October 23, 2014
Time Called to Order: / Time Adjourned: / Location: / Minutes By:
3:03 PM / 4:53 PM / Governmental Center
Room A-337 / Tanisha Beecher
HIP Staff
Member(s) Present / Guest(s) Present / Staff Present
Smith, Jeremiah
Werthman, Steve / Anstett, JoAnn
Cameron, Nicky
Campbell, KeriAnn - Chrysalis
Cotton, Don
Day, Lori
De La Rosa, Marie
Destin, Marie
Fowlkes, Shira
Gallardo, Lilly
King, Celena
King, William
Lopez, Veronica
Optekar, David
Ordover, Samantha
Turner Nestor, Aileen
Pagan, Jennie
Rhett, Cassandra
Smith, Jeremiah
Werthman, Steve
Wilby, Lorraine / Richard Hoo
Susan Saul
Strong, Kimberly
Wright, Michael
Item / Action/Discussion/Recommendations / Due Date / Status/Staff Responsible
  1. Welcome & Introductions
/ Coordinated Assessment Committee Chair, Steve Werthman called the meeting to order. Attendees introduced themselves.
  1. ZERO:2016 Update
/ Michael Wright explained that unlike the 100,000 Homes Campaign, an application must be completed before being selected to participate in the Zero:2016 Campaign.
The campaign provides the structure for the Mayor’s Challenge, which is a national contest developed by the government to target mayors, urging them to allocate resources towardending veteran and chronic homelessness.
At the last Continuum of Care (CoC) Board meeting, Vice-Mayor Patricia Asseff, and Vice-Mayor CarylHattan requested details about the Mayor’s Challenge. The information they gather will be relayed to the League of cities on November 7, 2014, in hopes to adopt this campaign.
Our ZERO:2016application was finalized and approved by the CoC Board, and then submitted on September 29, 2014.The results will be available by mid-November.
  1. Review of HUD Notice: CPD-14-012
/ Very soon the new Coordinated Assessment process will be finalized, and new documents will be made operative based on the guidelines of the National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH).
In August, HUD released new data standards for HMIS. As a result, a new system of measuring the quality of HMIS data will be developed.
HUD 2014 application was finalized and submitted to HUD.
  1. Provision of Match
Documentation 2014 CoC
NoFA / Susan Batchelder explained that ‘Match’ is mandatory. HUD requires a 25% match-- cash or in-kind. We are also requesting an additional 75% leverage.
The 2014 provision of match documentation process was further discussed at length.
  1. Update Re: Assessing and
Referring Potential PSH
Participants / The CAC and referral process was also discussed at length.
Jeremiah Smith explained his concerns regarding difficulties in verifying chronicity of homeless individuals.
There were also concerns that homeless persons who are eligible for Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) assistance, are still waiting for services.
Within the next six months there will be a shift towards a more transparent coordinated assessment process. A work-group will be appointedto oversee services for chronically homeless individuals.
Michael Wright is currently looking into social work ethics, and the level of commitment that is needed to engage homeless folks.
  1. Discussion of Barriers/
Challenges / The new coordinated assessment system will be further assessed and tweaked to eliminate its challenges.
  1. Next Meeting

Coordinated Assessment Committee

October 23, 20141