
29, 2017


Date Jan 29 2017 12:45 pm at Rock Bottom Restaurant, Westminster Colorado

Attendees: John Juranek, George Demetriou, Dave Baker, Wally Weld, Ross Chase, Nick Ramos, Mike Wagner, Rodney Winters,Reid Lester, Brent Mulliniks, MarcMisuraca, Ryan Roark, Jeff Moddelmog, Gary Weibert, Kennie Monger, Matt Hemmengdinger, Tyler Norton, Bill Manley,Dave Granzella, Dan Cholas, Pat Garcia, Dick Peecher and Bert Borgmann (CHSAA Liaison)

Absent: David McKeever, Chad Rangel, Kirby BonatoTerry Angell and Andrew Torfin

Minutes prepared by Dave Baker

John Juranek welcomed the members to the 2017CHSBUA Board Meeting.

Financial report reviewed, tax report 501c3 exempt status report reviewed and no action required at this time. 2016-17 proposed budget reviewed and balance sheet noted. (scholarship funds noted and needs to be documented).

Ross Chase noted new CHSBUA logo in development stages and more information needed to be prepared before presentation.

The Joe Rossi Hall of Fame and Golf tournament dates May 23, 2017. More discussion and committee’s needs to be finalized.

10 Proposed By-laws Changes were presented:

Proposal 1: Passed

Proposal 2: Passed

Proposal 3: PassedPart A, B and C. Part D Passed with option B Change to Odd numbered years and Part E passed change to odd numbered years and term 2 years

Proposal 4: Passed

Proposal 5: Part A tabled not passed. Part B passed

Proposal 6: Passed

Proposal 7: Passed two year term and odd numbered years.

Proposal 8: Passed

Proposal 9: Not passed

Proposal 10 Passed but needs final wording approval by board before final document can be added to the by-laws.

Arbiter (ProPay charges) and any changes to Membership dues dates were discussed and more information needs to be provided for final determination.

Recruitment concerns were noted and any ideas to retain and recruit were welcomed and needs to be a priority in all areas.

Nominations of officers for 2017

President Elect: Ryan Roark and Ross Chase

Secretary: David Baker and Brent Mulliniks

Members at Large: North Areas Dan Weikle and Gary Wiebert

South Areas Lou Brown and Kennie Monger

Tentatively CHSBUA Master Clinic dates for 2018: Jan 28, 2018 Thornton High School and Grand Junction Feb 11, 2018.

Meeting adjourned 3:15pm