OD Values Clarification Instrument

© Susan H. DeVogel

Instructions: This instrument consists of pairs of statements related to OD values. Read each pair. For each pair, indicate how important each statement is to you by rating the statements according to their relative values. You must allocate a total of three points to each pair of statements, but the points may be distributed however you like. For example, you may give all three points to one statement if you think the other is completely unimportant or if you like both statements, you might allocate two points to the statement you prefer and allocate one point to the other.

Although there will be some repetition of ideas through-out the instrument, teat each pair of statements independently. Do not struggle long over any decision; go with your initial instinct. If you are bothered by the strength of any statement, mentally add the words “generally” or “usually” to it.


It is important to me that . . .

___3___ a. I can go to the beach during the summer

___0___ b. I have fresh vegetables

___2___ c. I have fresh fruit

___1___ d. I can go to the beach during the summer


It is important to me that . . .

______1a the client decides how far the OD process should be pushed

through the organization.

______1b all participants understand why an intervention is being


______2a I abide by a client’s preference for a certain intervention,

whether or not a diagnosis has indicated that it is needed.

______2b when I have reached the limits of my ability to serve a client, I

discuss the situation with the client and offer options.

______3a when I am asked to give advice about an organizational

problem, I assist the client in exploring the problem further rather than offering my opinion.

______3b I try to remain neutral when I encounter a client system’s


It is important to me that . . .

______4a I refuse to share what went on during an intervention with

people who were not present in the group.

______4b if I have doubts about the effectiveness of a requested or

proposed intervention, I share those doubts with the client.

______5a I am willing to discuss my professional ethical dilemmas with


______5b I do not remain silent when I see evidence of gender

discrimination or sexual harassment in a client organization.

______6a all participants in an intervention should be there willingly.

______6b when a manager asks me for feedback about his or her

personal effectiveness, I give my honest views.

______7a I try to remain neutral even when I have friends within an


______7b I serve as a mentor to somebody who wishes to enter the field

of OD or who is less experienced.

______8a I trust the client’s judgement when the client believes that an

OD process has proceeded far enough.

______8b I give recommendations rather than instructions about how the

OD process should proceed.

______9a when alternative interventions seem to be equally beneficial, I

let the client choose the intervention.

______9b I refuse to share what went on during an intervention with

people who were not present in the group.

______10a when a manager asks me for feedback about his or her

personal effectiveness, I give my honest views.

______10b I do not participate in organizational processes that will result in

people losing their jobs.

______11a I do not work for a client whose product or service conflicts with

my personal values.

______11b I keep clear boundaries between my personal and professional


______12a all participants understand how an intervention will proceed

before we begin.

______12b I view myself as a facilitator rather than as an expert.

______13a I do not downplay the estimated time or cost when preparing an

intervention proposal.

______13b I attend as many meetings of professional organizations as I


It is important to me that . . .

______14a I insist that the organization confront difficult issues when I

believe that the client prefers to avoid them.

______14b I do not reveal the names of my clients to others without the

express permission of my client.

______15a before I try a new intervention, I study the theory behind it.

______15b I try to be aware of the biases I bring to any interaction,

including my own cultural and gender biases.

______16a the client should determine which interventions are appropriate

for the organization.

______16b I insist that the organization confront difficult issues when I

believe that the client prefers to avoid them.

______17a I do not share personal information that I know about an

employee, regardless of how I gained it.

______17b I do not take on consulting projects in areas in which I have

little knowledge or experience.

______18a when alternative interventions seem to be equally beneficial, I

let the client choose the intervention.

______18b I do not work for a client whose product or service conflicts with

my personal values.

______19a the client should determine which interventions are appropriate

for the organization.

______19b I am willing to discuss my difficult cases with colleagues.

______20a all participants understand why an intervention is being


______20b I try to remain neutral when I get caught between conflicting

emotional needs of organizational members.

______21a I insist on raising difficult issues, even if I know that doing so

might jeopardize my contract or job.

______21b I am honest with a client about the extent of the potential

benefits that might be expected from an intervention.

______22a I view myself as a facilitator rather than as an expert.

______22b I do not take on consulting projects in areas in which I have

little knowledge or experience.

It is important to me that . . .

______23a employees have the right to decide how much of their personal

opinions to disclose to others during an OD intervention.

______23b I never share information if I have promised to keep it


______24a I try to remain neutral even when I have friends within an


______24b I only take on as many clients as I have time to serve well.

______25a if a manager asks me to gather information to help fire

somebody, I refuse.

______25b before I try a new intervention, I study the theory behind it.

______26a I abide by a client’s preference for a certain intervention,

whether or not a diagnosis has indicated that it is needed.

______26b I refuse to give recommendations about who should be laid off,

based on information I have gained during an OD intervention.

______27a when I am asked to give advice about an organizational

problem, I assist the client in exploring the problem further

rather than offering my opinion.

______27b If I have doubts about the effectiveness of a requested or

proposed intervention, I share those doubts with the client.

______28a when asked by a client about a specific intervention, I am

truthful about whether or not I have ever tried it.

______28b I keep clear boundaries between my personal and professional


______29a employees should not be forced by their supervisor or manager

to participate in an OD activity.

______29b I do not remain silent when I see evidence of discrimination

against persons with differing abilities in a client organization.

______30a I trust the group to find the answers to organizational problems.

______30b I am willing to discuss my difficult cases with colleagues.

______31a I usually refuse to share what went on during an intervention

with people who were not present in the group.

______31b I do not remain silent when I see evidence of gender

discrimination or sexual harassment in a client organization.

It is important to me that . . .

______32a I allow the client to determine the pace and direction of the

consulting relationship.

______32b I disclose the risks of an intervention, even if I believe the

potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks.

______33a I try to remain neutral when I get caught between conflicting

emotional needs or organizational members.

______33b I do not keep silent when I see evidence of racism in a client


______34a all participants in an intervention should be there willingly.

______34b before I try a new intervention, I study the theory behind it.

______35a I allow the client to determine the pace and direction of the

consulting relationship.

______35b I do not participate in organizational processes that will result in

people losing their jobs.

______36a all participants understand how an intervention will proceed

before we begin.

______36b I keep clear boundaries between my personal and professional


Source: W. Rothwell, R. Sullivan, G. McLean, Practicing Organization Development: A Guide for Consultants. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1995, pp 476-487.

OD Values Scoring

Instructions: Transfer your scores from the instrument to this scoring form. Note that the items are not listed sequentially. When you have filled in all the blanks, total each of the nine columns.

Client Autonomy
1a. ______
2a. ______
8a. ______
16a. ______
19a. ______
26a. ______
32a. ______
35a. ______
Total: ______ / Informed Consent
1b. ______
6a. ______
12a. ______
20a. ______
23a. ______
29a. ______
34a. ______
36a. ______
Total: ______ / Collaboration
3a. ______
8b. ______
9a. ______
12b. ______
18a. ______
22a. ______
27a. ______
30a. ______
Total: ______
Objectivity &
3b. ______
7a. ______
14a. ______
16b. ______
20b. ______
21a. ______
24a. ______
33a. ______
Total: ______ / Confidentiality
4a. ______
9b. ______
14b. ______
17a. ______
23b. ______
25a. ______
26b. ______
31a. ______
Total: ______ / Truth Telling
4b. ______
6b. ______
10a. ______
13a. ______
21b. ______
27b. ______
28a. ______
32b. ______
Total: ______
5a. ______
7b. ______
13b. ______
15a. ______
19b. ______
25b. ______
30b. ______
34b. ______
Total: ______ / Social Justice
5b. ______
10b. ______
11a. ______
18b. ______
29b. ______
31b. ______
33b. ______
35b. ______
Total: ______ / Recognizing Limits
2b. ______
11b. ______
15b. ______
17b. ______
22b. ______
24b. ______
28b. ______
36b. ______
Total: ______

OD Values Scoring (Continued)

Instructions: Transfer your total score for each of the nine values on the scoring form to the chart below.

OD Value Score

 Client Autonomy ______

 Informed Consent ______

 Collaboration ______

 Objectivity and Independence ______

 Confidentiality ______

 Truth Telling ______

 Professional Development ______

 Social Justice ______

 Recognizing Limits ______

The higher your total score for a particular value, the more important that value is to you. The resulting list may help you gain insight into how you resolve ethical conflicts, particularly when you must choose between two values that are both important to you.


NEA OD3 Module II: Entry, Contracting & Values

Dr. Susan M. Gallant & Thoraya Halhoul, M.A.