The elaboration of the Operational Plan of the Ekondo Titi Council was carried out after the strategic planning. It focused on activities to be carried out in the years 2006 2007.
The following carried out the exercise:
The Municipal Executive
Senior council staff
Chair persons of the three council committees
Representatives of local actors and government technical services
During working sessions, Ekondo Titi councillors and stakeholders proved their enthusiasm in implementing participatory management in the realisation of their projects. This was evident in their daily experience of working tirelessly as a team, during the three days of the planning.
During the harmonisation phase of the strategic plan, changes were made and adopted at the level of the project-planning matrix.
The workshop ran from March 20 to 22, 2006. The Mayor opened the workshop by welcoming all those present. He said those who were present for the operational plan were those who were more active during the strategic planning. He further said they had the interest of the municipality at heart which was the reason why they were attending the operational planning for the municipality.
The facilitator then took over and introduced the programme of the workshop, visualization rules, not leaving out the success conditions to enable a smooth running of the workshop
Harmonisation of the Development Plan
In order to elaborate the operational plan, the Strategic Plan was first of all harmonized. This entailed the following:
Prioritizing the various programme and project objectives;
Ensuring that the details in the Project Planning Matrix are coherent, exhaustive, realistic and not contradictory to each other.
Prioritization of programme and project objectives
The following order of prioritization was finally arrived at, after presentations, justifications and discussions in plenary.
Overall Objective of the Strategic Plan
The living standard of the population of Ekondo Titi municipality is significantly improved by the year 2010.
Prioritization of programme objectives:
1)Basic infrastructure in the municipality improved
2)Economic development of the municipality increased
3)Functional capacity of the council strengthened
4)Access to basic social services in the municipality improved
Programme Objective 3, “Functional capacity of council strengthened” was identified as crosscuting all the other objectives. It is vital for the achievement of the other programme objectives
Prioritization of project objectives:
Objectives / Ranking/Order of prioritisation1: Basic infrastructure In the municipality improved
1.1:Road infrastructure improved / 1
1.2: Electrification of the municipality improved / 2
1.3: Town and housing planning improved / 3
1.4: Maritime infrastructure improved / 4
1.5: Marketing of produce improved / 5
1.6: Environmental management improved / 6
1.7: Public utilities improved / 7
Objectives / Ranking/Order of prioritization
2: Economic development of the municipality increased
2.1: Agricultural production and productivity improved / 1
2.2: Investments by economic investors increased / 2
2.3: Development of the fishery sector improved / 3
2.4: Tourism sector improved / 4
Objectives / Ranking/Order of prioritization
3: Functional capacity of the council strengthened
3.1: Management capacity of executive increased / 1
3.2: Council infrastructure and equipment improved / 2
3.3: Qualified staff increased / 3
3.4: Staff performance improved / 4
3.5: Organisation of council services improved / 5
3.6: Councilors more active and committed / 6
Objectives / Ranking/Order of prioritization
4: Access to social basic services in the municipality improved
4.1: Potable water made available / 1
4.2: Health status improved / 2
4.3: Gender equality and equity improved / 3
4.4: Communication in the municipality improved / 4
4.5: Security improved / 5
4.6: Level of education improved / 6
4.7: Positive cultural values consistently promoted / 7
Terms of reference for group work:
Based on the priorities defined, determine which results should be addressed in 2006/2007
For each result, determine the activities to be carried out in 2006/2007
List the activities in chronological order
After presentation of the terms of reference, participants worked in various groups, representing the various committees. These groups were made up of the respective committee chairpersons and executive members, either directly related to the particular domain, or with competence on the related issue. The following results were obtained after the various group presentations and discussions in plenary:
Strategic Domain: Local Infrastructure
Summary Of Programme, Project Objectives And Indicators
Objectives / Objectively verifiable / MOV / AssumptionOverall Objective: The living standard of the population of Ekondo Titi municipality is significantly improved by the year 2010.
Programme objective1:Infrastructure in the municipality improved / By 2010, infrastructure in the municipality improved by 30% with the population living better life / Field visit
Specific objective 1.1:Electrification of the municipality improved / By 2010 at least 80% of the community is electrified and households have power regularly / AES SONEL records
Field visit
1.1.1: implementation of rural electrification policies improved / Ekondo Titi to be connected to the national grid by 2008 / Field visits
1.1.2: Electricity supply improved / At least 60% of households in the municipality has access to electricity by 2010
A new generator to be acquired and functional in the council by end of 2006
Specific Objective 1.2: Market infrastructure improved / At least 04 markets are developed with sheds and stalls / Site visit
1.2.1: Storage and processing facilities improved / By 2009, at least 01 storage structure is built in at least 04 markets in the municipality / Field visits
1.2.2: Market information system improved / A market information system for the municipality developed and made functional by 2008 / -Field visit
-Council records
Specific objective1.3: Road infrastructure improved / By 2010 at least 80% of the communities in the Municipality are accessible the year round / -Field visits
-Public works records
1.3.1: Farm to market roads improved / At least 80% of the farm to market roads are regularly maintained and accessible yearly / -Field visits
-Public works records
1.3.2: Farm to market roads increased / At least 02 farm to market roads are opened and accessible in the municipality by 2010 / -Field visits
-Public works records
Specific objective1.4: Maritime infrastructure improved / By 2008 maritime infrastructure are developed in at least 02 beaches and are functional and increase income in the municipality by at least 5% / -Field visits
1.4.1: Engine boats for cargo and passengers increased / At least 02 engine boats for cargo and passengers are available and functional by 2007 / -Field visit / End of Bakassi conflict
1.4.2: Wharfs and warehouses improved / Wharfs and warehouses in at least 4 beaches are constructed, functional and generate additional income for the municipality of at least 20% by 2008 / -Site visit / End of Bakassi conflict
1.4.3: Landing facilities improved / At least 04 landing sites are developed in the municipality and functional by 2008 / -Landing site visit
Specific objective 1.5: Environmental management improved / By end of 2008 the environmental management of Ekondo Titi is improved by at least 10% for the benefit of the people of Ekondo Titi / - Field Visits
1.5.1: Waste management improved / By end of 2010 at least 80% of the waste in the municipality is properly disposed of / -Field visit
1.5.2: Sustainable exploitation of mangrove improved / At least 40% of the fishing population use improved ovens for fish smoking by 2010 / -Field visit
1.5.3: Pollution of the maritime ecosystem reduced / By end of 2007 the pollution of the maritime ecosystem is reduced by 40% in the Ekonod Titi municipality / -Field visits
1.5.4: Environmental regulations enforced / By 2010 at least 50% of the environmental regulations are respected by at least 80% of the population / -Field visit
1.5.5: Land practice improved / By end of 2009 at least 50% of the farming population in Ekondo Titi use good land practices / -Farm visits
Specific objective 1.6: Town and housing planning improved / At least 50% of houses in the municipality are approved following the master plan put in place by the year 2010 / -Town planning
-Council records
1.6.1: Master plan to be drawn / A master plan for the municipality to be put in place by the year 2007 / -Copy of master plan
1.6.2: Building practices improved / About 70% of houses built with approved plans in the municipality / -Site visit
1.6.3: Demarcation of land improved / 60% of the building plots well demarcated in Ekonot Titi municipality / -Field visits
1.6.4: Collaboration between council and town planning improved / Beginning 2006 quarterly meetings between council and town planning in Ekondo Titi municipality / -Documents
Specific objective 1.7: Public utilities to be improved / By 2010 public utilities increased in the municipality / - Site visit
1.7.1: Public toilets available / By 2008 3 public toilets are constructed and functioning in markets and motor parks / -Minutes
Objective / Activity / Indicator / Person resp. / Deadline / Resources / Partners1: Basic infrastructure in the municipality improved
1.1: Road infrastructure improved
Result 1.1.1: Farm to market roads improved / Sensitise/
Mobilize the community / At least six committees sensitized / Councilors / 31st May 2006 / Human / Public Form road maintenance committees / At least six functional road maintenance committees put in place / Councilors / 30th June 2006 / Financial / PAMOL Train road committee members / At least six road maintenance
committees trained & equipped with necessary tools / Chairman infrastructure committee / Oct. 2005 / Materials / SOWEDA Provide equipment for road maintenance committee / Spades, cutlasses, wheel barrow, shovels - at least 5 sets from community / mayor / Nov. 2006 / FEICOM
1.1.2: Farm to market roads increased / Maintain roads / Maintain 24.5 km of roads in at least 6 communities with good drainage and laterite surface / Mayor / April 2007 / Town Planning Carry out studies on new farm to market roads / A new road studied in 6 communities / Chairman infrastructure committee / December 2006 / Highways Dept. Open new farm to market roads / Open 2 new farm to market roads of at least 10km length / Chairman infrastructure committee / 31st December 2007
1.2: Electrification
In the municipality improved
1.2.1: Implementation
Of rural electrification policies improved / Lobby for the extension of rural electrification in the municipality / Rural electrification extended to at least 2 communities / Mayor / December 2007 / Human / Water and Energy
AES Sonel
1.2.2: Electricity supply improved / Lobby for the extension of electricity supply from hydro power supply / At least 2 contacts made / Mayor / December 2007 / Financial / Rural Electrification Authority
1.2.3: New generators made available / Mobilise communities / At least 02 sensitisation meetings for mobilization of resources / All councilors / December 2006 / Human / Traditional rulers Lobby for the acquisition of a new generating plant / At least 1 new generation plant / Mayor / December 2007 / Materials
1.3: Town and housing planning improved
1.3.1: Master plan put in place / Carryout the drawing of master plan for Ekondo Titi town / A master plan for Ekondo Titi to be drawn and functional / 1st Deputy Mayor / November 2007 / Human / Ministry of
Town and Housing
1.3.2: Building with approved plans increased / Sensitise and educate the community to build with approved plans / At least 50 % of new houses built with approved plans / Councilors / December 2007 / Human / Ministry of
Town and Housing
1.3.3: Demarcation of land improved / Carryout the Demarcation of land within the municipality / At least 10 streets demarcated and named / 1st Deputy Mayor / December 2007 / Financial / Min. of Lands and state property
1.3.4: Implementation of laws governing town planning improved / Sensitise and educate the community of land governing town planning / At least 15 communities are educated / Councilors / December 2006 / Material
1.3.5: Collaboration between council and town planning improved / Organise coordination meetings / At least 1 coordination meetings organised / 1st Deputy Mayor / December 2006
1.4: Maritime infrastructure improved
1.4.1: Engine boats for cargo and passengers increased / Lobby for more engine boats / At least 1 engine boat for cargo and passengers / Mayor / December 2007 / Human / Ministry of transport/ MINEPIA
1.4.2: Ware houses improved / Construct ware houses / At least 2 ware houses / Mayor / December 2007 / Financial / FEICOM/
1.4.3: Landing facilities improved / Carryout studies on construction of landing sites / At least 01 study carried out on the construction of at least landing sites / Mayor / December 2007 / Material
1.5: Marketing of produce improved
1.5.1: Storage and processing facilities improved / Construction of stores, cocoa and fish ovens / At east in four communities / Chairman infrastructure committee / December 2007 / Materials
Finance / FEICOM/
Traditional rulers and councilors
1.5.2: Market infrastructure improved / Construct market stores / At least 2 markets / Chairman infrastructure committee / December 2007 / Materials
Finance / FEICOM/
Traditional rulers and councilors
1.6: Environmental management improved
1.6.1: Waste management scheme improved / Identify waste disposal site / At least 6 disposal sites identified / All councilors / January 2007 / Human
Finance / Sanitation inspectors Construct small incinerators / At least 2 incinerators constructed in the municipality / 1st Deputy / December 2006 / Human / Min. Environment and nature protection Sensitise and educate the communities on waste management scheme / At least 3 meetings in 6 communities / Councilors chief of hygiene and sanitation / December 2006 / Human / Min. Environment and nature protection Install disposal cans / At least 2 disposal cans installed in at least 10 communities / 1st Deputy / June 2007 / Financial / KORUP national park/NGOs
1.6.2: Sustainable exploitation of mangroves improved / Sensitise and educate the communities on sustainable exploitation of mangroves / At least 3 meetings in 6 communities / Councilors / December 2006 / Human
Finance / SOWEDA
1.6.3: Pollution of the maritime ecosystem reduced / Educate and train the communities against pollution of maritime ecosystem / At least 3 meetings in 6 communities / Councilors/
chief of hygiene and sanitation / December 2006 / Human
Finance / Traditional Rulers
1.6.4: Environmental regulations enforced / Educate and train communities on environmental regulations / At least 3 meetings in 6 communities / Chief of hygiene and sanitation / December 2006 / Human
Finance / MINADER
1.6.5: Land use practices improved / Educate and train the communities on Land use practices / At least 3 trainings in 6 communities / Councilors / December 2006 / Human
Finance / MINADER
1.7: Public utilities improved
1.7.1: Participatory planning improved / Carry out joint planning with stake holders / 2 joint planning meeting with stake holders / All councilors / December 2006 / Human / Stakeholders
Community members and NGO, CIG, relevant Government institutions
1.7.2: Studies carried out on the needs of the municipality increased / Carry out studies / At least 1 study carryout identifying the main needs of the communities / 1st Deputy Mayor / December 2006 / Human
Finance / Community members and NGO, CIG, relevant Government institutions
1.7.3: Public toilets increased / Construct public toilet / At least 1 toilet consteucted / Mayor / May 2007 / Human
Finance / Community members NGO, CIG, PAMOL and relevant government services
Strategic Domain: Finance and Local Economic Development
Objectives / Objectively verifiable indicators / MOV / AssumptionOverall Objective: Living Standard of the population of Ekondo Titi municipality improved
Programme Objective 2: Economic activities increased / By Dec. 2010, economic activities increase by at least 20% and people live better in the municipality / Records from financial houses and field visits
Specific Objective 1.1: Investment by economic investors increased / By 2010 economic investors increase every year by at least 10% and income in the municipality increases by at least 2% yearly / Records from financial houses and field visits
Results/outputs 1.1.1: Capital for investors increased / Formal and informal financial institutions increase in the municipality by at least 5% annually and 40% of the population save and have access to loans and carryout investments by the year 2010 / Records from financial houses and field visits
1.1.2: Taxes reduced / Taxes are objectively assessed and at least 70% investors are able to pay their taxes regularly by 2010 / Council financial records
1.1.3: Knowledge in business management improved / At least 01 training organized for prospective business investors and at least 60% of them carry out business in the municipality by 2010 / Records of training workshops and field visits
Specific Objective 1.2: Development of the fishing sector improved / By 2010 the fishing sector is developed by at least 20% and income increased to at least 5% in the municipality / Fishing permit records
VHI records
Field visits
Results/ outputs1.2.1: Control as a result of the Bakassi dispute reduced / Fishing zones increase by at least 5% and annual harvest increase of at least 10% by 2010 / VHI records
Field visits / End of Bakassi conflict
1.2.2: Cameroonians in the fishing sector increased / Number of Cameroonians in the fishing sector increased by 20% and fish supply by 10% with a revenue increase of 5% in the municipality / Fishing permit records
VHI records
Field visits
1.2.3: Access to fishing materials improved / By 2010 at least 02 fishing materials shops are established in the municipality and are selling at affordable prices / Field visits
1.2.4: Marketing improved / By 2010 at least 60% of fish markets are developed and functional with 10% increase in fish supply and 5% increase in revenue in the Municipality / VHI records
Field visits
Specific Objective 1.3:Tourism sector improved / By 2010 at least 20% of Tourist sites are exploited in the municipality and contribute to at least 5% of the municipality’s economy / Field visits
Financial records
Results 1.3.1:EkondoTitiMunicipality Promoted / By 2010, at least 20% of tourist activities of the municipality shall be promoted and attract at least 200 tourists yearly and contribute 10% to the revenue of the Ekondo Titi Council / Brochures and flyers
1.3.2: Local tourism strategy prepared and made available / By 2010 local tourism strategic package shall be prepared and made available to tourists and the public and integrated into the National Tourism package / Workshop reports
1.3.3: Facilities for tourists increased / At least 20% of tourist facilities should be improved by 2010 and contribute at least 10% of the revenue of the municipality and at least 10% of tourist guides should be trained / Field visits
Financial records
Workshop reports
Specific Objective 1.4: Agricultural production and productivity improved / By 2010 farmers yields increase annually by at least 5% and an income increase in the municipality to at least 10% by 2010 / Co-operative records
Agric reports
By market prices
Results/ outputs 1.4.1: Soil improved / By 2010, at least 60% of farmers practice good farming techniques and increase their yields by at least 5% / By yields
1.4.2: Use of farm inputs increased / Agricultural inputs are made available in the Municipality and at least 50% of farmers use them to increase yields in the municipality / Field visits
1.4.3: Marketing improved / Farmers fetch good prices yearly for their products and increase income in the municipality by at least 1% yearly / By co-operatives records
1.4.4: Diversification in crop production increased / At least 75% of the farmers diversify crop production by the year 2008 and increase their yields and income by at least 5% yearly / Visit in the market