Teacher: Mr. BlackwellDate(s): 1/20-1/25Grade: K-2ndGrade

Lesson Title/Big Idea: Know Your Foods/Introduction to the food groups


Fitness and Health Academic Content / Intentional Fitness Related Activities / Motor Skill Development / Social, Emotional, Safety
Objective: / Students will demonstrate through activity knowledge of the food groups by categorizing foods into the groups


Opener/ Warm-Up:
When the students come into the gym, the teacher will have them warm up with a 5-minute instant activity. For this instant activity, the students will jog around the outside of the basketball court and do one of the following exercises of their choosing: 4 mountain climbers, 4 push ups, or 4 sit ups. Teacher will reinforce that this is not a race and students should not touch one another.Students will run around the outside of the perimeter cones. Students will continue to do the activity until the teacher signals the students to take a seat on the line to begin the introduction.
For the introduction, the teacher will introduce the 6 food groups to the class. When discussing the 6 food groups, the teacher will do the following: a) list all the food groups, b) give multiple food examples of each food groups, c) list the health benefits of the 5 necessary food groups, and d) place emphasis on why one should eat the 5 necessary food groups daily for healthy eating.After the opening discussion of the food groups, the teacher will begin to give instruction on the main activity, “Know your foods!”
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES
Content/Focus (include essential questions):
For the main activity, there will be 5-6 hula hoops (grocery carts)on the baseline of the basketball court filled with large pictures of foods upside down. On the other baseline, there will be 5-6 poly spots (one for each group).
One person from each group at a time will do the locomotor movement called out by the teacher to their grocery cart in front of them, pick up only one food card, and then do the same locomotor motion back to their group. Once the first person is back, the next person in the group will then go. This order will be done until the group has successfully brought all of the food cards back to their group. Then each group will work together to demonstrate their knowledge by creating the 6 food groups.To create the food groups, studentswill have to decide what food group each food card belongs to and put it in that group. Once each group has finished, the teacher will go check each groups’ food groups and then repeat the game.
After instruction, the teacher will go over the safety rules and demonstrate exactly what to do. Using the “team shake” application, the teacher will randomly put the class into 5-6 groups (depending on the number of students) and have them line up behind the designated poly spots. Students will wait for the music to play before starting the activity.
While the students are participating, the teacher will walk around the class to observe if students are placing the foods in the correct food groups, tell the students what locomotor movement to do, give encouragement, and make modifications if necessary.
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES
Wrap-Up/Cool Down:
At the conclusion of the activity, the teacher will have students put all of the large food pictures back in their original grocery cart (hula hoop) before answering the closure questions based on the information presented in the lesson introduction. The closure questions are as listed: 1) Can anyone name the food groups? 2)Why is it important to eat all 5 food groups? [multiple choice]? 3)Which of the following is an example of protein [multiple choice]? Once all students have answered the questions, the teacher will have the students get water if needed and then line up.
Lesson √: Circle all that apply - Academic / Fitness / MS / SES


Academic = Fitness and Health Academic Content
Fitness = Intentional Fitness Related Activities
MS = Motor Skill Development
SES = Social, Emotional, Safety Development


Vocabulary / Food Group - is a collection of foods that share similar nutritional properties or biological classifications.
Daily Amounts – The appropriate amount of food eaten from each food group
Healthy Eating – Eating the correct daily amount of foods using variety and moderation
Formative/Summative Assessments / Whether students were able to correctly place food items in their proper food group.
Whether students could correctly answer the pre and post assessment questions.
Differentiation / -Changing the locomotor movement each time
-Adding/taking away food items to each group’s hula hoop
-Combining groups to make larger ones
-Shortening distance of hula hoops if necessary
Equipment/Resources / 5-6 hula hoops (one for each group of students), large food pictures, 4 cones (to designate the parameter of the court), 5-6 poly spots (one for each group of students)
Safety / Student will do locomotor movements in their group’s designated area
Students will do locomotor movements at a moderate, controlled pace
Students will always do the locomotor movements in a forward direction.
Students will wait for the person going to return before he/she goes
Students will stay on the outside of the cones during the instant activity.
Standards (written out) / S1.E1.K – Performs locomotor skills (hopping, galloping, running, sliding, skipping) while maintaining balance
S1.E1.1 – Hops, gallops, jogs and slides using mature pattern
S1.E2.2a – Runs with a mature pattern
S1.E1.2 – Skips using a mature pattern
S2.E3.K – Travels in general space with different speeds
S2.E3.1a – Differentiates between fast and slow speeds
S3.E2.K – Actively participates in physical education class
S3.E2.1 – Actively engages in physical education class
S3.E2.2 – Actively engages in physical education class in response to instruction and practice
S3.E6.K – Recognizes that food provides energy for physical activity
S3.E6.1 – Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods
S3.E6.2 – Recognizes the “good health balance” of nutrition and physical activity
S3.E6.1 – Differentiates between healthy and unhealthy foods
S4.E1.K – Follows directions in group settings (safe behaviour, following rules, taking turns)
S4.E1.1 – Accepts personal responsibility by using equipment and space appropriately
S4.E2.1 – Follows rules & parameters of the learning environment
S4.E4.K – Shares equipment and space with others
S4.E4.1 – Works independently with other in a variety of class environments (small & large groups)
S4.E6.K – Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment with minimal reminders
S4.E6.1 - Follows teacher directions for safe participation and proper use of equipment without teacher reminders
S5.E1.2 – Recognizes the value of “good health balance”
Indicate the verbs used in the SOLsand in the Curriculum Map to identify the type of thinking the content tasks require.
Indicate Verb(s) / Level / Bloom’s Taxonomy
Arrange / 6 / Create
Decide / 5 / Evaluate
Determine, Categorize / 4 / Analyze
Demonstrate / 3 / Apply
Example / 2 / Understand
Name / 1 / Remember
Teacher Reflection (optional) / Changes for next time
-Do not give kindergarteners a choice of exercise, but only tell them one for the instant activity (1 push up or 1 sit up)
-If there is time remaining, have students play a second round where they put foods they like in one section & foods they do not like in another