Global Expedition
1.Read all of the enclosed materials.
2.Complete and sign the GE application.
3. Enclose the $200 non-refundable application fee.
4.Attach a recent photograph.
5. Complete the Medical History Form.
6.Complete and notarize the Consent to Travel Form
(Both parents must sign if under the age of 18)
7.Complete and notarize the Liability and Medical
Release forms.
8.Send the recommendation form with a stamped
and addressed envelope.
9.Obtained or applied for your passport.
(For international travel)
10.Obtained or applied for Visas.
Global Expedition
Sponsored by
Church of God
International Youth & Christian Education Department
Application Form
(Type or print in ink)
Trip ApplicationDate of Trip: ______/______/______
I am applying for: Adult Chaperone Team Member
Home Phone ( )Cell Phone( )Email
Business Address
OccupationT-shirt Size
Birthdate _____/_____/_____Male Female Birthplace ______
Mo. Day Yr City State Country
CitizenshipPassport No. ______Social Security No.______-______-______
Marital Status (circle one) Single MarriedDivorcedWidowed Age
What was your last year/level of study?______
What degree(s)/certificate(s) do you hold (include year of completion)?______
Full- or Part-Time Student? Full-Time Part-Time Not Applicable
Educational Institution______
Major/concentration:Anticipated graduation date and degree?
Foreign language study and experience:
Cross-cultural study/experience:
List any extracurricular activities you participate in:
Occupation Church Membership
Occupation Church Membership
Parents address if different from applicant:
Has the born-again experience occurred in your life? Yes NoIf so, at what age
Have you been baptized in water? Yes NoIf so, at what age
Have you experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit? Yes NoIf so, at what age
Are you a member of a local church? Yes No
Give name of church, name of pastor, and church location.
Church name
Senior pastor
Church location
List the areas of Christian service where you have or are presently serving:
Have you ever traveled out of the continental USA? Yes No
If so, for what purpose?
Where? When?
List experience in personal or group witnessing:
Have you participated in Global Expeditions (STEP) or any other short-term missions programs? Yes No
Name program and sponsoring religious organization, if any
What year(s)? Where did you travel?
On An Attached Sheet Type A One Page Essay Stating Your Reasons For Participating On This Trip.
Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any crime and/or felony (other than a traffic violation)? Yes No
Have you ever been convicted of or pleaded guilty to any charge of sexual misconduct? Yes No
Attach a $100 non-refundable and non-applicable deposit in the form of a check or money order made out to YCE,
and send with application materials. This deposit will be applied to the cost of yourtrip.
I hereby apply for acceptance as a Global Expedition Ambassador. I have read and understand
the application materials regarding the application process and participation in Global Expeditions. If accepted, I will work in harmony with the mission of GE and with GE leadership. As an Ambassador, I will seek to spread the
Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.
I hereby affirm that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Applicant's Signature Month Day Year
If under 21 years of age, signature of both parent(s) or guardian(s) is required.
Father/Legal Guardian Signature Month Day Year
Mother/Legal Guardian Signature Month Day Year
"Go into all the world and proclaim this Gospel to all creation."
Global Expeditions does not discriminate against any individual. Rather, Global Expeditions welcomes the participation of all individuals regardless of race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin.
(Please print)
We and give our full
approval and consent to (our son/daughter) to travel from
towith the
Church of God Global Expeditions Team from _____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____ .
Mo. Day Yr. Mo. Day Yr.
Both Parent(s) or Guardian(s) must sign this form.
// Father/Legal Guardian Signature Month Day Year
// Mother/Legal Guardian Signature Month Day Year
This form must be SIGNED and NOTARIZED
I (we) the Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)
Father/Legal Guardian (please print)
Mother/Legal Guardian (please print)Participant's name (please print)
have read and understood the above Consent to Travel.
This document signed at County in the state of ,
this day of _, 20.
My commission expires,20
Send completed and notarized form to:
Global Expeditions
Department of Youth and Christian Education
P.O. Box 2430 Cleveland, TN 37320-2430
Liability Release Form
Release of All Claims
We (I), being 21 years of age or older, do for ourselves (myself) (and for and on behalf of my child-participant if said child is not 21 years of age or older) do hereby release, forever discharge and agree to hold harmless Church of God International Offices and the directors thereof from any and all liability, claims or demands for personal injury, sickness or death, as well as property damage and expenses, of any nature whatsoever which may be incurred by the undersigned and the child-participant that occur while said child is participating in the trip or activity.
Furthermore, we (I) (and on behalf of our (my) child-participant if under the age of 21 years) hereby assume all risk of personal injury, sickness, death, damage and expense as a result of participation in recreation and work activities involved therein.
Further, authorization and permission is hereby given to said church to furnish any necessary transportation, food and lodging for this participant.
The undersigned further hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify said church, its directors, employees, and agents, for any liability sustained by said church as the result of the negligent, willful or intentional acts of said participant, including expenses incurred attendant thereto.
This form must be SIGNED and NOTARIZED
I (we) the Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)
Father/Legal Guardian (please print)
Mother/Legal Guardian (please print)Participant's name (please print)
have read and understood the above Liability Release.
This document signed at County in the state of ,
this day of _, 20.
My commission expires,20
Send completed and notarized form to:
Global Expeditions
Department of Youth and Christian Education
P.O. Box 2430 Cleveland, TN 37320-2430
I (We) do further give my consent
Father/Legal Guardian(Please print)Mother/Legal Guardian
for the director or properly appointed staff member of the Church of God to secure the administration of
medical treatment for my son/daughterin case of emergency. And I do
Applicant's name (Please print)
further agree to the performance of such treatment, anesthetics, and operations as in the opinion of the attending
physician is deemed necessary for myself.
This section must be filled out and signed by parent(s) or guardian(s) if applicant is under 21.
Father/Legal GuardianMother/Legal Guardian
parents of , give our full approval and consent as to the medical
release agreement as stated on this form.
This form must be SIGNED and NOTARIZED
I (we) the Parent(s) or Legal Guardian(s)
Father/Legal Guardian (please print)
Mother/Legal Guardian (please print)Participant's name (please print)
have read and understood the above Medical Release.
This document signed at County in the state of ,
this day of _, 20.
My commission expires,20
Send completed and notarized form to: Global Expeditions
Department of Youth and Christian Education
P.O. Box 2430 Cleveland, TN 37320-2430
GE TripCoordinator
Birthdate Birthplace
Family Physician
Physician telephone number:Fax:
Provide the following information:
Please indicate any other medical conditions that we should know about (Use the back of this page if necessary):
Allergies YES NOEpilepsy YES NO
Asthma YES NOHeart Condition YES NO
Diabetic YES NOKidney Condition YES NO
Digestive Disorders YES NOPhysical Handicap YES NO
Other YES NO
If you have checked any of the above, please explain
Are you presently receiving any other prescribed or over-the-counter medication? YES NO
Telephone Numbers: Home () Cell ()
I hereby certify that this information is an accurate representation of my medical history. Should any changes in this occur, I will notify the office immediately.
Applicant's SignatureDate
If under 21 years of age, signature of both parent(s) or guardian(s) is required.
If you are a college student, a signature from your health clinic will suffice.
Father/Legal Guardian SignatureDate
Mother/Legal Guardian SignatureDate
Family Physician SignatureDate
Send completed form to: Global Expeditions
Department of Youth and Christian Education
P.O. Box 2430 Cleveland, TN 37320-2430
Global Expeditions
Regulations And Safety Guidelines
As a precautionary measure, we are asking each participant to review the following information and abide by them at all times. It is the responsibility of the Global Expeditions (GE) coordinator to see that this trip operates in a safe and effective manner, therefore, your cooperation is necessary.
1. All GE Ambassadors will work under the leadership and supervision of their Team Leader(s) and missionary hosts.
2.All GE Ambassadors must work as a team during their GE experience, from departure to return. There is no room for individualism with GE.
3.All GE Ambassadors must uphold the rules of dress and conduct denoted by the Team Leader.
4.All GE Ambassadors will uphold the Practical Commitments of the Church of God as stated in the Church of God Minutes and in the booklet "Our Statements of Faith." This includes refraining from the use of profanity, tobacco, alcohol, or any non-prescription narcotic.
5.No GE Ambassador may independently separate from the group during travel.
6.Absolutely no dating within the team or with any individual from the host area is permitted. Inability to observe this rule will result in immediate travel home at the participant's added expense. There will be no second warning with this rule.
7.All GE Ambassadors will be required to spend at least thirty minutes per day in personal prayer and devotions aside from the scheduled prayer, devotions, and Bible studies with the GE Team.
8.All GE Ambassadors will maintain a Christian attitude, demonstrating the love, joy, peace, compassion, and understanding of Christ with the GE Team and with all individuals encountered during the trip.
9.All GE Ambassadors should encourage one another and help one another through the experiences on the trip.
10.All GE Ambassadors should give spiritual and practical encouragement and support to their Team Leader(s), understanding the responsibilities that are involved in this position. GE Ambassadors should seek to assist the Team Leader(s) everyday in any way possible to facilitate the ministry of the GE mission.
11. Absolutely no mode of weaponry will be allowed.
Applicant's Signature Date
Give this recommendation form together with an addressed stamped envelope to your Senior Pastor.
The envelope should be addressed to STEP / Randall Parris, P.O. Box 2430, Cleveland, TN 37320-2430.
Part I (to be completed by the applicant, please print)
Name of applicant ______
Applying for ______Date of trip ______
(Specify trip)
Date submitted ______
Part II ( to be completed by Senior Pastor, please print)
This recommendation is confidential.
Date: ______
Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone ( )______Fax ( )______
Church Name: ______
Church Address: ______
Based upon your association with the applicant, respond to the following statements in the left column by checking the appropriate evaluation in the right column.
ExcellentAbove Average Average Questionable No opportunity
to observe
Consideration of others
Cooperation with leaders
ExcellentAbove Average Average Questionable No opportunity
to observe
Conduct with the opposite sex
Racial attitudes
Respect for authority
Open to new ideas
Ability to resist compromise
Ability to interact in groups
- How long have you known the candidate? ______
- In what relationship have you known and observed the candidate? ______
- State briefly your opinion of the applicant’s dedication to his/her faith. ______
- What leadership ability has the applicant evidenced? ______
- What special talents has the applicant demonstrated? ______
- Does he/she have any emotional, mental or physical handicaps? ______
- Please state any other information you feel would be of value to the application review committee. ______
- Overall, how would you rate the applicant as a potential STEP participant?
Good Fair Poor
Senior Pastor Signature Date
Send completed form to: Tony Lane / STEP
Department of Youth and Christian Education
P.O. Box 2430 Cleveland, TN 37320-2430