consumers'
Name of activity / technique / Text (2,000 char.)
Display: Basic / Enter a name here for the contributing activity by consumers. Usually the activity of a consumer is best named by a specific article type, as the article inherently determines the foreseeable activities with it. If an exposure assessment has been carried out, the name of the contributing activity corresponds to the title of the contributing scenario in the relevant section. / Guidance for data migration:
Article category (AC) / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- AC 1: Vehicles
- AC1a: Vehicles covered by End of Life Vehicles (ELV) directive
- AC1b: Other vehicles
- AC 2: Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles
- AC2a: Machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles covered by the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive
- AC2b: Other machinery, mechanical appliances, electrical/electronic articles
- AC 3: Electrical batteries and accumulators
- AC 4: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles
- AC4a: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Large surface area articles
- AC4b: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC4c: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC4d: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC4e: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC4f: Stone, plaster, cement, glass and ceramic articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC4g: Other articles made of stone, plaster, cement, glass or ceramic
- AC 5: Fabrics, textiles and apparel
- AC5a: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Large surface area articles
- AC5b: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC5c: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC5d: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles intended for food contact
- AC5e: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC5f: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC5g: Fabrics, textiles and apparel: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: bedding and mattresses
- AC5h: Other articles made of fabrics, textiles and apparel
- AC 6: Leather articles
- AC6a: Leather articles: Large surface area articles
- AC6b: Leather articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC6c: Leather articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC6d: Leather articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC6e: Leather articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC6f: Leather articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC6g: Other leather articles
- AC 7: Metal articles
- AC7a: Metal articles: Large surface area articles
- AC7b: Metal articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC7c: Metal articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC7d: Metal articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC7e: Metal articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC7f: Metal articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC7g: Other metal articles
- AC 8: Paper articles
- AC8a: Paper articles: Large surface area articles
- AC8b: Paper articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC8c: Paper articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC8d: Paper articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC8e: Paper articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC8f1: Paper articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: personal hygiene articles
- AC8f2: Paper articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use: printed articles with dermal contact in normal conditions of use
- AC8g: Other paper articles
- AC 10: Rubber articles
- AC10a: Rubber articles: Large surface area articles
- AC10b: Rubber articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC10c: Rubber articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC10d: Rubber articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC10e: Rubber articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC10f: Rubber articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC10g: Other rubber articles
- AC 11: Wood articles
- AC11a: Wood articles: Large surface area articles
- AC11b: Wood articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC11c: Wood articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC11d: Wood articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC11e: Wood articles: Furniture & furnishings
- AC11f: Wood articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC11g: Other wood articles
- AC 13: Plastic articles
- AC13a: Plastic articles: Large surface area articles
- AC13b: Plastic articles: Toys intended for children's use (and child dedicated articles)
- AC13c: Plastic articles: Packaging (excluding food packaging)
- AC13d: Plastic articles: Articles intended for food contact
- AC13e: Plastic articles: Furniture & furnishings, including furniture coverings
- AC13f: Plastic articles: Articles with intense direct dermal contact during normal use
- AC13g: Other plastic articles
- AC 02: Other (intended to be released):
- AC 0: Other: / Select the article category that best fits to the field 'Further description of article'. This descriptor indicates the type of article into which the substance has eventually been processed. / Guidance for data migration:
One repeatable set created for each value from:
Percentage (w/w) of substance in mixture /article (%) / Numeric (decimal)
Display: Basic / Guidance for data migration:
Details on the percentage of substance in mixture/article / Text (32,768 char.)
Display: Basic
Contributing activity / technique for consumers / Block of fields (repeatable) End
Contributing activity / technique for workers / Block of fields (repeatable) Start / Guidance for field condition:
Condition: Block of field active only if 'Article used by' is 'workers'
Name of activity / technique / Text (2,000 char.)
Display: Basic / Enter a name here for an activity contributing to the use described. A use may consist of one or more contributing activities, processes, tasks or unit operations. From the occupational perspective the focus is on the single task or process type carried out by a worker, e.g. charging and discharging to/from reaction vessel. If an exposure assessment has been carried out, each contributing scenario is related to a specific contributing activity / technique. / Guidance for data migration:
Process category (PROC) / List multi. (multi-select list)
Display: Basic / Picklist values:
- PROC 1: Use in closed process, no likelihood of exposure
- PROC 2: Use in closed, continuous process with occasional controlled exposure
- PROC 3: Use in closed batch process (synthesis or formulation)
- PROC 4: Use in batch and other process (synthesis) where opportunity for exposure arises
- PROC 5: Mixing or blending in batch processes for formulation of preparations and articles (multistage and/or significant contact)
- PROC 6: Calendering operations
- PROC 7: Industrial spraying
- PROC 8a: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at non-dedicated facilities
- PROC 8b: Transfer of substance or preparation (charging/discharging) from/to vessels/large containers at dedicated facilities
- PROC 9: Transfer of substance or preparation into small containers (dedicated filling line, including weighing)
- PROC 10: Roller application or brushing
- PROC 11: Non industrial spraying
- PROC 12: Use of blowing agents in manufacture of foam
- PROC 13: Treatment of articles by dipping and pouring
- PROC 14: Production of preparations or articles by tabletting, compression, extrusion, pelletisation
- PROC 15: Use as laboratory reagent
- PROC 16: Using material as fuel sources, limited exposure to unburned product to be expected
- PROC 17: Lubrication at high energy conditions and in partly open process
- PROC 18: Greasing at high energy conditions
- PROC 19: Hand-mixing with intimate contact and only PPE available.
- PROC 20: Heat and pressure transfer fluids in dispersive, professional use but closed systems
- PROC 21: Low energy manipulation of substances bound in materials and/or articles
- PROC 22: Potentially closed processing operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature. Industrial setting
- PROC 23: Open processing and transfer operations with minerals/metals at elevated temperature
- PROC 24: High (mechanical) energy work-up of substances bound in materials and/or articles
- PROC 25: Other hot work operations with metals
- PROC 26: Handling of solid inorganic substances at ambient temperature