Workshop Agenda
Dates: August 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, and 19
Start Time: 12:30 pm – End Time: 3:30 pm
Topic:Evaluate and create the continuous school improvement plan / Attendees:AdvancED Teacher-Chair, Teachers, Assistant Principals, Principals
Facilitator:Dr. Mary Kearney and Dr. Jorge Peña
Meeting Objectives:
- Objective 1- Organize for collaborative work by creating a strong Continuous Improvement Leadership Team (CILT)
- Objective 2- Discuss how to evaluate the 2015-16 Continuous School Improvement Plan(CSIP)
- Objective 3- Understand the process to create the 2016-17 Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- Objective 4- Define the action plan
To Prepare for this Meeting, Please:
- Read this agenda
- Bring the school’s 2015-16 Continuous School Improvement Plan to the workshop (optional)
- Download the 2016-17 Continuous School Improvement Plan- template
- Download the 2016-17 Continuous School Improvement Plan- example
- Download the 2015-16 Continuous School Improvement Plan- example
- Download the Organize for Collaborative Work Rubric
- Download the Action Plan- template, Action Plan-example, Action Plan-definition
- Download workshop presentation
Time / Minutes / Activity
12:30-12:40 / 10 /
- Welcome and prayer
- Check-in activity
- Review objectives of this workshop
- Adopt workshop norms
12:40-1:10 / 30 / Objective 1- Organize for collaborative work by creating a strong Continuous Improvement Leadership Team (CILT)
- Perform a self assessment using the Organize for Collaborative Work Rubric
- Turn and Talk
- Identify staff for the CILT
1:10-1:40 / 30 / Objective 2-Discuss how to evaluate the 2015-16 Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- Assemble the CILT
- Locate the measurable learning objectives in the 2015-16 CSIP.
- Locate the reading/math strand in the AoC Benchmarks
- Use the ACT Aspire Portal to generate the Skill Proficiency Report in reading/math for a grade-level. Identify the how students perform in the reading/math strand. Perform this step for grades 3-8.
- Answer the Diagnostic Questions in Step. 5 Evaluation Process in the 2015-16 CSIP.
1:40-2:10 / 30 / Objective 3-Understand the process to create the 2016-17 Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)
- Download the 2016-17 CSIP Template Example
- Discuss the following tabs in the 2016-17 CSIP template: Instructions-Reade Me, Definitions, Part 1. CILT, Part 2a. Reading Results, Part 2b. Math Results, Part 3. Improvement Goals
2:10-2:20 / 10 / Break
2:20-2:50 / 30 / Objective 3-Understand the process to create the 2016-17 Continuous School Improvement Plan (continued )
- Discuss the following tabs in the 2016-17 CSIP template: Part 4a. Reading Action Plan, Part 4b. Math Action Plan, Part 5. Plan to Assess Progress, Part 6. CSIP Evaluation, Codes- Do not edit
2:50-3:20 / 30 / Objective 4-Define the action plan
- Review the Action Plan- example
- Discuss how the Action Plan template can be used to implement the 2016-17 CSIP
3:20-3:25 / 5 / Review next steps:
- Analyze student performance results on ACT Aspire in grades 3-8 with an emphasis on reading and math
- Assemble the Continuous Improvement Leadership Team
- Evaluate the 2015-16 CSIP
- Create the 2016-17 CSIP
- Upload both documents in the school’s Google Drive folder created by the Office of Catholic Schools
- Take an inquiry stance: email or call questions to Dr. Jorge Peña: / 312-534-5289
Marzano Teaching Laboratory
What Works Clearing House
Tools for teaching the Common Core
Better Lesson
3:25-3:30 / 5 / Assess what worked well and what didn’t in this meeting
+ (What worked well) / ?(What to change in future meetings)