OASIS UDDI Specification TC Meeting
UDDI Spec TC MeetingMinutes
Chair:Tom Bellwood, IBM,
Tony Rogers, CA,
Secretary:Luc Clément,
The TC’s telecon washeld onTue 2March 2004 at 12:00US Pacific time, for 2 hrs.
Other conference call times were as follows by region: UTC: Tue-20:00, Seattle: Tue-12:00, New York: Tue-15:00, London: Tue-20:00, Frankfurt: Tue-21:00, Moscow: Tue-23:00, Tokyo: Wed-05:00, Sydney: Wed-07:00, Auckland: Wed-09:00
Call details:
- Toll-Free (US & Canada): 888-827-2241
- Toll / International: +1 706-679-8701
- Conference Code: 7148126642
Thanks to Tony Rogers of Computer Associates for hosting.
2Additions to Agenda
3Approval of Previous Minutes
4Administrative Items
4.1Next Telecon
4.2Next FTF
5Old Business
5.1Review of AR List
5.1.1Update to the “Key Partitions” TN - AR 002
5.1.2tModel overviewDocument template – AR 017
5.1.3Publish TC published tModels to UBR - AR 022, 024
5.1.4Errata to TN: UDDI as a Registry for ebXML components - AR 023
5.1.5Errata to TN: Using WSDL in a UDDI Registry - AR 025
5.1.6CR053: Changes to keyGenerator categorization - AR 026
5.1.7Solicit input from WS-I or others on interop requirements of the XML Schema datatype anyURI - AR 027
5.2UDDI v.Next
5.2.1REQ004 – WS-Security Compatibility
5.2.2REQ016 – Access Control
5.2.3REQ017 – Grid Services
5.2.4REQ018 – Trustworthiness
5.2.5REQ019 – Management of Stale Data
5.2.6REQ020 – Extended Find Qualifiers
5.2.7REQ021 – Federation Enablement
5.2.8REQ023 – Keyed Reference Group Behavior Override
5.2.9REQ027 – Contacts
5.2.10REQ028 – Taxonomy Management
5.2.11REQ029 – Semantic Searching
6New Business
6.1QoS TechNote
6.2CR062 – Errata for SCC14N
6.3Error in UDDI v3 section 9.3.3
6.4Registering a domain keyGenerator for OASIS groups
6.5Additions to the Agenda
6.5.1Supporting Repository Services
6.5.2Versioning and UDDI Entities
Attendance was taken.
Member Name / Company or Organization / 3/2/2004Atkinson, Bob / Microsoft
Bellwood, Tom / IBM
Blum, Adam / Systinet / y
Cahuzac, Maud / France Telecom / y
Capell, Steve / Individual / y
Clement, Luc / Individual / y
Colgrave, John / IBM / y
Corda, Dr. Ugo / SeeBeyond Technology
Dovey, Matthew / Individual / y
Feygin, Daniel / Unitspace
Hately, Andrew / IBM / y
Henry, Brad A. / Individual
Kawai, Aikichi / NTT
Kochman, Rob / Microsoft / y
Macias, Paul A. / LMI
Morgenthal, JP / Software AG
Nishikawa, Mary (Leave) / Individual / N/A
Novotny, Mirek / Systinet
Paolucci, Massimo / Individual / y
Rogers, Tony / Computer Associates / y
Sycara, Katia / Individual / y
Thomas Manes, Anne / Individual
von Riegen, Claus / SAP AG / y
Voskob, Max / Individual
Wu, Zhe / Oracle / y
Zagelow, George / IBM / y
2Additions to Agenda
None at this time.
3Approval of Previous Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes of our 10-12 February 2004 telecon, which are posted at:
Minutes approved.
4Administrative Items
4.1Next Telecon
Our next telecon is scheduled for 23March 2004, and will be hosted by Microsoft. Given that this is just one week before the Face-to-Face meeting, we should give thought to moving it forward a week to 16 March – does that meet with general approval?
The next telecon after the Face-to-Face will be 19 April 2004. We need a host for that call– any volunteers?
Next telecon to be held Tue 16 March; call to be hosted by Rob Kochman.
- Toll-Free (US & Canada): 866-500-6738
- Toll: 203-480-8000
- Participant Passcode: 325260
20 Apr telecon to be tentatively hosted by Massimo and Katia.
4.2Next FTF
Our next FTF is drawing near – it is hosted by Max Voskob in Martinborough, New Zealandfrom30 March to 1April (Tuesday to Thursday), with optional meetings on Friday 2 April. The conference facility is located at:
Brackenridge Martinborough
White Rock Road
New Zealand
Max has sent out information on accommodation options ( ), and transport alternatives ( If anyone will need help getting from Wellington to Martinborough, please e-mail Max or the chairs immediately.
5Old Business
5.1Review of AR List
Review and obtain status from AR owners, starting with those ARs that do not relate to the v.Next work.
5.1.1Update to the “Key Partitions” TN - AR 002
Update Key Partitions TN / Andrew Hately / Open / 2 Dec 2003Andrew pleaded pressure of the v.Next work, but promised to post his next draft in time for this telecon…
Andrew did not complete his updatein time for the telecon. The update will be completed next week.
5.1.2tModel overviewDocument template – AR 017
Value set tModel overvie...nce document / Max Voskob / Open / 11 Oct 2003Current status:
- Max to produce and TC to review the template
- TC to vote on the template and TN
- Luc to post each to UDDI.org
Max to report
Max was not in attendance. Topic deferred to the next telecon.
5.1.3Publish TC published tModels to UBR - AR 022, 024
Publish TC published tModels to UBR / Luc Clement / Open / 18 Feb 2004Luc to report on status
tModels are to be published to the IBM UBR atnoon on 3 March 2004. Once completed, Luc will be in a position to submit the revised list of tModels to the UDDI Steering Committee for posting on
5.1.4Errata to TN: UDDI as a Registry for ebXML components - AR 023
Update TN to correct URLs and typos / Daniel Feygin / Closed / 29Feb 2004Daniel’s work has been completed. Luc has posted [1] the update at [2].
Motion: Motion to approve the updates to the “UDDI as a Registry for ebXML components” TN.
The updates to the TN were approved by the TC. The update will now be posted to the TC’s web site.
Steve suggested that the TN makes no mention of a means of storing CPAs and introduced the idea of storing the CPAs in the registry given the experienced gained on a project he is currently participating in. Steve will submit a proposal which the TC will consider as a possible TN or perhaps a future update to the “UDDI as a Registry for ebXML components” TN.
Action: Luc to arrange for the update to be posted to the TC’s web site.
5.1.5Errata to TN: Using WSDL in a UDDI Registry - AR 025
Update TN to correct tModel details / Tony Rogers / Open / 3 Mar 2004Tony to report on status
Tony has made the first round of updates, though John and Luc are still debating a number of issues with the updates proposed and approved by the TC at the Feb 2004 San Francisco FTF.
5.1.6CR053: Changesto keyGenerator categorization - AR 026
Update CR053 in light of FTF discussion / Claus von Riegen / Open / 3 Mar 2004Claus to report on status
Claus had not had a chance to make the updates to the CR in time for the telecon. The topic has been deferred to the next telecon.
Note: at the time of this writing, Claus has submitted an updated CR. See:
5.1.7Solicit input from WS-I or others on interop requirements of the XML Schema datatype anyURI- AR 027
Interop requirements of anyURI / Claus von Riegen / Open / 3 Mar 2004Claus to report on progress
Claus and Luc provided an update. The XML Working Group, I18N and URI activity leads have been contacted on the interop matter identified by Andrew [1] relating to internationalized URIs and its use with the anyURI datatype.
In response, the I18N Activity Lead stated that draft-duerst-iri-06.txt is close to submitting it to the IETF and to watch for status. At the time of the meeting, the draft RFC had not been reviewed by any TC member, so we could not determine what if any guidance we could obtain from it.
5.2UDDI v.Next
Review progress on the requirements and proposals.
5.2.1REQ004 – WS-Security Compatibility
We need authors and reviewers for the two TNs that arose from consideration of the requirements/proposal document. Andrew has volunteered to write them, but he could certainly do with some help.
Andrew reported on status. He stated he had little to do to draft the first TN and should have done soby next meeting. He should then have completed the second TN by the NZ FTF.
Steve and Matthew have volunteered as editors of these TNs.
5.2.2REQ016 – Access Control Proposal Doc on Access Control with containment removed - AR 031
Proposal Document REQ-16 / Andrew Hately / Open / 2 Mar 2004Andrew to report on status
Next review at the face-to-face. If someone (Mirek, Daniel, perhaps?)wants to move this proposal forward before the next face-to-face, then Andrew would be happy to pass the pen to such a person – the latest version of the proposal is already in Kavi (see the minutes of the previous face-to-face). another proposal, with containment retained.
Due to the strong concerns voiced about the idea of breaking the containment model, it would be useful to have an alternative proposal. We need one or more volunteers to draft such a proposal – do we have any volunteers, or must Luc write it?
John and Andrew to work on the proposal to which does not break the containment model. Andrew believes that this should be a straightforward exercise.
5.2.3REQ017 – Grid Services Author/s for TechNote
Matthew and John to confirm that this requirement can be satisfied by a TechNote. If so, we will be looking for one or more authors, and a brace of editors.
Matthew explained that the direction on this requirement may have to change, given recent announcements from the IBM/Globus alliance – reference implementation of GRID services.
We tabled this topic until the next telecon on the 16 March.
5.2.4REQ018 – Trustworthiness Proposal Doc on using WS-Policy to enable machine assessment of registry policy - AR 032
Proposal Document on using WS-Policy / Claus von Riegen / Open / 2 Mar 2004Claus to report on status
Claus wasn’t aware of this AR. Andrew clarifiedwhat he thought was required.The WS-Policy group is suggesting that the expression of UDDI policy (using WS-Policy) is the province of the UDDI TC rather than work that should be carried out by the WS-Policy group; we agreed with this assessment. The goal of the work would be to determine through modeling and related activities how UDDI policy can leverage WS-Policy and allow us to express policy statements (i.e. those found in Chap 9 of the UDDI v3 spec) such that they can be expressed in a machine-assessable form.
Claus suggested that he would write this up and post it a week before the NZ FTF; Luc cautioned about proceeding too far on this matter before we address IPR issues relating to WS-Policy. IPR issues relating to WS-Policy need to be resolved before the TCcanperform any derivative work based on WS-Policy. Proposal Doc on re-validation of data - AR 033
Note that this proposal will also be addressing some of the issues in REQ019, relating to the management of stale data.
Proposal Document on re-validation of data / Tony Rogers / Open / 3 Mar 2004Tony to report on status
No progress to date – planned for submission before the next telecon. on securing the channel - AR 034
Solicit author/s for a TechNote on securing the channel / Rob Kochman / Open / 2 Mar 2004Rob to report on status
No progress to date. Rob hopes to have this done by next week.
5.2.5REQ019 – Management of Stale Data
Refer to AR033 under REQ018.
5.2.6REQ020 – Extended Find Qualifiers up and post Proposal Doc on Extended Find Qualifiers for Bags - AR 035
Post Proposal Doc on Extended Find Qualifiers / Daniel Feygin / Open / 25 Feb 2004Daniel to report on status
Daniel not on the call – follow up at the next telecon.
5.2.7REQ021 – Federation Enablement the next step
Claus and Max to report on status–where do we go from here on this requirement?
No updates to the requirements document. This would be no more than a TN, and Claus doesn’t see a high level of urgency on this requirement. This one will be shelved while we work on more urgent matters.
5.2.8REQ023 – Keyed Reference Group Behavior Override Requirements Doc based on FTF discussion - AR 036
Post Updated Requirements Doc / Daniel Feygin / Open / 25 Feb 2004Daniel to report on status
Daniel not on the call – follow up at the next telecon. We’re waiting on Daniel to post updated requirements and a proposal.
Matthew asked what “The version we decided to adopt expands the requirement to allow the persisting of ranges within categoryBags. The solution discussed will allow discovery using one or more ranges and will support inclusive/exclusive behavior in such comparisons” meant at [1].
Luc was at a loss to answer thisat the time and would get back to Matthew via mail.
[1] Proposal Doc based on FTF discussion - AR 037
Post Updated Proposal Doc / Daniel Feygin / Open / 15 Mar 2004Minutes
See above.
5.2.9REQ027 – Contacts if we need to update the requirements document, or proceed to proposal
We need to decide if the current version of the requirements document ( is sufficient, in which case we should process to proposal.
We’ll be looking for volunteers to draft and review such a proposal.
Luc raised the issue that this requirement needs more attention by the entirety of the TC. He expressed concern that other than the discussion that occurred at the SF FTF, little other discussion has taken place on this requirement. We agreed to dedicate time during the next telecon to discuss this requirement.
5.2.10REQ028 –Taxonomy Management Requirements Doc- AR 028
Requirements Document REQ-28 / Tony Rogers / Open / 25Feb 2004Tony to report on status
Tony stated that he had submitted a first draft among the authors and that he planned to have therequirements reviewed for the next telecon.
John and Luc have discussed the matter of representation and are suggesting that we take a different approach – that we 1) select a format, such as OWL, and 2) define a mapping between that format and UDDI rather than defining a schema that was UDDI-specific and would not leverage ontologies specified in OWL (for example).
We discussed that perhaps we should sub-divide the requirements further – one where we choose a representation of the value set, and one where we specify management and navigation APIs once the representation has been chosen.
Luc suggested tabling this discussion until the next telecon, and that the very first draft be circulated on the list which we can use to engage the TC. Proposal Doc - AR 029
Proposal Document REQ-28 / Daniel Feygin / Open / 2 Mar 2004Minutes
Dependent on
5.2.11REQ029 – Semantic Searching Requirements Doc - AR 030
Requirements Document REQ-29 / Rob Kochman / Open / 25 Feb 2004Rob to report on status
Rob is targeting completion for this weekend. We will review the requirement during the next telecon Proposal Doc Owner
We need an owner for the proposal document for this requirement.
Item tabled until a requirements document has been submitted and agreed upon.
6New Business
6.1QoS TechNote
Adam Blum has posted a proposed TechNote on the work he and Fred Carter presented at the FtF meeting. He’s looking for feedback and what the next step should be. Please review the TechNote at:
It has been suggested that there may be a telecon on this subject on 9 March. We are soliciting input from interested TC members so this may be organized.
Discussion of the modeling will take at least an hour; we agreed to host a call dedicated to this. The call is open to interested TC members and will be hosted by Adam.
The call will be held Tue 9 March at 12:00 pacific. Adam will send out details on the list.
6.2CR062 – Errata for SCC14N
Bob Atkinson has written a change request relating to Schema-Centric Canonicalization, due to a slight oversight relating to the handling of white space. See:
Suggested course of action:
- create erratum document
- notify ISO/MPEG, XRML, and implementers
- link existing spec to the erratum
- rev the spec to 1.0.1 (including this and any other errata) after the implementers have had a chance to provide feedback
- submit UDDI v3.0.2 + SCC14N 1.0.1 to OASIS as standards
TC to peruse, ponder, and pass judgment.
Andrew suggests another erratum [1] to be included in this, relating to special handling of two XML namespaces.
We agreed with the suggested course of action and disposition of the erratum as identified above.
We are awaiting comment from Andrew on Andrew’s proposed erratum. We ask that Bob produce the errata document for SCC14N.
6.3Error in UDDI v3 section 9.3.3
This section suggests finding more detail in section 9.3.3, which is not particularly helpful. See:
TC to decide whether to drop the sentence, or add the missing section (if it can be determined what was meant to be in that section). If we drop it, it can be included in CR050. If we add the section, it should be a separate CR.
Tom to include in CR050 the removal of this sentence.
Andrew suspected that something got dropped from the spec. and will research it to see if he can find what is missing, and possibly reinstate it. If so, we may change the disposition of this item.
In a subsequent mail from Andrew [1]stated that the reference should be to Appendix K.2.
6.4Registering a domain keyGenerator for OASIS groups
John Colgrave has suggested that the TC register a domain keyGenerator tModel for OASIS, with the intent that it be used as the basis of keys used OASIS groups.
Motion:That the TC should register the keyGenerator: uddi:oasis-open.org:keyGenerator.
We agreed with this motion. Luc will add this to the V3 tModel file we currently maintain until the UBR migrates to v3 when this keyGenerator tModel can be published.
We discussed the need for input from the UBR Operators on digital signatures as it relates to UBR policy requiring DSig and proof of ownership. Andrew suggested that this might be handled by a UBR “import” policy allowing us to dispense with DSig of these keyGenerator tModels. This remains an open issue.
There is a supplementary question relating to the number of these key generators the TC may generate and the domain under which they will do so. The “ebXML” TN identified two domains in particular which may be problematic: ebxml.org and untmg.org. We may want to revise these assignment and issue then under the uddi:oasis-open.org domain.
NOTE: While doing so for ebxml.org may be warranted for the ebxml.org domain, doing so for the untmg.org domain is not possible given that this domain is not owned by OASIS. This matter requires further consideration.
6.5Additions to the Agenda
6.5.1Supporting Repository Services
During the course of the discussion on the revision to the ebXML TN, Steve asked about how a new requirement might be added to the list requirements identified for v.Next. He is looking at issues relating to how a UDDI registry might also support repository services.
We suggested that he e-mail the group with a description of the problems he is trying to solve, and we’ll discuss how to proceed. Based on the submission, we may decide to raise a new requirement for v.Next or handle the matter as a TN. We tabled this topic until later when a Steve posts to the TC.
6.5.2Versioning and UDDI Entities
Adam asked about versioning of UDDI entities and whether the TC had dealt with this topic. He is getting many requests from customers on best practices around versioning in general including how one versions (i.e. deprecates/replaces) services, bindings and tModels. We explained briefly our use of isReplacedBy with respect to tModels.
He has assembled a recommendation on this subject that he would like to submit to the TC for input and possible consideration as a TN. This matter was tabled until later when Adam posts to the TC on this subject.
We adjourned at 14:02 US Pacific time.
OASIS UDDI Spec TCChair:Tom Bellwood (IBM)
Page 1 of 9 Secretary:Luc Clément