Alexander Averin, Associate Prof., Udmurt State University, Izhevsk (Russia),

In August, 2010 at the Udmurt State University (USU) the International Summer School (ISS) for German students has taken place. ISS was called «Social Work in the Multicultural Region of Udmurt Republic». Training in ISS lasted 15 days. The program of ISS has been prepared and realized by department of «Social work» of Institute of pedagogics, psychology and social technologies (IPPST). Some of lectures have been read by teachers оf IPPST which knew English and German language. The big help in realization of ISS have rendered International Relations Office of USU and director of IPPST. Purpose of ISS: to demonstrate peculiarities of social work in the multiethnic environment of Udmurt Republic. Focus of attention of the program there were 3 most numerous national groups of Udmurt Republic: Udmurts, Russian and Tatars. The integrated practical training and cultural program included activities aimed at demonstrating cultures, living conditions, life styles of this major ethnic groups. Two basic forms of studies have been used: lectures and master classes. Except lectures and master classes, German students visited various cities of Udmurtia. There they were in museums, churches. There they were in museums, churches and the social centres. They have visited as well on various cultural and ethnic actions. They actively participated in actions. For example, they sang and danced together with the Russian participants. The summer school was pleasant to German students and they have highly appreciated its organization. Germans have shown the greatest interest to national cultures. (Most of all Germans national cultures interested). During training they have been very interested and disciplined. In the course of training they set many questions and like to discuss. Such behaviour of students assumes also other style of training. The International Summer School for German students has given invaluable experience for organizers and teachers.